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Will (1723) and Probate (1723) of William Underhill of Lower Quinton, Gloucestershire - TNA PROB 11/592/291

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Date: 3 Jul 1723 to 8 Aug 1723
Location: Lower Quinton, Gloucestershire, Englandmap
Surname/tag: underhill
This page has been accessed 113 times.

PROB 11/27/212; The National Archives, Kew, London

Transcribed by Nicholas Adams



In the Name of God Amen
I William Vnderhill of Lower Quinton in the County of
Gloucester Gentleman being sick and weak in body but of sound
mind memory and understanding doe make and ordaine this
my lasy will and testament in writeing Revokeing and
annulling all other wills by me at any time heretofore made.
First and principally I commend my Soul into the hands of Almighty
God who gave it my body I committ to the Earth to be decently
buryed according to the discretion of my Executrix hereafter
named and as for those worldly endowments wherewith it hath
pleased God to bless me I give and dispose of as followeth
Imprimis I give devise and bequeath unto my son George
all and singular my Lands Tenements and
Hereditaments whatsoever scituate lying and being in
Illmington in the County of Warwick To have and to hold
the same unto my said son his Heirs and Assignes forever
charged and chargeable nevertheless with the payment
of twenty pounds a year unto my loving Wife Katherine
dureing her naturall life by halfe yearly payments
Item I give devise and bequeath unto my son George all and
singular my Corne Mills called Tolton Mills scituate lying
and being in the County of Warwick and which I hold for my
Sister Hannah Huckfeilds life To hold the same unto my Said
son and his Heirs dureing all the Estates and Interests I have
therein Item I give and bequeath unto my two
daughters Katherine and Hannah Vnderhill and their
Heirs when they shall attaine to their severall ages
of one and twenty years all my Lands Tenements and
Hereditaments scituate lying and being in Lower Quinton
aforesaid and which I lately purchased and now in my own
possession my will and meaning being and I will have it soe

that my said Wife Shall have the Rents issues and profits
thereof untill my said daughters Shall attaine to their said
severall ages of one and twenty years as aforesaid and that my
said Wife shall out of the rents and profitts of the same Estate breed
up and educate my said two daughters untill they arrive to their
severall ages of one and twenty years aforesaid and all the rest
and residue of my reall and personall estate not herein before
disposed off my debts Legacyes and Funerall expences being first
paid and discharged out of the same I give and bequeath unto my
Dear and loving Wife Katherine Vnderhill and I doe hereby
make and ordaine my said dear and loving wife sole Executrix of
this my last will and testament In Witness whereof I the said
William Vnderhill have to this last will and testament
set my hand and seal the third day of July in the ninth year of
the Reigne of our Soveraigne Lord George by the Grace of
God of Great Brittaine France and Ireland King Defender
of the Faith &c Anno Domini 1723|: William Vnderhill to
be his last will and testament in the presence of us who have
in his presence and at his request subscribed our names as
Witnesses hereto William Coldycott John Ballard Jno Allen


Probatum fuit hujusmodi Testamentum
Apud London coram Venerabili et egregio Viro Johanne
Bettesworth Legum Doctore Curia Prærogativa
Cantuariensis Magistro Custode Sive Commissario legitime
Constituto octavo die Mensis Augusti anno domini millesimo
Septingentesimo vicesimo tertio Juramento Catharina Vnderhill
Vidua et Relicta dicti defuncti et executricis in dicto Testamento
Nominat[um] Cui Commissa fuit administratio omnium et
Singulorum bonorum jurium et Creditorm dicti defuncti de
bene et fideliter Administrando eadem ad sancta dei Evangelia
Vigore Commissionis Jurat

This Testament was Proved
At London before the Venerable and distinguished John
Bettesworth Doctor of Laws Master Warden or Commissary
Of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully
Constituted on the eighth day of the Month of August the Year of the Lord one thousand
Seven hundred and twenty three By the oath of Catherine Underhill
Widow and Relict of the said deceased and the executrix named in the said
Testament to Whom was Committed the administration of all and
Singular the goods rights and Loans of the said deceased the same to be
well and faithfully administered Sworn upon the holy Gospels
By the power of the Commission

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