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Will (1483) and Probate (1483) of Richard Rawson of London - TNA PROB 11/7/230

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: London, Englandmap
Surname/tag: rawson
This page has been accessed 114 times.

PROB 11/7/230; The National Archives, Kew, London

Transcribed by Nicholas Adams



In the name of god Amen the viijth day of Octob[e]r the yer of our lord mcccc//
lxxxiij I Richard Rawson mercer Citezin and alderman of london beyng of hole mynde and In
good memory laude be unto almyghty god make and ordeyn this my p[rese]nt testament in maner
and forme that folowith that is to say ffirst I bequeth and recomende my soule to almyghty
god my maker and my redemer to the most glorious virgyn his moder our lady saint mary
and to all the holy company of hevyn and my body tobe buried in our lady chapell within the
p[ar]ish Chirch of sanet mary magdalene in milkstrete of london befor the ymage of our lady
or in such place ther as shallbe advised by the by the wisediscrecion of myn executo[ur]s yf it fortune
me to decesse ferr oute of the Cite of london or nyith therunto And if it fortune me to decesse
And if it fortune me to decesse ferr oute of the Cite of london than I well that my body
shallbe buried in custen sepultur in such place as it shall pleas god to purvey and ordeyn
for me hertly beseching hym of his high mercy and grace that I may dep[ar]te oute of this tran//
sitory worlde in stedefast faith and true beleve of holy chirch and send me grace to depart
at such tyme and houe as may best pleas his high mercy and grace And befor all my
other bequests I will that all my detts which I ow of right or of consensence to any maner
p[er]sone or p[er]sones be wele and truly paide by myn executo[ur]s or els ordeyned for so tobe paid
Also I will that if any man woman or childe hath be at any tyme or tymes hurted or wronged
by me or by any of myn for me or if any p[er]sone or p[er]sones have or hath bought any untrue
wares of me or of any of myn executo[ur]s shall of my goodes truly recompense all and enith
such p[er]sone and p[er]sones so hurted or wrongid Itm I bequeth to the high auter of the p[ar]ish
Chirch of saint mary magdalene in milkstrete aforsaid wherof I am a p[ar]ishen[er] for my tithis
and oblacione by me forgoten or w[ith]holden if any such be in discharge of my soule and that
the Curate ther pray spi[ritu]aly for my soule xxs Itm I bequeth to the high Auter of the p[ar]ish
Chirch of alhalowen in hony lane of london wherof I was late a p[ar]ishen[er] for my tithes and ob//
lacions by me forgoten or w[ith]holden if any such be in discharge of my soule and that the curate
ther pray spi[ritu]aly for my soule xxs Itm I woll that myn executo[ur]s shall ordeyn and purvey
xx covvenable torchis and iiij covenable tap[re]s tobrenne at dirgge and masse of Requie[m]
at my buriyng and at dirige and masse of requiem at my monethes mynde and after
my monethes mynde doon I woll that all the said xx torchis and iij tap[re]s of the said
iiij tap[re]s shalbe disposeid for my soule in the forme folowyng that is to say ffirst I beq[ue]th
vj torchis of the said xxti torchis unto the p[ar]ish of sanit mary magdalene aforsaid and iij tap[re]s
the same iij tap[re]s to brenne in the same chirch on sondayes and other festivall dayes at
matens masse and evinsong as long as they may therto endur that is to wete oon tapre
to brenne byfor the ymage of our lady in our lady chapell an other befor the ymage of
saint mary magdalene and the thirde befor the ymage of saint kat[er]ine Itm I bequeth
iiij torchis of the said xxti torches unto the chirch of saint mary Stanyng of london
Itm I bequeth iiij torches of the said xxti torches to the p[ar]ish chirch of alhalowen in hony
lane aforsaid Itm I bequeth iiij torches to the chirch of saint Thomas of acres of london
Itm I bequeth two torches unto the chapell of the mercery at saint Thomas of Acres Itm
I woll that xxiiij men housholders not comen torch berers shall hold the said xx torches
and iiij tap[re]s at dirige and masse of Requiem tobe said for my soule aswell at my burying
as at my moneth mynde and I woll that enith of them shalhave for his labo[ur] in that behalff
ijs in money and a convenient gown and a hode of blak to pray specially for my soule
Itm I bequeth xl li tobe bestowed by myn executo[ur]s in bying of a sut of vestuments tobe ˥ xl li
gevyn to the p[ar]ish chirch of saint mary magdalene in milkstrete aforsaid Itm I bequeth ˩
x li tobe bestowed in byng of a chisible or of sum other ornament necessary tobe gevyn ˥
to the p[ar]ish chirch of alhalowen in honylane aforsaid to the laude of god and tobe bought | x li
by the discrecion and advise of the p[er]sone and p[ar]ishen[er]s of the same p[ar]ish amd of myn execut[ours] ˩
Itm I bequeth iv mark tobe bestowed in bying of sume ornament or ornamentis ˥
necessary by the vise discrecion of myn executo[ur]s and tobe gevyn in the worship of god | iij li vj s viij d
to the p[ar]ish chirch of saint Andrew of fuston by the water in york shir ˩

Item I bequeth iij li vj s viij d tobe disposid in bying of sum ornament to the worship of ˥ iij li vjs viij d
god tobe gevyn by myn executo[ur]s unto the p[ar]ish chirch of alhalowen at castelforth in york Shir ˩
Itm I bequeth x mark tobe applied by myn executo[ur]s in bying of such ornament or ornamentes as ˥ x mark
they shall think necessary and convenient tobe gevyn to the laude of god unto the p[ar]ish chirch of ˩
Shurburn in Elmet in york Shir Itm I bequeth x li tobe applied by myn executours in bying
of such ornament or ornaments as they shall think necessary and convenient tobe gevin to the ˥ x li
laude of god unto the chirch of the monastery of saint John evungelist in ponntefrict ˩
Itm I bequeth xl s tobe applied by myn executo[ur]s in bying of such ornament or ornaments as ˥ xl s
they will think beste and most necessary tobe gevyn in the honour of god unto the chirch of the blak ˩
frers in ponntefrect Itm I bequeth tobe disposid in releving conforting and aything of pour pri// ˥ xl li
soners and in redemyne of them of them out of prison after the wise discrecion of myn executours ˩
Itm I bequeth tobe disposid amongs pour housholders and pour maidens mariage in london and In - xl li
the countee aboute the same Cite after the wise discrecion of myn executo[ur]s Itm I bequeth tobe ˥
disposid and applied in bying of colis and clothing lynen and wollen for shirts smokks cots and | xx li
kyrtills tobe gevyn by thadvyse of myn executo[ur]s amogs pour people in the Cite of london and ˩
in the counte aboute the same Cite Itm I bequeth tobe applied in bying of Beddyng tobe ˥ x mark
gevyn to fine for pour people at saint Barthilmewes hospitall besides westsmythfeld of london ˩
Itm I bequeth tobe applied in bying of bedding by the vise discrecion of myn executo[ur]s tobe ˥ v mark
gevyn to fine for the pour people at saint mary hospitall with oute Bisshoppisgate ˩
Itm I bequeth to the sike people of the lazar hous at kyngeslond x s Itm I bequeth to
the sike people of the lazar hous at ayle ende iij s iiij d Itm to the sike people at the ˥
lazar hous at knyght brigge v s Itm to the sike people at the lazar hous of the look iijs iiijd | xvj s viij d
Itm to the sike people at the lazar hous at hamersmyth xxd Itm to the sike people at |
the lazar hous at high gate iij s iiij d S[u]m total ˩
Itm I bequeth to the werks of the body of the chirch of saint mary scanyng of london - xl s
Itm I bequeth tobe applied and spent aboute the amending of high noyous and ˥ xx li
ieop[re]dous weyes aboute the Cite of london after the discrecion of myn executours ˩
It[m] I beq[ue]th tobe applied & spent aboute the bryngyng home of a new pipe to ye condutes of london - xx li
It[m] I bequeth tobe disposid amongs pour maidens mariage pour housholders and pour people ˥ xxvj li xiij s iiij d
at ponntfries Shirburn ffriston and Castelforth in york Shir and theraboute ˩
Itm I bequeth tobe applied in a mending of ffery brigge and catelforth brigge and high weis
in york shir after the discrecion of myn executo[ur]s xx li Itm I bequeth to an honest and ˥
a vertuous p[re]ste to sing for my soule and for the soulis of my ffader and my moder and for |
the soulis of my broder Thomas and all my brethen and sist[er]yn and all cuscen soules | lxvj li xiij s iiij d
in the p[ar]ish chirch of saint mary magdalene in milkstrete aforseid x mark yerely by |
the space of x yers next after my decesse And I will that S[ir] Will[ia]m Saunder p[r]est shal |
have the same fin[an]ce befor any other p[re]ste yf he will have it S[u]m ˩
Itm I bequeth to Isabell my wif in name of her p[re]part and dower of all my goodes ˥ xij li
catals and detts to her after the use and custume of the Cite of london ˩
Itm I bequeth to the same Isabell my wif all my hushold my plate my harneye and ˥
myn array belonging to myn owen body onely excepted and to me and and to my executo[ur]s |
to the p[er]formyng of my bequests above and underwretyn alwey refnyd Itm I bequeth | xij li
to Avery my son cc li Itm to xpofir my son cc li Itm to John my son cc li Itm to Ric |
my son cc li Itm to Elizabeth my dought[er] cc li Itm to Alice my dought[er] cc li S[u]m ˩
And I will that all the said money by me to my said children abovebequethyn shalbe
delyv[er]ed unto them when they come to ther laufull ags of xxj yeris or els at ther
marriags and if it fortune any child or child[er]en of my seid child[er]en befor the said age of
xxj yeris and not maried to deceesse than I will that all such money to my child
or children so deceessid by me above bequethid shall holely remayn to my child or
children than surviving amongs them egally tobe devided and tobe delyv[er]ed unto them
when they come to ther laufull ages of xxj yeris or els at ther mariags and if it fortune
all my seid children befor ther seid laufull age of xxj yeres and not maried to deceesse
the which god defende than I woll that all the seid money by me to my seid children
above specied shalbe devided in to iiij egall p[ar]tes wherof I woll that the said Isabell
my wiff shall have ccc li to her owen p[ro]pre use forev[er] And I will that other ccc li therof
shalbe disposid by the wise discrecion of myn executours amongs my brethren and sisteryn
and amongs my pour bynnes people And other ccc li therof I woll shall egally be
devyded amongs all the children of my brethren and sist[er]yn by nyn executo[ur]s and the
other ccc li therof I woll shalbe disposid in marying of pour maidens releving of pour

prison[er]s and pour housholders in amending of high noyous and ieop[er]dous weyes and in other
werks of mercy and charite such as myn executours shall think best to the pleasur of almighty
god and helth of my soule and of my child[er]en soules and all cuscen soules And I bequeth
to my broder Rob[er]t Rawson xx li Itm I bequeth to my brother Jamys Rawson xx mark Itm I
bequeth to my broder Henry Rawson xx mark Itm I bequeth to my suster Elizabeth Shaloe
xx mark Itm I bequeth to my suster Kat[hr]yn Rishworth xx mark Itm I will that myn
executo[ur]s of my goodes shall yer[e]ly geve a certeyn porcion of money to my sustre Elene
to her owen use and levyng and to noon other entent as myn executours by ther
wise discrecion shall think convenient unto the tyme that the sume of xx li by that meane
be unto her fully gevyn and delyv[er]ed yf she leve so long Itm I bequeth to Richard
my suster Elyn Aylemers son my godson x li Itm I bequeth to eny other child
of the same Elene beyng borne and alyve at tyme of my decesse x mark And I wull
that all the said money be me to the said Elyn my sust[er]s child[er]en above bequethid
shalbe delyv[er]ed unto them when they come to the laufull ags of xxj yeris or els be
maried and if it fortune any of the same my sustre Elyns child[er]en befor the saide
age of xxi yer and not maried to deceesse than I woll that all the money to he childe
or childeryn so decessid by me above bequethid shall holely remayn to her children
than survyvyng amongs them agally tobe devyded and tobe delyv[er]ed unto them whan
they come to ther said age of xxj yeris or els at ther mariags And if it fortune all the
said Elyns childeryn or they come to the said age of xxj yeris and not maried
to deceese the which god defende the same Elyn them surviving than I woll that the
same Elyn shall have to her owen use all the money by me to her child[er]en above
bequethid and the same Elyn befor her said child[er]en beyng decessid I wull that all
the money by me to the same Elyns child[er]en above bequethid shalbe disposid by the
wise discrecion of myn executo[ur]s amongs my pour kynnys people and in other werks
of m[er]cy and charite such as myn executo[ur]s shall think best to the pleasur of almighty
god and helth of my soule Itm I bequeth to eny childe of the child[er]en of my brother
Rob[er]t Rauson beyng alyve at tyme of my deceese x mark And I woll that the same
Rob[er]ts child[er]en shalbe paid of my bequest when they come to the laufull ages of xxj
yeris or els at ther mariags And if it fortune any of the same Rob[er]ts child[er]en befor
the same age of xxj yeris not maried to deceesse than I will that all such money
as the same childe or child[er]en of the seid Rob[er]ts so decessid by me above bequethid
shalbe egally divided amongs the same Rob[er]ts child[er]en than surviving and tobe de//
lyv[er]ed to them whan they come to ther said laufull ages of xxj yeris or els at ther
mariags And if it fortune the same Rob[er]ts child[er]en or they come to ther said laufull
ags of xxj yeris and not maried to decesse all the which god defende than I will
that all the seid money by me to the seid Rob[er]ts child[er]en abovebequethid shalbe disposid
by the wise discrecion of myn executo[ur]s amongs my pour kynnes people and In other
werks of mercy and charite such as myn executo[ur]s shall think best to the pleasur of
almyghty god and helth of my soule Itm I bequeth to enith of the child[er]en of my
brother Henry Rawson beyng borne and a lyve at tyme of myn decesse v mark tobe
delyv[er]ed unto them whan they come to ther laufull age of xxj yeris or els at
ther mariage and if it fortune any of the seid henries child[er]en befor the same age of
xxj yer and not maried to decesse than I woll that all such money to the same childe or
child[er]en of the seid henries so decessid by me abovebequethid shalbe egally dyvyded
amongs the same henries child[er]en than survyving and to be delyv[er]ed unto them whan
they come to ther said laufull ags of xxj yeris or els at ther mariags And if it fortune
the seid henries Child[er]en or they come to ther seid laufull ags of xxj yeris and not
maried to deceesse all the which god defende than I woll that all the seid money
by me to the seid henries child[er]en above bequethid shalbe disposid by the wise dis//
crecion of myn executours amongs my pour kynnes men and in other werks of
mercy and charite such as myn executo[ur]s shall think best to the pleasur of almighty
god and he[l]th of my soule Itm I bequeth to Johne Baxster my suster dought[er] iij li vj s
viij d Itm I bequeth to the sone of my susterElizabeth iij li vj s viij d Itm I bequeth
to my suster margare fisher iij li vj s viij d Itm I bequeth to John Gose p[ar]ish clerk
of alhalowen in hony lane of london to pray specially for my soule and the soules
of my ffader and mother v li Itm I woll that myn executo[ur]s befor my monethes
mynde shall ordeyn that ther shalbe cij masses song for my soule that is to say

Sum massis of the holy Trinite Sum of the holy gost Sum of our lady and Sum of ˥ xvj li xiij s iiij d
Requiem and that eny p[re]st synging any such masse shalhave for his reward in that behalf iiijd S[u]m ˩
Itm I bequeth to eny ordre of the four orders of freris of london that is to say freris p[er]chours ˥
mynours Carmentes and Angustyns to thentent that they at tyme of my deceesse and at my | S[u]m viij li
monethis mynde say dirige and masse of requiem by note in ther covent Chirchis xl s ˩
Itm I bequeth to the crouchid ffreris of london to the same entent xx s Itm I bequeth tobe
disposid at my monethis mynd tobe gevyn amongs pour people by peny dole xiij li vj s viij d
Itm I bequeth to my godson John ffisher xl s Itm I bequeth to my godson Richard ffisher xl s ˥
Itm I bequeth to enich of the v other bretheryn and sust[er]yn of the same John ffisher and Ric | ix li
ffisher xx s S[u]m v li – S[u]m totalis ˩
Itm I woll that my monethis mynde be kept in honest wise after the discrecion of myn
executours Itm I bequeth to Richard Creme myn app[re]ntise xl s Itm I bequeth to Will[ia]m
Crosse myn app[re]ntise xl s Itm I bequeth to George Aynesworth myn app[re]ntise xl s Itm I
bequeth to Henr[y] ffrankyssh my s[er]vnt xx s Itm I bequeth to Johne Wylonghby my suavnt
iij li vj s viij d Itm I bequeth to Johanne Redy my s[er]vnt iij li vj s viij d Itm I bequeth
to Elizabeth Colynson my s[er]vant iij li vj s viij d Itm I bequeth to John ffisher late Ald[er]
man of london to thentent that he take upon hym thexecucion of this my p[re]sent testa[men]t
xxvj li xiij s iiij d Itm I bequeth to Nicholas Lathell gentilman to the same entent
xxvj li xiij s iiij d Itm I woll that when myn executo[ur]s labo[ur] aboute any thing co[n]c[er]nyng
thexecucion of this my p[rese]nt testament that they shall alowe them silf oute of my goodes
all ther resonable costs and expensis doon aboute the same according to ther conscience
The residue of all my goodes catals and detts after my detts paid my fun[er]alls and monethis
myndes expensis full doon and theis my legats conteynyd in this my testament and all
other things conc[er]nyng the same fulfillid and satisfied I woll shalbe divided into two
egall p[ar]ts wherof I woll that Isabell my wif shalhave one p[ar]te to her owen p[ro]pre use
and behoff and that other p[ar]te I woll shalbe egally disposid amongs my child[er]en Provided
allwey if any losse fall by meane of dettours or by any other meane so that my said testa//
ment may not fully be p[er]formyd in eny degree according to myn entent abovereh[er]sid
the which god defende than I woll that asmoch therof as so shall lak shalbe deducted oute
of eny of my bequethes after the rate pounde pounde like And I bequeth to S[ir] Will[ia]m
Saunder p[r]est x li Provyded also alwey that I woll that myn executours shall not in
any wise be chargid ne chargeable to make any payment of any of my bequests
aboverehersid by name wherof that they shuld in any wise be coarted to sell any of
my goodes or wares to any losse And of this my p[rese]nt testament I make and ordeyne the
said Isabell my wiff John ffisher late Alderman of london and Nich[ol]as Lathell gentilman
myn executours In witnesse wherof to this my p[rese]nt testament I have sett my sugnett
manuell and Seale the viijth day of October and yer aboveseid~


Probatum fuit sup[er]sc[ri]ptum test[amentu[m] apud Lamehith vicesimos[e]c[un]do die mens[is] Octobr[is] Anno
d[omi]ni p[re]d[i]c[t]o Iurament[o] Willi[mi] Carkeke sc[ri]ptoris R[i]c[ard]i Creme & Johanne Clifford ac approbat &c Et
comissa est Admi[ni]stracio &c Isabelle Relicte & executuci &c in p[er]sona M[agistris] Johannis Benill no[ta]rij publici
p[ro]curatoris &c de bene &c ac de pleno Inventar[io] &c citra festum purific[ationis] b[ea]t[a]e M[ary} virginis px &c
ac de plano & v[er]o compoto &c Resinat p[otes]tatem &c Joh[ann]e ffisher & Nich[ol]o Lathell executorib[us] cu[riae] ven[er]unt

The above written testament was proved at Lamehith (Lambeth) the twenty second day of the month of October Anno
Domini aforesaid By the oath of William Carkeke scribe of Richard Creme & John Clifford and approved etc. And
the Administration is committed etc. to Isabell Widow & executrix etc. in the person of Master John Benill public notary
proctor etc. be well etc. and of a full Inventory etc. on this side of the feast of the purification of the blessed virgin Mary of Christ etc.
and of a clear and true calculation etc. [] etc. John Fisher & Nicholas Lathell came to the court

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