Will (1635), Inventory (1637) and Probate (1637) of Cuthberte Huckvale of Overnorton, Oxfordshire - Oxfordshire 31/4/28
Location: Over Norton, Oxfordshire, England

Surname/tag: Huckvale
Oxfordshire Archives 31/4/28
Transcribed by Nicholas Adams
Contents |
Original Will
Comparing the handwriting from the churchwarden signatures with the will copy, it looks as if that copy was probably written by Cuthberte himself.
In dei nomine amen The foure and twenteth day of June in the Twelfe yeare of the Reigne of our
Sovereigne Lorde Charles by the grace of god of Englande Scotlande France and Ireland kinge defender
of the Fayth etc. and in the yeare of our Saviour Christe one thousande sixe hundred thirty and five I
Cuthberte Huckvale of Overnorton, within the parishe of Chippingnorton in the County of Oxon gent beinge
Sicke in body but yett of perfett memory thanks be geven to almyghty god for the same, doe make and
Ordayne this my laste will and testamente revockinge all former willes by me heretofore made In
maner and forme folowinge Firste I comende my sowle unto Almigty god my creator amd Redemer
hopinge amd assuredly fru?tinge to be saved, by the merites of the death and passion of his sonne our
Saviour Jesus Christe, and my bodye, I will to be buryed in suche semely sorte & maner in the church as
By my executrixe shalbe thought fytt and convenyente Itxd I doe give & bequeth unto my sonne Thomas
Huckvale, all suche my goods, that nowe I have att Brayles in the County of Warwick Itm I doe give
And bequeth unto my sonne Richarde Huckvale the some of five pounds, the which I doe stande
Joyntly bounden with hyme unto Bayliffs and Burgesses of the burrowe of Chippingnorton, and the use
Of the sayde such beinge eighte shillings att the daye I doe paye for hyme Itm I doe give & bequethe
unto my sonne in law Richarde Busbye and to his heyres for ever after my decease & my wyffes, all suche
parte of a certayne diche quicke sett hedge & grounde, lyinge & beinge, one the northe syde of sevenhill
By the grounde, of the sayde Cuthberte Huckvale, the which I boughte of his Father John Busbye and
payde, for the same thirty shillings of lawfull monye of Eglande Itm I doe give and bequeth unto my
Godddaughter Judeth Sheephyrde Alias Langhton the some of Five pounds of lawfull monye of
Englande, to be payde and sett forthe to her use, within sixe monethes, after my decease, into sure
menes hands untill suche tyme, as she shall accomplishe, the full adge of xxi years, and yf that
She, shall fortune, to dye, before that she be of the adge of xxi yeres, that then my mynde & will is
That the sayde some of such shall remayne and come, to her two systers Alice & Marye, equally to
Be devided betwne them bothe, Itm my mynde and will is, And I doe give and bequethe unto my
Lovinge wyffe Alice Huckvale, my debts beinge payde, and my Funerall expencs discharged
All my goods and cattalles moveable and unmoveable whatsoever, whom I doe make my sole and
Full executrixe of this my laste will and testamente, for her better preferment of as?mge In Wyttnss
wheareof I have wytten this my presente laste will and testamente, with my owne hande & sales
the same the day and yeare above wrytten in the presents of x me Cuthberte
Huckvale mann
The Inventory of the goods and Cattalls of Cuthbert Huckvale of Overnorton in the parishe of Cheppingnorton in
the County of Oxon Gent late decessed as heard after followeth, vewed seene & prayssed by Wm Fletcher
& Rd Busbye of Overnorton aforesayde, the 25 daye of the month of March in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand
five sixe hundred & thirtie seven, & in the 12 yeare of the Reigne of ouer Sovereigne Lord Charles By the grace of god kinge
Inprimis three horsses prayssed att 7 0 0
Item five kine prayssed att 10 0 0
It three heavy foos prayssed att 4 0 0
It five Akars & a land of Wheate prayssed att 5 0 0
It five akars of Barlye & hayssed att 2 10 0
It fowre akars of pease att 2 0 0
It three akers & three yeares of Oats prayssed att 1 5 0
It three quarters of Barlye & ahalfe for feede prayssed at 3 10 0
It grist Corne prayssed att 1 6 8
It one yron bound Carte one ploughe three harrows & horsegeares
& one donge Carte & other Implements prayssed att 2 10 0
It haye prayssed att 2 13 0
It one Sowe & piggs & fowre fluhinge of Backon prayssed att 2 0 0
It fire woode & Cart timbber & plough timber prayssed att 1 0 0
It one Scaffoulde with a littell fearne onit prayssed att 0 6 8
It one furnes one malte mill & other Implements att 1 13 4
It in the Chamber ouer the Buttrie one olde garner one dowgze
kiuer & one shinninge wheele & olde yron n& other Implements 1 0 0
It one morter & pestell & other brase prayssed att 1 10 0
It two poots & three posnets prayssed att 1 0 0
It one Wassor & kawer & other pewter prayssed att 0 5 0
It three silver spoones prayssed att 0 15 0
It two peare of flaxen sheets & pillows prayssed att 0 13 0
It eight peare of Coorse sheets & halfs a dossen of napkins &
two table Clothes prayssed att 1 10 0
It one Cubberd in the hall one table one Cheyer one forme
& two stooles with other Implements prayssed att 1 6 8
It one yron barr & one olde yron beame for weighte three
Spitts undievrs & other Implements prayssed att 0 10 0
It Coopperie ware prayssed att 0 6 0
It two fether bedes two flaxbeds fowre pillowes fowre bowsters
with Cowlids blankets & two bedsteeds prayssed att 5 0 0
It two Chests two Coffers & a warmeinge pann att 0 10 0
It his wearinge aparrell & boots & other Implements att 6 0 0
It att Brayfes one table borde one beinh & waynescott & two
joyne fooles one littell fettell & one shelfe & other Implements
prayssed att 0 6 8
Some is 67 7 0
Ex[ecutum] erat huioi[s] In[ventu]ri apud
Chi[p]pi[n]g[nor]ton in visitaco[n]e ib[ide]m dict[i] decimo
nono die mensi Aprilis 1637 p[er]
Alicia Huckvale Rel[i]c[t]am et Ex[ecut]rem &c
pro vero ac pleno In[ventu]rio &c sub p[ro]testat[one]
tamen de addendo &c q[uo]d si &c
It was executed, this Inventory at
Chipping Norton, in a visitation to the said place, on the
nineteenth day of the month April 1637 through
Alice Huckvale Widow and Executor etc.
for a true and full Inventory etc. under protestation
nevertheless about which is to be added
Probate from the Reistered Will:
Probatu[m] erat hoc Test[ament]um apud
Chiping Norton in Visitaco[n]e d[omi]ni
Archi[diaco]ni Oxon[iensis] ib[ide]m tento 13 Aprilis
coram ven[erab]li viro Egidio Sivert L[egum]
d[o]c[t]ore ac d[omi]mi Archi[diaco]ni Archi[deaco]nato oxon[iensis]
Offi[cia]le princ[ipa]le l[egi]time constituto &c
Commis[a fuit] ad[ministrac]e &c eiusq[ue] Test[ament]um qual[ite]r
cu[m]q[ue] conc[er]nen[tium] Alicie Rel[ict]e et Ex[ecu]t[r]is &c
in forma Juris iurat[e] saluo Jure cuiuscu[m]q[ue]
It was proved, this Testament, at
Chipping Norton in a Visitation of the lord
Archdeacon of Oxford held in the same place 13 April
before the venerable Giles Sivert doctor
of Laws and legally appointed principal
Official of the Archdeacon of the Archdeanery of Oxford etc.
Administration was committed etc. and concerning his Testament
by whatever means, to Alice Widow and Executrix etc.
sworn in the form of the law, preserving the right of anyone
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