
Will, Probate and Guardianship Records for Jehu Higgins Pruett

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Marion County, Oregonmap
Surname/tag: PRUETT
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Jehu Higgins Pruett died on July 24, 1866 in McMinnville, Yamhill, Oregon.[1]

His will, probate and guardianship court records are attached to this page as PDF files. They were ordered by the Oregon State Archive and provided digitally to Caryl Short Ruckert.

His obituary was published in the Weekly Oregon Statesman in Salem, Oregon on August 13, 1866.[2]

"Departed this life, in McMinnville, Oregon, July 24th, 1866, J. H. Pruett, of consumption; aged 46 years. He, with his family, crossed the Plains in '47, in search of health, and finding here a salubrious climate, he settled on a farm, pursuing a quiet and happy life; being known as a devoted father, an affectionate husband and a respected citizen, by all who knew him. He had long been a Deacon in the Baptist Church, and bore his protracted sickness with Christian patience and resignation; and being apprised of approaching death, he made every arrangement for the comfort of his family, gave directions concerning his burial and funeral, chose his minister, and then calmly fell asleep in the arms of Jesus."

His will was filed on August 7, 1866.[3]

First I Jehu H Pruett of the State of Oregon Yamhill County
Being dangerously ill but sound in mind do by these presents make this my last will and testament
I give and bequeath all my estate real and personal of which I may die seized and possessed after paying my funeral expenses and just debts to my legal heirs namely William H. Pruett, John A. Pruett, James M. Pruett, Mary L. Pruett, Martha S. Pruett and Minerva H. Pruett to be equally divided.
And I appoint W. H. Pruett my legal Executor to act without giving any bond or undertaking or security of any kind whatsoever
In testamony wherof I have here unto subscribed my name and affixed my seal this 11th day of July A.D. 1866.


  1. "Find A Grave Index," database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:QVV1-VWGS : 13 December 2015), Jehu H Pruett, 1866; Burial, Brooks, Marion, Oregon, United States of America, Pioneer Memorial Cemetery; citing record ID 24827209, Find a Grave, http://www.findagrave.com.
  2. Weekly Oregon Statesman (Salem, Oregon)13 Aug 1866, Mon, Page 3
  3. Oregon State Archives, 800 Summer Street NE, Salem, OR 97310. reference.archives@oregon.gov. Case 300. Will of J. H. Pruett filed on August 7, 1866 in Yamhill County, Oregon.

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