Will (1597) and Probate (1598) of Henry Cooper of Marston Sicca, Gloucestershire - Glos GDR/R8/1598/50
Location: Marston Sicca, Gloucestershire, England

Surname/tag: cooper
Consistory Court of Gloucester, Wills and Probate; GDR/R8/1598/50; Gloucestershire Archives
Ancestry.com. Gloucestershire, England, Wills and Inventories, 1541-1858 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2014; Entry for Henry Cooper (accessed 24 Mar 2024) Ancestry Sharing Link
Transcribed by Nicholas Adams
Contents |
henry Coop.
In dei no[m]i[n]e Amen in the yeare of our lord god 1597 the xvijth day of
Maye in the xxxixth yeare of the Reigne of our So[ve]reigne lady
Elizabethe by the grace of god of England of France & Irelande
Queene Defender of the faithe &c I Henry Cooper of marston
sicca in the Countie of Glouc[ester] beinge sicke of body but of good and
p[er]fect remembrance thankes be to god for it doe make this my last
will & testament in man[ner] & forme fol]l]owinge: ffirst I bequeathe my
soule to allmightie god & my body to be buried in the Churche:
yarde of marston sicca aforesayed. ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ ./
Imprimis my will is that my mother and my wife shall occupie the livinge
together during theire widdowes estate And my sonne Thomas Coop[er]
to enter only then uppon halfe of the livinge at the age of a eleven
Item I geve & bequeathe to my sonne Thomas Coop[er xxli
Item I geve & bequeathe to my sonne willia[m[ Coop[er] xxli
Item I geve & bequeathe to my sonne Johnne Coop[er] xxli
Item I geve & bequeathe to my daughter
Margerie Cooper xxxli
Item I geve & bequeathe to my daughter Ales Coop[er] xxxli
Item my will is that if my wife marrie to leave the livinge
wholly unto my sonne Thomas Cooper and to have three
score pounds and soe goe awaye./ ./ ./ ./ ./ ./
Item I ordaine and appoint my sonne Thomas Coop[er] to be my whole
executor of this my last will & testament ./
Item I appoint my brother Thomas Coop[er] and my brother in lawe
willliam ffowler to be my overseerers of this my last will and testam[en]t
wittnes John Shakol
Thomas Shakoll
Johnne Campden and
Clement Busshell
probat[um] fuit testa[men]tum predict[um] ... forma
... William Blackeleech ... vicar[is[ gen[er]alis
xxvijo die Aprilis Anno d[omi]ni 1598: Comissaq[ue]
fuit Adm[inistrac]o bono[rum] &c Thome Cowper fr[atrem] nat[uralem]
dicto def[uncti] def[uncti] ... Thome
Cowper filij et executor[em] ...
... et legit[ime] ? &c ?
... &c saluo iure &c
The aforesaid testament was proved ...
... William Blackeleech vicar general
the 27th day of April Anno domini 1598 And administration
was granted of the goods &c to Thomas Cowper natural brother
of the said deceased ... [[Thomas
Cowper]] son and executor ...
... and lawfully ... &c ?
... &c preserving the rights &c
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