Will (1705) and Probate (1705) of Gyles Midwinter of Aldsworth, Gloucestershire - Glos Gdr/R13/1/193
Location: Aldsworth, Gloucestershire, England
Surname/tag: midwinrer
Consistory Court of Gloucester, Wills and Probate; Gdr/R13/1/193; Gloucestershire Archives
Ancestry.com. Gloucestershire, England, Wills and Inventories, 1541-1858 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2014; Entry for Gyles Midwinter (accessed 28 Apr 2017) Ancestry Sharing Link
Transcribed by Nicholas Adams
Contents |
In the name of God Amen, I Gyles Midwinter of Aldsworth
In the County of Gloucester Carpenter being in health of body
And of sound and perfect mind and memory praise be therefore given
to Almighty God doe make and ordaine this my present last will and testament
In manner and forme following, that is to say first and principally I
Commend my soul into the hands of Almighty God hopeing through
the merrits death and passion of our Saviour Jesus Christ to have full
and free pardon and forgiveness of all my sins and to Inherit everlast=
=ing Life and my Body I Commit to the earth to be decently buried at
the discretion of my executor hereafter named, and ass touching the dispo=
sition of all such temporall estate as it hath pleased Almighty God
to bestow upon me I give and dispose thereof ass followeth; first I will that
my depts and funerall Charges shall be paid and discharged by my executors
Item I give and bequeath unto my Wife all my Lease hould Estate sittuate and
Lying in Aldsworth during the terme of her naturall Life and after her
deceace, I give it to my nephew Gyles Midwinter, the sonn of my Brother
John Midwinter during the terme of his Life Likewise I give my nephew
Gyles Midwinter the son of my Brother John Midwinter the table bord and
frame and and formes and give chaire and Rich stadell and ?barn ateanging
to my house at Aldsworth after the decease of my wife, uppon condition that
he pay the sum of Six pounds unto his sister Ann Midwinter within to years
After the death of my wife [] the six pounds according
to this will; I give my Leasehold estate and these goods before mentioned unto
his sister An Midwinter the Daughter of my Brother John Midwinter after my
wifes decease, during the terme of his Life Item I give unto my neice Ann Midwin
=ter the daughter of my Brother John Midwinter my great bruing kettell after
the decease of my wife Item I give unto my mother Mary Midwinter one shilling
to be paid within one month after my decease Item I give unto my Brother John
Midwinter three pounds in mony to be paid in to years after my decease by my executor; Item
I give unto my Brother John Midwinter my wearing Aparrell and shirts Item I
give unto my nephew John Midwinter the son of my Brother Edward Midwinter
deceased the sum of twenty shillings to be paid by my executor within to yeares
after my decease Item I give unto my nephew Gyles Midwinter the son of
my Brother Edward Midwinter the sum of twenty shillings to be paid by
me executor within to yeares After my decease Item I give unto my nephew
Edward Midwinter the son of my Brother Edward Midwinter deceased my bread
horne Cow; and earling Calf that came of her Item I give unto my neice
Elizabeth Jordan the Daughter of my Brother Edward Midwinter deceased
the sum of twenty shillings to be paid by my executors within to years after my
decease Item I give unto my meice Eliz: Jordan the Daughter of my Brother
Edward Midwinter my bed and bedsted my stalles ?fallets within to years after my decease
Item I give unto my nice Margeret Midwinter the Daughter of my nephew John Midwinter the sum of twenty shillings to be paid within to years after
my deacease by my executor
Item I give to my nice Mary Midwinter the Daughter of my nephew
John Midwinter the bed in the Iner Chamber and one barrell and one Cowle after
my wives decease and if Mary dies before my wife my will is that her sister
Jane shall have it. Item I give unto my nice Jane Midwinter the
Daughter of my nephew John Midwinter one brass kettell one skillet one
barrell and one Cowle after me and my wives decease Item I give unto my
nephew Gyles Midwinter the son of my brother Edward Midwinter deceased
one oken Chest one oken Cobard and A salting trowl and A malt mill and
A<struck out> and shelves and Chaires belonging to me at Netherton in the parrish
of Hathroope After my decease Item I give unto my nephew Gyles Midwinter
the son of my Brother John Midwinter my best bugett of workeing
tooles Item I give unto my sonn in Law Anthony Lambert the sonn of
my wife Margeret Midwinter the sum of twenty shillings to be paid
by my executor within to yeares After my decease Item I give unto my
sonn in Law James Lambert the son of my wife Margeret Midwinter
the sum of twenty shillings to be paid by my executor within to years
after my decease Item I give unto my kinsman Anthony Lambert the
sonn of my son in Law Anthony Lambert the sum of twenty shillings to be
paid within to years after my decease by my executor Item I give unto
my neice Mary Midwinter the Daughter of my nephew Edward Midwinter one Cofer
and one desk <struck out> Item I give unto my sister
in Law Margeret Midwinter the warming pan that is at Netherton during the
term of her Life and after her decease to give to my nice Mary
Midwinter the Daughter of my nephew Edward Midwinter Item I give
order and appoynt my sonn in Laws |Anthony Lambert and James Lambert to be the
trusteess to see my will truly and faithfully fulfilled Likewise I doe
order and appoynt by this my Last Will and Testament my Deare and Loving
Wife to be my whole and sole Executor and I doe hereby Revoke
disansell and make voyd all former wills and testaments by me made heretofore
In Wittness whereof I the said Gyles Midwinter to this my Last Will and Testament
being contained in one sheete of paper sett my hand and seal this present
eight day of Aprill in the yeare of our Lord 1705
The mark V and () seall of
Gyles Midwinter
Item I doe give unto my nice Mary Midwinter the Daughter of my nephew Edward Midwinter
the sum of twenty shillings to be paid by my executor within to yeares after my decease all
the Residue of my goods and Cattels and parsonall estate whatsoever I doe give and
bequane unto my executor
Seled and delivered in presence Mary M Shinerhen
of uss 12 Septr 1705 mark
James Day
Briget N day her mark Jurat Ex by me Rich Lassey
Probatu[m] erat h[uiusm]o[d]i Test[ament]um
in Reg[ist]rum de Bibury in Com. Glouc.
duodecimo die mensis Septembr[is] A[nn]o
d[omi]ni 1705 cor[am] ven[erab]li viro Rich[ard]o Parsons
Legu[m] d[o]c[t]ore ac pecul[iarem] et [?christ]em p[raedic]t[i] Jurisdicti[i]onis
de Bibury in Com. Glouc. Judic[um] Ordinar[is] l[egi]time
constitut[i] p[er] <blank> Midwinter vid[uam] rel[ic]tam p[raedic]t[i]
def[uncti] et ex[e]c[utric]em &c Cui &c primitus de vero &c ac de
pleno &c necnon de vero &c cor[am] Judic[um] p[raedic]t[i] Jurat[um]
(saluo jure cuiuscu[m]q[ue] /.
This Testament was proved
in the Register from Bibury in the County of Gloucester
on the twelfth day of the month of September Anno
domini 1705 before the venerable Richard Parsons
doctor of Laws and also the lawfully constituted Judge Ordinary of
the peculiar and ?holy aforesaid Jurisdiction of Bibury in the County
of Gloucester by <blank> Midwinter widow and relict of the aforesaid
deceased and and executrix &c To whom &c firstly of a true &c and also of
a full &c and also of a true &c Sworn before the aforesaid Judge
preserving the rights of anyone/.
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