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Will (1735) and Probate (1739) of Jonathan Huckvale of Over Norton, Oxfordshire- Oxfordshire 134/3/58, 210.308

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Date: 1 Aug 1735 to 10 Oct 1739
Location: Over Norton, Oxfordshire, Englandmap
Surnames/tags: huckvale underhill
This page has been accessed 146 times.

134/3/58, 210.308; Original and Registered Will; Oxfordshire Archives

Transcribed by Nicholas Adams


Original Will

In the name of God Amen.
I Jonathan Huckvale of Overnorton in the parish of Chippingnorton & County of
Oxon yeoman being reasonably well in Health & of perfect memory for
which I praise the Lord: yet calling to mind the certainty of death & the
uncertainty when it shall be Do make ordain & constitute this my
last Will & testament in manner & form following
Impr I commend my soul into the hand of Almighty God my maker through
Jesus Christ (I hope my Redeemer) hoping & trusting in his merits
alone for life & salvation: I also commit my body to the earth
whence it was taken when it please God to put a period to this mortal life to be
entered at the discretion of my Executor hereafter named in hope of a joyfull
Resurrection at the last day: And as for my earthly substance God hath blessed
mee withall I dispose thereof as foloweth
Impr Whereas there hath been a legacy of one hundred & twenty pounds given by my
Father in law George Underhill late of Adminton to be equally divided among
his surviving grandchildren after the death of his daughter Ann Underhill
such childs part upon an equal division amounting to 7l-1s-2d which I acknowledge
to have received in behalf of my children: as also ten pound given to my son William
by my sister in law Frances Underhill I therefore add & give therto so much as will
make the whole sum amount to two Hundred Sixty pound sterling to be paid
him by my executor hereafter named at the end of the twelve month after my
Item I likewise acknowledge to have received in behalf of my son Jonathan as above exprest the
sum of 7l-1s-2d and add therto so much as will make the whole amount unto two
hundred and sixty pound sterling to be paid him at the age of twenty one years
by my executor hereafter named.
Item if either of my two sons William or Jonathan should die before their legacies become
payable my will is one half to be paid to the survivor the other remain with the executor.
Item I make my son Samuel Huckvale sole executor of this my last will and testament
leaving him possest of all my goods and chattels but in case my son Samuel should
die in a single estate not having disposed by will joyntuare or otherwise without
issue then my son William to succeed heir then to pay my son Jonathan three
hundred and sixty pound sterling of lawful mony of Great Britain.
Item I do hereby revoke all former wills by mee at any time heretofore made
in wittness whereof I have herto set my hand and seal this first day of August
in the year of our lord 1735

Signed dealed and delivered by the testator as his last will & testament in our
presence and then signed by us in the testators presence

Gile V vonfield
his mark
Jonathan Huckvale
John Meeks


Proved at Chipnorton in the Archdeacon's Visitation held there the 10th
day of October 1739 before the Revd. John Bilstone Milliand
substitute of the Reverend George Aye Dr. in Divinity and Archdeacon
of Oxon by the oath of Saml. Huckvale sole Executor duly sworn

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