Location: Crimscote, Warwickshire, England, United Kingdom
Surname/tag: underhill
PROB 11/207/219; The National Archives, Kew, London
Transcribed by Nicholas Adams
Contents |
In the Name of God Amen
I Jane Vnderhill of Crimscott in the countie of Warwick widdowe findinge
my self not well in bodie but of good and perfecte memorie doe make ordeyne and
appointe this my last will and testament the two and twentieth daie of October
in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand six hundred fortie and seaven in manner
and forme followeinge First I will and bequeath my soule unto Allmightie God my
Creator and redeemer by whose death and passion I hope to be saved And my bodie to be
buried within the parrishe Church of Whitchurch neere unto my deare he beloved husband
And for my worldlie goods I dispose them as followeth Inprimis I give to the Minister
that shall make my Funerall sermon ten shillinges Item I give unto the poore of Crimscott
as followeth To Timothie Caninge his wife and children five shillinges To Cornelius
Blackwell his wife and children five shillinges To Margarett Browne five shillinges
Item I give to my eldest sonne John Underhill the wainscott in the parlor, my greate barrells
in the Butterie The standards that all the barrells on, five shelves in the house where the
vessells stand, the Iron chaine that drawes water with the tumbrell of the well and the Iron
in itt, the wainscott in the Hall, the long table, and the forme that stands by itt, the benches &
the windowe ledds, the Irons in the Chimney that hang the potts with linkes, and pothookes
All the lockes belonginge to the dores that are mine, two bacon Fletches in the kitchen with
the greate pole to hange Bacon on A standard that beares the breweinge vate, another that
beares the bookeinge kowle, A cheese presse in the brewhouse, a Salting trough and the borde
that doth cover itt, the Maltmill, the mustard mill, a greate hennpenne, a saltinge trough in
the dari house five longe Cheesebords, a butter tubb, A flower tubb, a Candles tubb One
bedsted in the chamber where the children lye, two in the chamber where the men lye, one
in the chamber where the maides lye a Closestoole, and panne, a ragg gowne, six silver
spoones, and one greate brasse pan (Item) I give unto his sonne John two bedsteds
in my chamber, and the safe, Item I give unto my son Johns six younger children twentie poundes
to be paid to there Father for them within two yeares after my decease equallie to be devided
Item I give to my son Thomas Underhill, one Featherbed, two Featherboulsters, two paire of
blancketts which are all marked with G and V, a greate chest that standes by the truckle
bed in my chamber, one sett of curtaines blewe, and yellowe, and the greate Truncke that standes
upon itt with all that is in them both the truncks marked with J and V, the table borde
in the parlor and the forme that stands by itt, the double gardiner in the lamer howse,
the silver Jugge, my bible, and thirtie poundes in money Item I give unto Jane Vnderhill
the daughter of my son Thomas one little Truncke marked with J and V, and all that
is in itt Item I give to my sonne Thomas his children twentie poundes equallie to be
devided amongest them and to be paid within two yeares after my decease Item I give
unto my sonne Humfrey one Fetherbed, one Fetherbolster, one Flackeboulster, one downe
pillowe, my best coverlett, six turkie marke Cushions, the greate cogned chest, in my chamber
one truncke marked with F and C two chaires in my chamber, afforme, and a Cubboard
The pin chest, in the chimney in the Hall a presse in the chanber, over the Hall, a greate
Iron bound chest, in the same chamber and all that is in the Iron bound chest Item I give
unto my sonne Humfrey in money twentie poundes, and to his children twentie poundes
to be equallie devided amongst them, and both twentie poundes to be paid unto him within
two yeares after my decease Item I give unto my daughter Ems her children Fiftie pounds
that there Father oweth mee which Fiftie poundes I give to be equally devided betwixt
them, And I give to my daughters children my cogned chest, which standes without my
Chamber, and all thinges therein, one Truncke that standes under my bed, and all that
is in itt, the bigger truncke that is in my chamber wherein my weareinge Lynnen lyeth
Item I give to my daughter Ems her children twentie poundes more, which money I
appointe to remaine in my son Thomas his handes, till hee be dischardged of a bond
wherein she standes bonnd with their Father Anthony Emes to mr Henri Clerke, and
after that to remaine in the handes of my sonne Thomas till hee be paid such moneyes
as my sone Ems oweth him. and then to be disposed for the childrens good by him in placeing
of them or otherwise to hsinpleasure Item I give to my daughter Ems all my wearinge
Apparrell, one sute of Damas, one box, one deskem a box in the truncke wherein my wearinge
lynnen lyeth, which I desire to be buried in one silver bowle, one silver salt, and one gold
ringe, which I value att ten poundes, which sute of Damas, silver bowle, silver salte
and gold ringe I appointe to be kept by my sonne Thomas till hee be paid such moneyes as my
son Emes oweth him Item I give to my daughter Emes my dowle bed, whereon I lye marked
with A and E, my side sadle, my pillion, my rideing sute, and apparrell Item I give to my
sonne Georges two daughters tenn poundes apeece to be paid within one moneth after my
decease And if either die, the other to enioye the whole twentie poundes, And if both die before
they marrie or come to the age of eighteene yeares, then the said twentie poundes shall returne to
any executor, and in the meane time I appointe the same moneys be imployed by my overseers
for there good Item I give them more fortie shillinges to be bestowed upon them in necessarie
apparrell att my death And my will is that all the goods that I have given might bee
delivered within three monethes after my deathe, except such goods as I have appointed to
remaine in my sonne Thomas his handes for the secureinge of him, for such moneyes as my Son
Emes oweth him, or hee standeth bound for my Sonne Ems And whereas the moneyes that
I have given are in the handes of other men, my will is that my sonne John, and Humfrey
should ioyne together with my son Thomas in gaineing of the same, and bee sharers in
paieinge of the charges in the suite in lawe, and sharers in the lesse answeareable proportanably
to the money geven them, and theirs herein All the rest of my goods, and moneyes moveables
and unmoveables, not given nor bequeathed herein I give and bequeath to my sonne
Thomas Vnderhill, and make him my sole, and whole executor of this my last will, and
testament And I appointe my cozen Mr Edward Vnderhill of Over Ettington and
Richard Amge of Halford my overseers, and I give them five shillinges to buy them
gloves, And in testimonie that this is my last will and testament I have hereunto set my hand
and seale the daie and yeare above written The mark of Jane Vnderhill Sealed and
signed in the presence of us Will: Thornburgh The marke of Richard Smith The marke of
George Rawlins/
Probatum fuit Testamentum suprascriptum
apud London coram venerabili viro Domino Nathaniele Brent milite legum doctore
Curiae Prerogat[ive] magistro sive Custode legitime constituto vicesimo septimo die, mensis Januarii
Anno Domini (iuxta computacaem ecclesia Anglicana) millesimo, sexcentesimo quadra[gesi]mo
octavo Juramento Johannis Vnderhill filii dicte defuncte et executoris in huiusmodi testam[en]to
nominati Cuicomissa fuit administraco omnium et singulorum bonorum, iurium et creditoru[m]
dicte defuncte De bene et fideliter administrando eadem ad sancta Dei evangelia
vigore Comiss[io]nis in eaparte alias emanata Jurat/ Extur
The above written Testament has been proven
at London before the venerable Sir Nathaniele Brent doctor of laws
master or warden of the Prerogative Court lawfully constituted on the twenty seventh day, of the month of January
Anno Domini (calculated according to the Anglican church) one thousand six hundred and forty
eight By the oath of John Vnderhill son of the said deceased and the executor named in this testament
to whom was commited the administration of all and singular the goods, rights and loans
of the said deceased The same to be administered well and faithfully sworn upon the holy gospels of God
by the power of the commission on the part of another by the law.
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