
Wild Weasels

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Surnames/tags: united_states_air_force vietnam gulf_war
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Wild Weasels

Some Wild Weasel Squadron Patches
Some Wild Weasel Squadron Patches

Wild Weasels is a United States Air Force program whose purpose is destruction of hostile electronic emitters, such as the guidance radar for Surface to Air missiles (SAMs). The name applies to the missions they fly, as well as to the aircrew members who fly them. The aircraft, specially equipped for these missions, are often called weasel birds. The Wild Weasel Society welcomes as members veterans and active duty pilots, EWOs (Electronic Warfare Officers), and support personnel who serve or served in the Wild Weasel program.

The Wild Weasel Mission
When an enemy uses truck mounted missile launchers to attack bombers on the way to and from their targets, Wild Weasels fly ahead of the bombers to locate and destroy the missile launchers. When a launcher's radar targets their aircraft, they launch an anti- radar missile at the launcher, then often have to evade a SAM that had already been launched at them.

Wild Weasel Motto
The historic response of one of the first Wild Weasels, when he was introduced to the tactics and mission details was: "you want me to fly in the back of a little tiny fighter aircraft with a crazy fighter pilot who thinks he's invincible, home in on a SAM site in North Vietnam, and shoot it before it shoots me, You Gotta Be kidding[1] Me!". His vernacular stuck and YGBSM is prominently displayed on the patch of some squadrons, adding to the legend of the Wild Weasel.

Wild Weasel Slogan
As the Wild Weasels developed combat tactics during missions to North Vietnam, they realized that being the First In ahead of the strikers would allow them to gather information to attack radar sites and to protect strike packages during their ingress. When Last Out, the Weasels were able to protect the strike package egresses and keep the SAM operators busy. Their slogan, FILO, means that the Weasels do everything in their power to draw fire from Surface to Air systems and allow the strikers to hit their targets and return home.

(note: please see worksheet at right for more data that might help finding sources)


Guidi Adolph
Uriel Alford
William Baechle
John Baker
Doyle Baker
Samuel Bakke
Francis Barrett
John Barrow
Russell Bartlett
James Bartsch
Gene Basel
Robert Beck
Thomas Bennison
Andi Biancur
Larry Bickel
Gordon Billington
Michael Bosiljevac
Joseph Brand
Ralph Braverman
Ralph Budde
Richard Bugeda
John Buick
Cyril Bullock
James Caldwell
William Campfield
Will Carroll
John Carson
Robert Cazares
Robert Chaney
Roger Chesson
Richard Cisco
Albert Clark
Donald Clarke
Raymond Claybrook
Earl Cobeil
Edward Collins
Ronald Cone
George Connolly
Paul Correia
John Correy
George Craig
Larry Crotts
William Cuthriell
James Cutter
Samuel Davis
Clyde Dawson
Craig Deyerle
Bryant Dougherty
David Duart
Paul Dwyer
Thomas Edge
Jack Eich
Bert Elsbach
Robert Evans
Samuel Fantle
Glenn Farnsworth
Byron Favre
Melvin Feller
Richard Ferko
Clifford Fiezel
Crosley Fitton
Burton Fontenmot
John Forrester
Norman Frith
Charles Fulop
Larry Funk
Donald Genovese
David Gillis
Robert Gobble
Marshall Goldberg
James Gorman
Peter Graff
Raymond Greene
Leo Gregory
Melvin Griffin
Ronald Hager
Richard Haggren
Robert Harris
Cleveland Harris
Thomas Harty
Richard Haslem
David Hawk
Dennis Haynes
Donald Henry
Bernard Henschke
Jerry Hoblit
William Holway
Douglas Honea
Claude Hough
Paul Howman
Edwin Johnson
Carrol Johnson
Ronald Johnson
Robert Johnston
Orvin Jones
Alexander Kartveli
Jack Keeling
Henry Keeting
Richard Keppler
Donald Kilgus
Harold King
Peter Lane
Steven Lappe
Edward Larson
Florian Lekavich
Zipper Lerseth
Irwin Levy
Truman Lifsey
William Lillund
Robert Lodge
Norbert Maier
William Malerba
Bobby Martin
Alan Mateja
William McAdoo
Christopher McGreer
James McInerney
Charles Metcalf
Alton Meyer
Calvin Miller
Rodney Miller
John Mojica
Blake Morrison
Narken Narken
Rudolph Newman
Benjamin Newsom
David Nichols
Martin Noel
Rocco Oddo
Francis Ohlemiller
Daryl Olson
James O'Neil
Floyd Osborne
James Padgett
Donald Parkhurst
John Paup
Gene Pemberton
Tod Petty
Thomas Phelan
Christine (Picchi) Lerseth
Thomas Platt
William Potts
Kenneth Pratt
Jerry Procter
Thomas Pyle
Walter Radeker
Ahmed Ragheb
Joseph Raker
Ralph Reed
Leonard Reed
William Robinson
David Roen
Ernest Rosenstock
William Rowley
Albert Sahlberg
Bruce Sanderson
Robert Sandvick
Harry Schurr
Vincent Scungio
Herbert Sherrill
Claude Silva
Donald Singer
Merlyn Smith
Eteven Smith
Lynn Snow
Billy Sparks
Dennis Stanford
James Steel
Thomas Sterling
Charles Stone
Richard Taylor
Anton Taylor
Frederick Teague
Joseph Telford
James Terry
Kenneth Thaete
Leo Thomas
Robert Melton Thompson
Robert Tidwell
Hansel Turley
Michael Turose
William Underwood
Robert Venkus
Robert Wall
Robert Webb
John White
Thomas White
Howard White
Ronald Williamson
William Williamson
Frank Wilshusen
Mrs. Fred Wilson
Thomas Wilson
George Wilson
James Winkler
George Wish
Carl Womack
Harlan Wyman
Doyal Wyrick
Donald Yates
Allen Young
James Young
Thomas Zorn


Eddie Adcock
James Allshouse
Richard Atchison
Richard Bailey
Ramon Balut
Alfred Barnard
Ronald Barrett
Dale Baxter
Robert Belli
Larry Biediger
Robert Bigrigg
Ross Blachly
Salvatore Bonacasa
Anton Brees
Jared Burnett
Robert Cavanaugh
Robert Clark
Harold Clinger
Kirby Collins
Ronald Davenport
Thomas Davey
Harold Davies
William Davis
Lawrence Day
George Dayley
Kenneth Dempster
Murray Denton
Paul Dowden
Lee Downer
Edward Doyle
John Dudash
George Dugas
Marlis Dutton
Richard Dutton
Robert Elkins
Jack Exon
James Fake
Kenneth Faunce
George Forstner
Donald Fraizer
Lawrence Friedman
Clarence Friesel
Giles Gainer
Harry Gainer
John Gee
Marvin Giebelstein
John Grigsby
James Hartney
Curtis Hartzell
Clyde Hayman
Roger Hegstrom
Roosevelt Hestle
William Hickey
James Hildebrand
Sommers Howard
Charles Hunt
Lawrence Irving
Jay Jensen
Robert Johndahl
Michael Kissick
Melvin Klemmick
Basilio Kypuros
Robert Lang
J. Edward Lauber
Joseph Legin
Gordon Link
Robert Loken
George Macedo
Thomas Madison
Larry Martin
Robert Marts
Morris McDaniel
Scott McIntire
Ray McNally
Lyle Meyer
George Miklos
Robert Monsell
Gary Morgan
Charles Mount
Tony Munger
Thomas Murch
Harry Murphy
James Murray
Michael Muskat
Grover Musselwhite
Michael Naum
Thomas O'Connor
Charles O'Donnell
James Ojala
Gary Orem
Robert Panek
Glenn Peake
Richard Pearson
Roger Peden
E Piety
John Pitchford
Grover Poole
Peter Pothier
James Qualey
Joseph Reynes
James Rossetto
Alan Rutherford
David Samuel
Bob Schwarze
Maurice Seaver
Lawrence Sepe
Louis Sharp
Howard Sherman
Guy Sherrill
Fred Shsttuck
Donald Simanski
Richard Simons
Anthony Skiscim
Rowland Smith
Howard Smith
Mike Smith
Richard Smith
Willard Snell
R Soderberg
Clarence Sonderman
Halden Sorenson
Jerry Sowell
Roger Stiles
Bruce Stocks
William Struts
Jack Swigert
Charles Taylor
Willis Thomson
Leo Thorsness
Robert Tidwell
George Tobin
Peter Tsouprake
Cornell Varsogea
Charles Veach
Jon Wadsworth
Donald Wallace
Larry Waller
James White
John Williams
Nicholas Yanuzzi
Albert Zellers
Werner Ziehmann

Crew Chiefs

Ralph Bohr
Morton Cohen
Cliff Collins
Charles Creech
Gerald Cutler
Robert Dahlin
Donald Darnell
Christopher Dascalos
Glenn Davis
Joshua Day
John Donovan
Boyd Douglas
Richard Freienmuth
John Gross
Wayne Hauth
John Hill
William Jacoby
Collin Jernigan
Michael Leggett
Carmen Luisi
David McBride
Thomas McGuire
James Mirehouse
Frank Moyer
Michael O'Brien
William O'Connell
James Odom
Curtis Patterson
Kim Pepperell
Edward Rasimus
James Rhodes
Ronald Sacre
Edward Sandelius
John Sexton
Dorwyn Shaver
Charles Smyth
Donald Snowden
Earl Thornton
James Glenn Violette
George Vipond
Gordon Walcott
Edward Weber


William Ayer
Byron Beal
William Beller
Richard Berg
Curtis Betebenner
George Bourque
Jimmy Boyd
Clarence Brenner
Robert Brinckmann
William Bryant
Frank Buchanan
Timothy Carey
Gary Cecchett
William Chestnut
Edward Cleveland
Allen Clovis
Thomas Coady
John Conley
Glenn Cordes
Floyd Dadisman
John Dannenberg
Oscar Dardeau
Robert Denison
George Deskin
Merlyn Dethlefsen
John Doyle
William Doyle
James Dozier
Wallace Durst
H Ethier
Edwin Fane
Richard Frey
Aaron George
Kevin Gilroy
Gene Goodwin
Pike Gene Grubbs
Gerard Haenni
James Hale
John Halley
Daniel Hanley
Jerome Hollander
Chandler Hom
Herbert Horne
Joseph Howard
Fred Hudson
Robert Huntley
James Johnson
John Kelly
George Kerr
Robert King
John Knight
Robert Kronebusch
Jerome Kwiatkowski
Paul Legan
Edward Lehnhoff
Gerald Linn
Charles Lombardo
Richard Mallon
James Manning
Kenneth McArn
Thomas McGowan
Mac McGukin
Orville McPherson
Gerald Metzler
Leo Miller
Paul Mongillo
Charles Morgan
Joseph Moriarty
John Morone
Richard Moser
Thomas Murphy
Gary Myran
Daniel Pearson
A Phillips
Dan Raichlen
Harry Reese
Edward Rock
Norman Ruby
John Scheidt
Robert Schroer
Don Service
John Sexton
William Shaeffer
James Simons
Donovan Smith
Gordon Smith
William Stone
Jay Suggs
William Thomas
Robert Douglas Trier
Louis Turner
Robert Waller
Richard Denmore Westcott
Bob Wright
Robert Wright
Kurt Zippert
Harry Zweiman

  1. "kidding" is a family-friendly synonym for the more colorful actual word that starts with "s".

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Major Lawrence L Friedman was also the pilot and not the EWO. I am his daughter and an seeking any info or pics from anyone that knew him. He died at a fairly young age before I had the opportunity to really sit and talk with him about his life as a pilot in the USAF. There were a few stories he did share that were of great importance to him about his best friend and neighbor Merwyn Morrill who was shot down in 1967. A little over 45 years later pictures surfaced of Morrill at the crash site and as a POW. His personal items (ID card, gun, money, etc.) are in a museum somewhere in Russia I believe.
Lt. Col. Donald L. "Buns" Fraizer, my father, was a pilot not an EWO and he flew combat as a Wild Weasel pilot in both F-100 and F-105.
posted by Gregory Fraizer

Categories: Wild Weasels