Will (1607) and Probate (1608) of John Adams of Driffield, Gloucestershire - Gloucestershire 1608/70
Location: Driffield, Gloucestershire, England
Surnames/tags: adams marr
Gloucestershire Probate Records; GDR/R8/1608/70; GDR/18/8/13370; Gloucestershire Archives
Transcribed by Nicholas Adams
Contents |
John Addams of Dryfeild
In the name of god Amen. The xvth day of the moneth
of may in the yeare of the Raigne of ower soveraigne lord kinge James
by the grace of god kinge of England ffrance and
Ireland the fist, and of Skotland the fortythe. And
in the yeare of ower Lord god .1607. I John Adams
of Drifeld w[ith]in the county of Glocest[er] yeoman,
beinge growen into yeares, and full of infirmytyes
and therfore daylye expectinge when it will plese
god to call me out of this world, callinge to mynde
also how sudenly death cometh and w[ith] how small a
matter life is taken away, I have therfore thought
it goode, beinge now in good and perfect Remembrance
to set my house in order, and to make and Ordayne my
last will and testament The whiche I have appoynted
to be in maner and form as foĺlowethe
First I comend my soule into the hands of Almightye
god my maker saviour and redemer by the merates
of whose and passion I trust to be saved. And
I firmely beleave that assone as my soule is departed
out of this my body it shalbe caryed by the Angles of
god into heaven, and placed there amonge the soules
of his saved sayntes. And as for my body beinge
the Organ or Chest wherin this soule of myne
have beene enclosed, my will is that assone as
my soule have Left it that it may be brought
acgayne and Layde in the earth wherof it was first
made and be Christyan like buryed w[ith]in the church
of Drifild afforsayd in some convenient place at the
discrecion of my frinds and overseers/ And I gyve and
bequeth towarde the Reparation of the sayd Church
in respect of my buriall therin vjs viijd to be payd
by my executor hearin named w[ith]in on halfe yeare after
my decease/ And to be employed unto suche uses as
shalbe thought fit by my overseers~.
Itm I gyve and bequeth unto will[ia]m snell maryan
Adams Will[ia]m Bayly and Widdow gater to
eche of these on bushell of Barly to be payd
and deliv[er]ed [u]nto them by my executor hearin
named w[ith]in on moneth next after my decease/
Itm I gyve and bequeth unto Sd Walter Adams
my sonne one stocke or stall of Bees to be deliv[er]ed
unto him at holy Roode day next after my decease
Itm my will is that my soone Sd Walter shaĺl have
yearly on load of furzen duringe my wyves life
and shalbe brought whome unto him by my wyves
teeme/ or by him that shal use them in hir behalfe
Itm I gyve and bequethe unto Henry Adams my sonne
xvi li in money to be payd unto him byvthe end of
two yeares Compleate next after my decease
that is to say w[ith]in the first yeare viij li
and w[ith]in the next yeare compleate the other viij li
Or yf my wife do surender hir estate unto Richard
my sonne then my will is that as muche as shalbe
behind and unpayd shalbe payd unto the sayd Henry
before the surender of hir estate.
Itm I gyve more unto my sonne Henry my best Iron
bound Cart, my best plowe, share and Coulter my
best payer of Harrows my second pott, my table
borde in the haull w[ith] the trestles yt standeth
upon and my grindstone, to be deliv[er]ed unto him
at the death of his mother yf she shall keepe the
Thinge in hir owne hand so longe, Or els at the
surender of hir estate.
Itm I gyve unto my sonne John xx li to be deliv[er]ed unto
him by the end of three yeares complete next
after my decease that is to say w[ith]in the first
yeare Compleate vj li xiijs iiijd And w[ith]in the second
yeare Complete vj li xiijs iiijd And w[ith]in the third
yeare Compleate the other vj li xiijs iiijd But
yf it happen that my wife shall surender hir estate
before the sayd somme of xx li be full payd
in maner as is afforsayd then my will is that
as muche as shalbe behind shalbe fully satisfied
before the surender of hir estate
Itm I gyve more unto my sonne John the ffetherbedd
withion my self and my wife do lye on and the
fether bolster therunto belonginge and a fether
pillow, tbe payer of Hempton sheats on blanket
and on coverlett my best new pott tu indifferent
peaces of pewter, my second Cart my second plow
share and Cowlter my second payer of Harrows and
my mault mill to be deliv[er]ed unto at the decease of
his mother or if that she surendeth before at
the surender of hir estate/
Itm I gyve and bequeath unto my daughter Elen
xxli in money to be payd unto hir by my executor
w[ith]in on yeare complete after my decease Or yf
it shall happen that my wife shall surender before
the sayd money be payd, then my will is that it
shalbe payd unto hir before the surender of hir
Itm I gyve more unto my sayd daughter Elen my
bedsteed in the parlor and the fetherbeed that lyeth
therin and the boulster there also And my second
Coverlet on blanket two payer of Hampton sheats
and on pillow and on pillow sleave my third pot my
prese in the parlor and two plates to be deliver[er]ed
unto hir upon hir maredge day or the decease of
hir mother w[hi]ch shall first happen And yf hir
mother do surender before any of the two shall
happen then my will is that it shall be deliv[er]ed
unto hir before the surender of hir estate.
Itm I gyve and bequethe to every on of my sonne
Richard Addams his children and also to every on of
my daughter Johan Warr hir Children on shipe a
peace to be indifferently Chosen out of my ship
by my overseers and delivered unto them at michelmas
followinge my decease.
All these Legacyes before gyven and bequethed
my will is that it be payd by my Executrixe heare
under named unto the partyes Above named in maner
and forme as is afforsayd
All the Rest of my goods and Chattels moveable
and unmoveable, my debts payd and my funerall
expences discharged I Wholly gyve & bequeth
unto Johan Addams my now wife whom I make &
ordayne my whole and sole Executrix of this my
Last will and testament And I nominate for
my Overseers my good frind Johan Ham, Clarke &
parson of Harnhill, And Richard Iles of dryffild
Requestinge them that they will endeavour the best they
can to see this my Last will and testament performed
accordinge to my true entent & meninge
Probatu[m] fuit hoc testamentu[m] infra scriptu[m]
apud Glouc vicessimo quinto die Junij
Anno d[omi]ni 1608 coram ven[er]a[bi]li viro
mag[ist]ro Joh[ann]e Seman legum d[o]c[t]ore Cancellar
&c p[er] ex[e]cuticem &c Cui Comissa fuit ad[minist]r[ac]o
de prius Jurat vigore Comissionis Joh[ann]i Ham
R[e]c[t]ori de Harnehull concess &c saluo Jure
cuiuscumq[ue] &c
This below written testament was proved
at Gloucester on the twenty fifth day of June
Anno Domini 1608 before the venerable
master John Seman doctor of laws Chancellor
etc by the executrix etc to Whom was Committed the administration
by the previously Sworn power of Commission of John Ham
Rector of Harnhill etc preserving the right
of anyone etc
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