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Will (1717), Inventory (1717) and Probate (1717) of Thomas Midwinter of Sherborne, Gloucestershire - Glos 1717/45

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Date: 20 Feb 1717 to 1 Mar 1717
Location: Sherborne, Gloucestershire, Englandmap
Surname/tag: midwinter
This page has been accessed 88 times.

Consistory Court of Gloucester, Wills and Probate; 1717/45; Gloucestershire Archives

Ancestry.com. Gloucestershire, England, Wills and Inventories, 1541-1858 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2014; Entry for Thomas Midwinter (accessed 12 May 2017) Ancestry Sharing Link

Transcribed by Nicholas Adams



In the name of God Amen the Twentyeth day of February in the Fourth yeare of the
Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord Georg by the Grace of God of Great Brittaine France and
Ireland King Defender of the Faith Et Anno Dom 1717 I Thomas Midwinter of Sherborne
in the County of Gloucester Miller being weake in Body but of sound and perfect mind and memory
thanks be Given to Almighty God for the same, doe make this my last Will and Testament in manner
following revokeing and I doe hereby revoke all former wills by me at any tyme heretofore made Imprimis
I Bequeath my soul into the hands of Almighty God my maker trusteing and relyeing through his
mercyes and the meritts of my Blessed Lord and saviour Jesus Christ to find everlasting salvation
my Body I bequeath to the Earth to be decently Interred according to the discretion of my Executrix
hereinafter named And as touching all wor[ld]ly Estate as it hath pleased God to Blesse me with I
dispose thereof as followeth And first I Give and bequeath unto my Cozen Edward Midwinters sonne
John tenn pounds And alsoe I Give unto my Cozen William Midwinter of Eastington tenn pounds
Also I Give unto my kinswoman Mary the wife of Richard Burson all my Estate in Sherborne
dureing her naturall life Alsoe I give to her daughter Tenn pounds Alsoe I give unto Thomas
Midwinter of Northleach Fifty shillings Alsoe as for all other my good and Chattells and
Debts I doe Give and leave the same unto my servant Anne Dadley she payeing my aforesaid
legacies within one Twelve month next after my decease and discharging my debts which of right
I owe to any one and my funerall Charges she liveing and take care of and soe long as I shall
live If she shall live soe long, And doe make my said servant Anne Dadley whole and sole
executrix of this my Last Will and Testament In witness whereof I have hereunto sett my
hand and seal the day and year first above written:

Sealed subscribed and published by the
name of Thomas Midwinter as his
Last Will and Testament in the
presence of us:
the mark of ye mark of
Edward X Midwinter Thomas | Midwinter
ye mark of
Mary X Midwinter
? Powell

1:^o Mar[ch] 1717
Jurat[um] Anna Dadley Executrix
coram me/


A true & Just Inventory of All the
Goods & Ch[at]ells of Tho[mas] Midwinters of
Shurbun in the Hundred of Slaughter
& in the County of Glouc[ester] miller Thathe
dyed possessed of who departed this life
Febry the 23d d[omi]ni 1717: ?a?ed & Appraized by us whose
names are under written this 26th day of ffeb ruary in
the same yeare as follows.
  li : s : d
Item His purse & wearing apparrell . . . . 20 : 00 : 00
The goods in the house In the Hall on Bed & Bolsterel }
& Chest & five Chares & table & frame & other things }
03 : 00 : 00
In the Middells Roome one table two polls & Two qt }
Cettles & pewter . . . . . . }
03 : 15 :00
In the Chamber two Bds one Trunke & one Cofferand }
Boulting Mill & other things . . . . }
06 : 10 : 00
Oute in the Barne & at the Mill . . . . 01 : 10 : 00
Two Geldings . . . . . . 10 : 00 : 00
Part of two little Ricks of Hay . . . . 02 : 00 : 00
ffour Score pigs . . . . . . 02 : 00 : 00
A little parcell of woode . . . . . 00 : 10 : 00
Sum[m]eis 48 : 05 : 00

George Smith } App[raise]rs
Charles Day }

Exhibitum fuit hoc
Invenor[um] in Regul[um] Glouc Ep[iscop]a[tus]
Primo die mensis Martij Anno
D[omi]ni (Stylo Anglie) 1717 per Annam
Dadley Exec[ut]rem &c provero &c sub
Protestatione tamen de Addendo &c

This Inventory was
presented into the Rule of the Bishopric of Gloucester
on the First day of the month of March Anno
Domini (in the English style) 1717 by Anne
Dadley Executrix &c as a true &c under
the condition however of additions &c


Probatum fuit hoc Testamentum primo die
Mensis Martij Anno D[omi]nu (Stylo Anglie) 1717
coram Ven[erab]li Viro Henrico Cenrice ?Milile Legum
D[o]c[t]ore Re[vere]ndi in [Christ]o p[at]ris & d[omi]ni d[omi]ni Richardi
permissione di[vin]a Glouc Ep[iscop]i Vicario in Sp[i]r[pt]ualibus
gen[era]li &c per Annam Dadley Solam Executricem
&c Cui &c pr[i]matus de bene &c ac de pleno &c
necnon de vero &c ?rile jurat[um] Saluo jure cujusc[um]q[ue]

This Testament was proved on the first day
of the Month of March Anno Domini (in the English style) 1717
before the Venerable Henry Cenrice ? Doctor
of Laws, Reverend father and lord in Christ, to lord Ricjard
by divine permission Bishop of Gloucester, Vicar general
in Spiritual matters &c by Anne Dadley Sole Executrix
&c To whom &c firstly to well &c abd of a full &c
and also of a true &c ? preserving the rights of anyone.

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