Location: Witney, Oxfordshire, England
Surnames/tags: wenman bush midwinter
PROB 11/27/212; The National Archives, Kew, London
Transcribed by Nicholas Adams
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In the name of god Amen The xxijto day of the moneth of Novembre, the yere of our
Lord god a thousande fyve hundreth and xxxv, I Anne Wenman of Wyttney in the Dioc[e]s[e] of Lincoln hole of mynde
and in my good memory being, lawde be it unto almighty god make and ordeyn this my present testament, con
cernyng my last will in maner and fourme hereafter folowing, that is to sey, ffirst and principally I bequethe
and Recomende my soule unto almighty Jesu my Redemer and Savio[ur] and to oure Blissed lady saint mary the
virgyn his moost glorious mother and to all the holy company of hevyn And my body to be buried within
the parishe Churche of our blissed lady of wyttney aforsaid w[ith]in the Tombe nygh Richard Wenman late my
husbande, Item I bequeth unto the high awter in the parishe Church of Wytney xijd Item to the Cathdrall
Church of Lincoln iiijd Item I will that there be a tapre of twoo pounds of wax kept before the Trinitie
by the space of one yere next aftre my deceas And to every standing light in the same Church a tapre of
twoo pounds of wax, Item to the bells xs Item to the torche light for brennyng at my Exequies, my
moneth mynde and my yeres mynde xs Item I bequeth unto Thomas mydwynter my brother xxs st Item to Elizabeth
my suster xxs st yerely during her lyfe Item I geve my Scarlet gowne unto maistres Ursula my daughter in Law if she
wille were it yf not I geve it unto maistres Doweley Item I geve my Sattyn kutell unto the forsaid maistres Ursula
my doughter in Lawe Item I geve to william mydwynter sonne of the forsaid Thomas midwynter tenne pounds st so that he
be towardly, to be delivered to him w[ith]in one yere after my decesse Item to Sir Peter Raynolds my Cosyn and godson
xls st Item to Richard Reynolds xxvjs viijd And to Alice his suster xxs And to hir Children twoo Todds of
wolle Item to Anne Dyer my goddoughter xxs st and oon Todd of wolle, to be deliv[er]ed unto hir at the day
of hir mariage Item to ffrannces Higgs my godsonne xiijs iiijd to be deivered to him at the day of mariage
Item to Robert Lowe my godsonne xls st Item every godchilde that I have a have a lyve at the day of my decesse iiijd
Item I bequeth unto Richard Wenman William Wenman Thomas Wenman Henry Wenman Gifford Wenman
Anne Wenman and Elizabeth Wenman the Children of Thomas Wenman my sonne to either of them tenne
pounds sterlings Item I bequeth unto the said Henry Wenman all my Shepe going at Taynton or in any other
place And yf it happen the said Henry to deceas before the age of xxj yeres that then the said Shepe to
be partyd and delivered amongs the other brothers and susters equally every oon like many Item to maister Elys
Warhin vicar of Wytney xiijs iiijd Item to Sir John Terrolde xiijs iiijd Item to Sir Richard Clemson xiijs iiijd
to Sir John Richards xiijs iiijd Item to Giles Bromfelde my serv[a]nt xls Item to John Rede xiijs iiijd Item to Robert
Dunvorde vs Item to Joan Cooke my serv[a]nt vls viijd Item to Elizabeth Storkey my serv[a]nt xiijs iiijd Item I geve
my gurdell w[ith] blak frynged sids and golde in the myddell unto the goodwife Yette Item I bequeth my murrey
gowne furryd w[ith] Calabre unto the goodwyfe Dyer Item I geve my murrey gowne purfelde w[ith] velwet unto the
goodwife Tempull Item I give my blak gowne purfeld with velwet unto the good wife Gerey but I will that
the velwet be taken off before the gowne delivered Item I geve my silke Chamlet kyrtell unto the good wife Webbe
Item I geve my blak gowne purfelde w[ith] tawnye velwet unto the forsaid Joane Coke my serv[a]nt Item I geve my twoo
blak wusted kirtells unto Elizabeth Storkey and to Agnes Byddell my serv[a]nts The Residue of my goodes not
bequethed I bequeth and freely geve unto Thomas Wenman my sonne whom I make my sole Executor of this
my p[rese]nt testament In witnesse hereof I the said Anne Wenman have putte my Seall the day and yere aboue
written Recording Leonard Yate Sir John Richards Andrew Sayley Richard Secoll abd Sir Roger Clempfoy
Probatum fuit suprascriptum test[amentu]m xxo die mensis Marcij Anno D[omi]ni Mill[es]imo quinge[tesimo] xxxvijo
apud London coram D[omi]no auct[oritat]e D[omi]ni n[ost]ri Regis Henrici octam Anglie et ffrance Regis &c Anne Wenman defuncte
h[ab]entis &c Jurament[o] Thome Wenman executoris in h[uius]mo[d]i test[ament]o no[m]i[n]at[is] In p[er]sona Thome Docwra procur[atore] sui &c
ac p[er] eundem auct[oritat]e d[i]c[t]i d[omi]ni n[ost]ri Regis approbatum et insumatum Comissaq[ue] fuit admi[ni]stracio o[mni]um et singulor[um]
bonorum Iuru[m] et creditorum d[i]c[t]i defuncti prefat executori In p[er]sona d[i]c[t]i procur[atoris] De b[e]n[e] et fideli admi[ni]stard[o]
Ac de pleno et fideli In[ventario] secundo die post festum Ascenco[n]is D[omi]ni prox[imum] futur[um] exhibend[o] Necnon de plano & vero co[m]poto
reddend[o] Ad sancta Dei Ev[a]nelia Jurat
The above written testament was proved on 20th day of the month of March Anno Domini One rhousand five hundred 37
at London before the Lord authority of our Lord King Henry the Eighth of England and King of France etc. possessing of the recently deceased
Anne Wenman etc. By the oath of Thomas Wenman the executor named in the same testament In person by Thomas Docwra his proctor etc.
and through the same authority of the said lord our King approved and registered and administration was granted of all and singular
the goods, rights and loans of the said deceased to the forsaid executor In the person of the said proctor To be well and faithfully administered
And of a full and faithful Inventory to be produced on the second day after the feast of the Ascension of the Lord next to come And also of a clear and true calculation
to be returned Sworn upon the holy Gospels of God.
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