Will (1501) and Probate (1501) of William Midwynter of Northleach, Gloucestershire - TNA PROB 11/12/314
Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: midwinter bush
PROB 11/12/314; The National Archives (UK), Kew, London
Transcribed by Nicholas Adams
Contents |
In the name of god amen The xxviijth day of marche In the yere of our lord god m v and oon
and in the xvjth yere of the Reigne of kyng Henry the vijth. I William Midwynt[er of Northleiche in the diocise of
Worcester beyng of hole mynde and good memory thanks be almighty god make and ordeyne this present testament and
my last will in manner and forme folowyng that is to say First I bequeth and recomende my soule to almighty god my
maker and saviour and to the blessed virgyn our lady seynt mary his glorious moder and to all the holy company of heven
and my body to be buried in the parisshe churche of Northleiche aforesaid att the Channcell dore under the blissed crucifixe
of our lorde/ And I bequeth to the moder church of Worcester xxd. Also I bequeth to the high awt[er] of the church of North
leiche in recompense for myn offeryngs and debtes forgoten or negligently withholden in dischargeyng of my soule xls/.
Also I bequeth to the makyng of the Roodelofte in the said church of Northleiche xli/ Also I bequethe to the churche
of Thormerton vjs viijd. To the churche of Estyngton xxd. To the church of Hamptenet xxd. To the churche
of Turkeden xxd To the church of Notgrove xxd. To the churche of Naunton vjs viijd. To the churche of Ne=
thergetyng xxd. To the church of Templegytyng xxd. To the church of Brode Rysyngton iijs iiijd. To the
churche of Calne Denyse xxd. To the churche of Calne Rodgers xxd. To the churche of Wynstune xxd. To
the church of Chedwurth iijs iiijd. To the churche of Wythyngdon xxd. To the chapell of Dowdeswell xxd
To the church Bisshope Clyve xxd. To the churche of Hallyng xxd. To the church of Hasulton xxd To the
church of Compton Apdele xxd. To the church of Shipton Olis xxd To the church of Sherbon xxd. Item I
bequeth to my sone Thomas Mydwynter vjli /and his chamber/. Also I bequeth to the same Thomas a silver pece
a maserer, a dosen silver sponns and myn wating connter Also I will and ordeyne that the same Thomas be at
the Rewle guyding and governannce of Alys my wif his moder of Peter Reynolde and Thomas Busshe till he
come to full age and discrecion to occupy the forseid bequests. And that the said goodes to hym by me bequethed
remayn in the keping of my wif his moder till the said Thomas come to full age or discrecion to occupye the
said goods/ And if Alis my wif decesse ar[er] the said Thomas my sone come to full age and discrecion to occupye
the forsaid goodes as god forbede/ that than I will and ordeyne that the said Alys my wif leve all the
forseid goods to the forenamed Peter Reynolde and Thomas Busshe tyll the forsaid Thomas come to full
age or discrecion/. And if my said sonne Thomas Mydwynter decesse ar[er] he come to full age/ and ar[er] he hath
receyved the forsaid goods unto his owne hands and guyding as god forbede/ That than I will and ordeyne
that all the forseid goods remayner to Alyce my wif to dispose it at her owne free will/. Item I bequeth to eny of
my godchilden that I have holpe to make a crist[i]en man or woman. vjs viijd. to be paid as my moneths mynde
or shortely therafter/. Item I bequeth and will to Sr Richard Gonne to his exhibicion in Oxford as long as he
contynueth ther entending to procede eny yere xl s/. Also I bequeth to Alys my wif all my lands and tenements that
I have in the burgh of Northlecche with all their appurtennces to have & to hold to her to and for terme of all-
her lyff the Remaynder therof after the decesse of the same Alys my wif to my sone Thomas Mydwynter to
his heirs and assignes for evermore/. Also I will and ordeyne that my wif and my sone Thomas eny of them aft
their havyng the forseid lands and tenements in the burgh of Northlecche fynde kepe and mayntene /ij tapirs of v lb
weight yerely duryng all their lyffs to brenne before the blissed sacrament in the said church of Northlecche at
all tymes of Divyne fuice eny sonday and holyday in the yere/ in the worthy of the v wounds of our blissed lorde
And that the same tapirs be Renewed & made/ iiij tymes in the year/ And after the decesse of my son I will that
he in his lyff make provision for the mayntennce of the said ij taps for evermore/ in the best maner he can devise/ or
my wif if the said lands come not to my sonnes hands. And I will and ordeyne that my wif provide for an honest
preest and a wel disposed/ within a yere aft my decesse to syng pray and to doo divine service for my soule and for my
faders soule Thomas Mydwynt[er] my moder soule Elizabeth and for the soules of Sr John Bukland Sr Richard
Rawlyns Ric[hard] Gale Jane Ric[hard] Elisabeth and Agnes my childen/ and for all thos that I am bounde to pray for/ & for all
crist[i]en soules for the space of v yers in the worship of the v wounds of our lord Jhu crist in the church of Northlecche
forseid Item I will that the same preest kepe the giver ther at all tymes of divine service in the worship of our lord & of all
halowes/ The residue of al my goods catalls and detts before not bequethed my detts and my funeralls fully contented and paid
I gyve and bequeth to Alys my wif to doo therwith and to dispose it at her owne free will/ And the same Alys my wif I make
and ordeyne my full and sole executace of this my present testament and last will/ And Peter Reynolde and Thomas Busshe
overseers of the same/ To whom I bequeth for their labors aboute thexecucion of this my present testament/ and thayding off
my said wif in the leveyng of my detts iiijli/ above all their costs aboute the same These witnesse Sr William Launder my
gostlyfader and vicar of the said churche of Northlecche John Taylour of Thormerton Robert Mydwynter Robt Serche
John Morycc Nicholas Mydwynter John Trynghin Thomas Byknell and other/.
Probatum fuit suprascript[um] testm[entum] coram m[agist]ro Willi[ia]mo Barons legu[m] doctore progative eccl[es]i[a]e xpi Cant[uariensis] sede Archce[pisco]pali
vica[r]ii comissario vij die mens[is] Maij Anno d[o]m[ini] mill[esi]mo quingetesimo primo/ Jur[amento] m[agist]ri Joh[ann]is Reed notarij pu[bli]ci procur[at]is in hac
parte Ac approbat[ur] et insumat[ur] Et comissa fuit admi[ni]stra[c]o Alicie Relicte et executrici in h[uius]mod[i] test[ament]o nomi[n]ate in p[er]sona d[i]c[t]i p[ro]cur[at]is
De bene et fidelit[er] admi[ni]strand[o] Ac de pleno et fideli Inve[n]tario citra f[estu]m Ascensionis d[o]m[ini] px futur[um] exh[iben]di Necnon de plano et
vero comp[u]to reddend[o] in debit[o] iur[i]s forma iurat/.
The above written testament has been proven before master William Barons doctor of laws deputy commissary of the prorogative church of Christ of the archepiscopal
seat of Canterbury on 7th day of the month of May Anno Domini one thousand five hundred and one. By the oath of master John Reed public notary and proctor in this
part And approved and applied And was committed the admistration to Alice Widow and executorix named in this testament in the person of the said proctor
To be administered well and faithfully And of a full and faithful Inventory to be produced this side of the soon to be feast of the Ascension of the Lord Christ And also of a clear and
true calculation to be returned sworn in the due form of the law.
Research Notes
- Need to look further into Sir William Launder.
- What exactly is the relationship with Robert Mydwynter and Nicholas Mydwynter, two of the witnesses?
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