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Will (1646) and Probate (1646) of Henry Cowper of Marston Sicca, Gloucestershire - Glos GDR/R8/1646/37

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Date: 7 Sep 1646 to 13 Oct 1646
Location: Marston Sicca, Gloucestershire, Englandmap
Surname/tag: cowper
This page has been accessed 101 times.

Consistory Court of Gloucester, Wills and Probate; GDR/R8/1646/37; Gloucestershire Archives

Ancestry.com. Gloucestershire, England, Wills and Inventories, 1541-1858 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2014; Entry for Henry Cowper (accessed 25 January 2023) Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry au Record 4294 #128804

Transcribed by Nicholas Adams

This will has particularly poor handwriting.



In the name of God Amen. I Henry Cowper of Marston sicca in ye County
of Glouc[este]r yeoman being weak in body but of p[er]fect mynd & memory doe make and declare my
Last will and Testament in maner and forme following. ffirst I commend my soule into the
hands of Allmighty God my Creator relying upyn the alone merits of Jesus Christ my
Redemer for Salvation. My body I committ to Christian burial according to ye discretion
of my Executors hereafter named And touching my worldly estate and goods whereof
God hath blessed me I despose the Same as followeth Inprimis I give to the
p[ar]ish of the Church of Marston Sicca aforesaid the summe of three pounds to be paid to
the Churchwardens according as there shalbe cause found for ye necessary or convenient disbursion
thereof Itm I give to the poore of the said parish Twentie shillings. Itm I give to each
& every one of ye children of Thomas Underhill and Anne Underhill nez Cowper my daughter
of Admington w[ith]in ye p[ar]ish of Quynton the summe of ffive pounds. Itm I give and
bequeath to Edmund Cotterell ye younger my Grandchild, sonne of Edmund Cotterell &
Joane Cotterell nez Cowper my daughter of Sainbury the summe of Ten pounds, &
to each & every one of the children of the said Edmund and Joane being in ?
five ?besules the said Edmund Cotterell the younger the summe of five pounds. Itm
I give and bequeath to each & every of my domesticall servants twelve pense
Itm my will is that all the Lands and Tenem[en]ts that I have and possess in
Marston sicca aforesaid or wherever else shalbe equally divided betweene my two
Grandchildren Mary Cowper and Hanna Cowper daughters of Thomas Cowper my
sonne deceased , to whom I give and bequeath the forsaid Lands & Tenem[en]ts
To have and to hold to them & to their heires & Assignes for ever. Itm I give &
bequeath all my p[er]sonall effects and goods (not bequeathed, nor hereafter by this my
will to be bequeathed, my debts paid & Legacies discharged) to the said Mary &
Hanna Cowper to be equally divided between them. Itm I give and bequeath
to Mary Cowper my loving daughter in lawe the stock of Cattell ? her Two
yards Lands ?ture in Marston feild according to ye properties that ye a[foresaid] Lands in
ye said feild a[foresaid] above. And I doe hereby nominate and appoint the said Mary Cowp[er
my daughter in Law ye Sole Executrix of this my Last will & Testament. In
witnesse whereof I have hereunto putt my hand & seale ye Seaventh day of
September Anoo d[omi]ni 1646. ye m[ar]ke of
Henry Cowper

[In the left margin]
Item I give unto my
daughter Anne, ye wife
of Thomas Underhill
The sum[m]e of five pound
Item I give unto my
daughter Joane ye wife
of Thomas Edmund
the sum[m]e
of tenne pound.

Sealed subscribed and declared
i n ye pre[sen]ce of
John Bucklew John Knight
Jo: Stephens Richard Collett Joseph Cooper.
ye mark of ye m[ar]ke of
Eliz. 0 Bushell . John J Perry
ye m[ar]ke of
Thomas W Cowper


Probatum fuit hu[ius]mod[i] testamentu[m] apud Glouc decimo tertio die Octobres
Anno D[omi]ni 1646. Coram Edwardo Williames Presbytero Surrogato ven[erabi]les
viri ffrancisci Babe\r legum doctores R[everen]di patres ? Glouc Ep[iscop]i Vicaris
in Sp[irit]ualibus gen[er]alis &c Ac per eius approbatum &c Commissaq[ue] fuit et
est Aministraco &c Executoric[em[ &c debite pr? (rogore Commissionis in
ea parte emanat[um]) ad Sancta dei evangelia iurat[um] Saluo Jure &c

This testament was proved at Gloucester on the thirteenth day of October
Anno Domini 1646. Before Edward Williames Substitute Priest for the venerable
Francis Baber doctor of laws Revenend father ? Bishop og Gloucester Vicar
general in Spiritual matters &c And also by his approval &c And Administration was and
is Granted &c the Executrix &c due ? (by right of the Grant issued
about that part) sworn upon the Holy gospels of god Preservibg the Rights &c

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