Location: Sherborne, Gloucestershire, England
Surname/tag: midwinter
Consistory Court of Gloucester, Wills and Probate; 1704/81; Gloucestershire Archives
Ancestry.com. Gloucestershire, England, Wills and Inventories, 1541-1858 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2014; Entry for Mary Midwinter (accessed 11 May 2017) Ancestry Sharing Link
Transcribed by Nicholas Adams
Contents |
In the name of the Blessed Trinity Amen
May 13 1704
I Mary Midwinter of the Parish of Sherborne in the
County of Gloucester Spinster being of perfect memory and
remembrance (Blessed be God) doe make and ordain this
my last will and testament in manner following.
First I recommend my soul into the hands of my good God
hopeing that thro the death and passion of his Son Jesus
Christ my onely saviour and redeemer to receive
forgiveness of all my sins, and as for my Buriall I
leave it to the discretion of my Executor herein
Item I give to Mary Burson ye sum of fourty shillings
Item to Jane ye daughter of Mary Burson ye sum of forty shillings
Item to my Kinswoman Lucy Holland ye sum of fourty shillings
Item to my Kinswoman Jone Lawrence ye sum of twenty shillings
Item to my Kinsman Jephson Holland one shilling
Item to Rich Burson one shilling
Item I give to Ann Dadly the sun of twenty shillings
Item I give to my Brother Thomas Midwinter all the
rest of my goods & chattels upon condition that
he pay all my debts and legacies, and I make
him Sole Executor of this my last Will and
Testament, revokeing all other wills and testaments
in Witness whereof I have hereunto set my
hand and seal the day and year above written.
Thomas Parsons Vic: of Sherborne Mary X Midwinter
Robert X Rowland
her June 9 1704
Hester X Dodge Jurat ? me
mark Rich Parsons
Probatum fuit huius[modi]
Testam[entum] apud Cirencester
Nono Die Mensis Junij Anno
D[omi]ni 1704 coram Ven[erabi]li Viro Rich[ard[e
Parsons Legum D[o]c[t]ore Re[vere]ndi in [Christ]o
Patris & D[omi]ni D[omi]ni Ed[ward]i p[er]misione
di[vin]a Glouc Ep[iscop]I vicario in Sp[iri]tualibus
Gen[era]li &c per Thomam Midwinter fratrem
n[atu]ralem & ? Defunctae & Solu[m] Exec[uto]ris &c
Cui &c pr[i]matus de Bene &c ac de pleno
&c necnon de vero &c coram profato
vicario Jurat[um] Saluo jure cujusc[um]q[ue]/
This Testament was
proved at Cirencester
on the Nionth Dau of the Month of June Anno
Domini 1704 before the Venerable Rich[ard]e
Parsons Doctor of Laws Reverend Father
and Lord In Christ, to Lord Ed[ward] by divine
permission Bishop of Gloucester, vicar General
in Spiritual matters &c by Thomas Midwinter natural
brother & ? of the deceased & sole Executor &c
to whom &c firstly to Well &c and of a full
&c and also of a true &c before the aforesaid
vicar, preserving the rights of anyone/
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