Will (1699), Inventory (1705) and Probate (1705) of Mary Midwinter of Hatherop, Gloucestershire - Glos 1705/148
Location: Hatherop, Gloucestershire, England
Surname/tag: midwinter
Consistory Court of Gloucester, Wills and Probate; 1705/148; Gloucestershire Archives
Ancestry.com. Gloucestershire, England, Wills and Inventories, 1541-1858 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2014; Entry for Marie Midwinter (accessed 09 Jan 2024) Ancestry Sharing Link
Ancestry.com. Gloucestershire, England, Wills and Inventories, 1541-1858 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2014; Entry for Mary Midwinter (accessed 09 Jan 2024) Ancestry Sharing Link
Transcribed by Nicholas Adams
Contents |
In the name of God Amen the twentie third day of October in the yeare of
our Lord God one thousand six hundred niety and nine in the eleventh yeare of the
Reign of Sovereign Lord William the third by the grace of God King of England Scotland
France and Ireland defender of the faith ec. I Marie Midwinter of Hatherup in the
County of Gloucester widdow being at this present old and weake in abillity
of body yet of perfect minde and memory, do make and ordaine this my last will
and testament in writeing in maner and form following first I commend my soule
into the hands of Almighty God and to his son Jesus Christ my redeemer hoping and
beliveing that through his death and passion I shalbe made partaker of his heavenly
Kingdom amongst the number of his holy saints and aschuching my body I desire
and my will is that the same shalbe intered in the parish church yard of Hatherup
aforesaid in such manner as to mine Executor shalbe thought fitt and as concerning
the distribution of such worldly estate as God hath bestowed on me First I give
unto Margart wife of my Son Giles Midwinter one shilling Item I give unto
John Midwinter the son of Margart Midwinter widow the sum of four shillings
Item I give unto Margart and Marie daughters of the above said John Midwinter the
sum of five shillings apeece Item I give unto Giles Midwinter son of the above said
Margart Midwinter widow the som of four shillings Item I give unto Edward
Midwinter son of the said Margart Midwinter widow one Iorn pot
Item I give unto Giles and Ann the children of my son John Midwinter the sum of
two pounds apeece. The residue of all my goods catles and chattles personall and reall
moveable and unmoveable and all debts whatsoever not given nor bequeathed my
debts being paid my legacies fulfilled my funeall expenses discharged I give and bequeath
unto my son John Midwinter whom I doe nominate and appoynt to be the sole
Executor of this my last will and testament and doe hereby revoke all former
wills by me made and established this to be my last In wittness of this my last will
and testament I have unto sett my hand and seale the day and yeare first
above written
published sealed and declared as the last will and testament
of the above said Marie Midwinter in the presence
of us
Will Borrchier the mark of
Martha Sutten M
Thomas Ebsworth Mary Midwinter
20: Janu 1705 Juxta ec
Jurat Execa coram me
Rich Parsons
True Inventory of all and Sing[ular]
the goods and other the p[er]sonall
Estate whereof Mary Midwinter
of Hatherop in the County of
Glouc Widow and Relict of
Alexander Midwinter late
of Hatherop afore[sai]d Husband
Man dec[eas]ed dyed possessed of
Apprized and taken by us
li s d
Imp[rimi[s wearing Apparrell 0 = 07 = 00
Item one little kettle _ _ 0 = 02 = 06
Item Money att Interest _ 10 = 00 = 00
Item Money owing _ _ 6 = 00 = 00
Item one Tenem[en]t for Term of Life } 0 = 00 = 00
of the s[ai]d Mary Midwinter dec[eas]ed }
In all - 16 = 09 = 06
Apprised and taken the Nineteenth Day of
January in the yeare of our Lord 1705
Thomas Braat
William ffarmer
Ex[hibi]t[um fuit hu[iusmod]i Inven[o]r[u]m in Reg[ul]um
Glouc Ep[iscop]ale 20^o Januarij 1705 Juxta
&c per Joh[ann]em Midwinter Solum
Exec[utore]m &c pro vero &c Sub protest[ation]e
tamen de addendo &c q[uo]d al[i]i &c
This Inventory was presented into the Rule
of the Bishopric of Floucester about theh January1705
&c by John Midwinter Sole
Executor &c as a true &c Under the condition
however of additions &c that others &c
[There's also a second copy of the Inventory in the records, woithout the Latin presentation annotation. It the same with some minor abbrevayion and wording differences.]
Probatum fuit hu[iusmod]i Testa[mentum]
apud Glouc vicesimo Die Jan[ua]ri
1705 cor[am] ven[erab]li viro Richo
Parsons Legu[m] D[o]c[t]ore Re[vere]ndi in [Christ]o
Patris ac D[omi]ni Edri[c]u p[er]miss[ion]e Di[vin]a Glouc
Ep[iscop]i Vicar[io] in Sp[i]r[i]tual[ibus] gen[era]li &c & Joh[ann]em
&c Cui &c primitus de bene &c ac de pleno
&c necnon de vero &c cor[am] p[ro]fato vicar[io] Jurat[um]
Saluo Jure cui[us]cumq[ue]
This Testament was proved
At Gloucester the twentieth Day of January
1705 before the venerable Richard
Parsons Doctor of Laws, Reverend Father
and Lord in Christ to Edward by Divine permission Bishop
of Floucesterand Vicar general in Spiritual matters &c & John Midwinter
&c To whom &c firstly to well &c and of a full
&c and also of a true &c vefore the aforesaid vicar, preserving
The rights of anyone
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