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Will (1702) and Inventory (1702) of Anteny Strang of Cleeve Piper, Wiltshire - Wiltshire and Swindon P3/S/875

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Cliffe Pypard, Wiltshire, Englandmap
Surname/tag: Strange
This page has been accessed 96 times.

Will; Wiltshire Wills and Probate 1530-1858, P3/S/875; Wiltshire and Swindon Archives
Inventory; Wiltshire Wills and Probate 1530-1858, P3/S/875; Wiltshire and Swindon Archives

Transcribed by Nicholas Adams



In the Name of God Amen this last day of September in the first yeare of the Reigne of o[ur] Sov[er]reigne
Lady Ann Queene over England &c. Anooq[ue] D[omi]ni 1702: I Anthony Strang of Thornehill
in the p[ar]ishe of Cleeve piper in the County of Wilts[hire] Yeoman being of sound mind
memory and good understanding praysed be Given unto God therefore doe make
and ordeyne this to be my last will and testament In manner and forme following
(that is to say) Imp[rimi]s I give and bequeath unto Suzannah my loving wife all that
my lease hold Estate scituate lyeing and being in Grettenham in the p[ar]ishe of Brinkworth
in the s[ai]d County of Wilts[hire] for and during the terme of her n[atu]rall life (if she shall soe long
Continue sole and unmarryed) And that in case she shall marry or take another husband
then I doe here by only give and bequeath unto her the sum of Eight pounds yearely out
of the s[ai]d Estate for her life and the rest residue and remainder I doe give and bequeath
unto Ann John Edmond and William my sons and Daughter to be Equally devided
amongst them share and share alike by my Executo[ur] In trust herein after menconed And
that In case either of my ffouer Children herein before menconed shall happen to dye
att any tyme hereafter that then his her or theire share and parts shall be Equally
devided betweene Mary Sarah and Suzannah my daughters Item I doe also give
and bequeath unto Mary Sarah Suzannah Ann John Edmond and William my
said sons and daughters the sum of ffiftey poundes a piece to be Equally devided
between them share and share alike when they any or either of them shall
seu[er]ally attaine theire seu[er]all and respective ages of one and Twenty years And
that in case either of them shall happen to dye before they or either of them shall
attaine theire age of one and twenty years soe as afors[ai]d that then his her
or their parts shalbe Equally devided between the rest of my said Children that
shall survive when they any or either of them shall attaine theire ages of one &
twenty years soe as afors[ai]d share and share ali[ke] Item I doe make Constitute and
appoint my said loving wife suzannah whole and sole Executrix of this my last will and
Testament And also I doe hereby appoint John Strange of the p[ar]ishe of Leachladd in the
County of Gloucester yeoman and William Brown of Bapton in the p[ar]ishe of Cleeve pip in the s[ai]d County
of Wilts[hire] yeoman to be overseers of this my will and for theire Care and paynes in soe
doeing I doe give both of them one and twenty shillings and sixe pence to see this my
will duely and truly p[er]formed and that In case my said wife refuse to Administer then I doe
hereby give my said overseers full power lawfull and absolute authority for them and in theire
names to Admin[i]ster and to doe and p[er]forme all and whatsoever is herein above Exp[re]ssed and
not otherwise In wittnes whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seals the day and
yeare above written.//
Anteny Strange (Seal)

Signed sealed published and
Declared In the p[re]sence of
Thomas Gopter
Sarah Fostor
Robte Baylys


A true and p[er]fect Inventory of all the Goods and Chattels of
Antony Strange of Thornhill in the parish of Cleeve peppar in the
County of Wilts[hire] yeoman lately decasid taken & prized by us whose
names are here under written on the Twenty first day of October 1702.

l      s      d 
Imp. In the North Lease 13 Cowes & 5 Weanlings 44 - 00 - 00
It. In Inlands 27 Sheep and 6 Heifers 25 - 00 - 00
It. In the Cow Lease and Shide 22 Cows & a Bull 66 - 00 - 00
It In Allens 80 Sheep and 33 Lambs 28 - 10 - 00
It. In the Barton & other places 32 Tun of Hey 48 - 00 - 00
It in Long Hide 2 Tun of mang: Fodder 02 - 00 - 00
It In the Stable 7 Horses 30 - 00 - 00
It In the Barton & Barn Barley 35 - 00 - 00
It In the Barton Oates 30 - 00 - 00
It In the Barn & Rick, wheat 20 - 00 - 00
It In the Sty 5 Hogs 09 - 00 - 00
It In the Barton 9 Store Pigs 03 - 03 - 00
It In the Cart house 2 wagons 1 Dung Pott & other lumber 10 - 00 - 00
It In the Stable 1 Set of Harness & other lumber 01 - 10 - 00
It In the Barn 1 Vann Stocks Sieves & other lumber with
    15 Sacks
01 - 00 - 00
It In the Ground 18 Acres of wheat 18 - 00 - 00
It In the Rick Barton Beans & Pease 06 - 00 - 00
It In the Field, Plough, 1 pr of Harness, 1Seed Lip, 1 Fold 00 - 15 - 00
It In the Rick Barton, 2 Rick Staddles 02 - 00 - 00
It In the Hall, 3 Tables, 2 chaires, 2 joyn’d stoolesh
    1 Form, 1 Jack, 1 Still, 4-spitts, 2 Dripping pans, 1pr
    of Dogs, 1pr of Andirons, 1 Chafindish, 2 warming pans,
    1 Flitch of Bacon, Books of several sorts, 1 Scale Beam,
    & other lumber
02 - 00 - 00
It In the Parlour, 2 Tables, 6 joyn’d stooles, 2 chaires 01 - 00 - 00
It In the Pantry, 1 Chest, 2 Cupboards, 1 dozen of pewter
    platters, 24 Plates, 1 Flagon, 2 Candlesticks, 3 Pottin=
    gers & other lumber
03 - 00 - 00
It In the 2 Butteries, 11 Barrels & other lumber 01 - 10 - 00
It In the Kitchin, 1 Furnace, 1pr of Dogs, 1pr of
    Tongues, 1 Fireshovel, 1pr of Cottrels, 1 Salt box &
    other lumber
01 - 10 - 00
It In the passage, 4 Kettles, 2 Skillets, 3 basting Ladles,
    1 brass Par & other lumber
03 - 00 - 00
It In the Mealhouse, 2 Bell brass pots, 1 Frying Pan,
    1 Powdring Tub, 2 Silts & other lumber
01 - 00 - 00
It In the Day house, 2 Cheesepresses, 1 Churn, 7 Rivers, 6
    milk Pailes, 12 Cheesevats, 1 Cheese Cowl & other lumber
04 - 00 - 00
It In the Parlour Chamber, 1 Feather Bed & Bolster, 1pr of
    Blankets, 1 Rug, 1 Bedstead matt & cord, 1 Chest, 1 Box
05 - 00 - 00
It In the Chamber over the Pantry, 1 Feather Bed & Bolster
    1 Flock Bed & Feather Bolster, 3 Blankets, 1 Coverlid,
    2 Bed Steds & other lumber
02 - 10 - 00
It In the Chamber over the Buttery, 1 Feather Bed&Bolster,
    2 Blankets, 1 Coverlid, 1pr of Curtains, 1 Bedstead,
    matt & cord, 1 Chest, 1 Looking Glass
05 - 00 - 00
It In the Chamber over the Hall, 1 Feather Bed & Bolster,
    2 Blankets, 1 Rug, 1 Bedstead & Curtains, 1 Clock,
    1 Table, 1 Coffer, 1 Box, 4 Chaires, 1pr of Andirons
    1 Chamber Pott
05 - 00 - 00
It In the Apple Loft, the Apples 00 - 10 - 00
It In the Chamber over the meal house, 2 Flockbeds
    & Bedsteads with their furniture & other lumber
01 - 00 - 00
It In the Cheese Loft, 2 Tun & 5 Ə of Cheese and
    cheese Tacks
50 - 00 - 00
It In the Parlour Chamber, 6pr of sheets, 2 dozen
    of Napkins, 3 Table Clothes & other Linen
04 - 00 - 00
It A chattel Lease in Brinkworth parish 140 - 00 - 00
It Moneys owing in good & bad debts 25 - 00 - 00
It In wearing Apparell & Money in Pockett   05 – 00 - 00
639 - 18 - 00

Roger Sparkman
William Smith

----- 26 Octobris 1702 ----- per
Susannam Relict & Solam Execatricem
&c :-

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