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Will (1782) and Probate (1786) of John Adams of Eastleach Turville, Gloucestershire - Gloucestershire Archives

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Eastleach Turville, Gloucestershire, Englandmap
Surnames/tags: adams matthews wilson
This page has been accessed 154 times.

Gloucestershire Probate Records. Diocese of Gloucestershire, Finding Reference GDR, Wills and Inventories. Gloucestershire Archives

Transcribed by Nicholas Adams



In the name of God Amen
I John Adams Senior of the parish of
Eastleach Turvil in the County of Gloucester
Yeoman being weak in Body but of Sound
and disposed in memory and understanding
Do of my Worldly Estate make and Declare
this my Last Will and Testament in the maner
following that that is to say; First I will that all my
Just Debts and Funeral Expences shall be satis
fied and paid Allso I Give and Bequeath unto my
Wife Sarah Adams All my Messuages Lands
Tenements and Hereditaments what so ever and
also all my Goods Chattals Effects and Personal
Estate whatsoever Unto the said Sarah Adams
her Executers Administraters and Assigns
for the Breeding up of my Family
I likewise make constitute and appoint my
Wife Sarah Adams whole and sole
Executorix of this my last Will and
Testament an Revoaking all Wills
before made by me the above said John
Adams In witness whare of I have set my
Hand and Seal this twentieth Day of Febu
ary in the year of our Lord God one thousand
seven Hundred and Eighty two
Signed Sealed and Delivered by the said John
Adams as his last will and Testamend

in the presence of usthe mark of
Samuel DunnX
Richard MaidesJohn Adams the Elder

Administration Note

Administration with this Will annexed was on the 10th of May
1786 Granted by the Rev[eren]d Thom[a]s Rudge B.D. principal
Surrogate to the Worshipfull Rev[eren]d Cooke Master of Arts Vicar
General in Spirituals of the Right Reverend Father in God
Samuel by divine permission Lord Bishop of Gloucester and of his
Episcopal consistory official principally lawfully constituted by
William Mathews and Henry Wilson principal creditors &c
to whom &c they having first Sworn well and faithfully to
Administer to the * said Will and also to exhibit and Inventory
and render an account and so forth

Administration Request

10th May 1786.
On which day appeared Personally William
Matthews and Henry Wilson and alledged that John
Adams the elder late of Eastleech Turville in the County
and Diocese of Gloucester Yeoman dec[eas]ed being in his lifetime
of sound and disposing Mind Memory and understanding
duly made and published his last Will and testament
in writing and thereof constituted and appointed his
Wife Sarah Adams sole Executrix and after wards diede
without altering or revoking his said Will That the said Sarah
Adams departed this Life without proving the said Will or
taking upon herself the Execution thereof And that therin
the said William Matthews and Henry Wilson were and
are principall creditors of the said John Adams deceased and
Administration with the said will annexed have been legally decreed
to them
Wherefore they prayed that Administration of all and
singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of the said deceased
with his said Will annexed might be granted and
committed to them on giving such good and sufficient
Security as in this Behalf is required

Sworn to £20 } Let Administration with the Will annexed
& under 100li } be granted as above Prayed
Tho[mas] Rudge Sen[ior]


This is a standard intestate administration form which has been adjusted for use in this situation of an unfulfilled will.

Know all Men by thefe Prefents, That We William
Mathews Surgeon Henry Wilson ?Butcher
both of Fairford in the County og Gloucester
Samuel Ricketts of the City of Gloucester
Gentleman and William Higgins of the same
place Gentleman
are held, and firmly bound unto Samuel Lord Bishop of
in Five hundred Pounds
of good and lawful Money of Great Britain to
be paid unto the faid Lord Bishop or to
his certain Attorney, his Executors, Administrators, or Assigns.
To which Payment, well and truly to be made, We oblige ourfelves,
and either of us by himfelf, and themselves in for
the whole, our and each and every of our Heirs, Executors,
and Administrators, firmly by thefe Prefents. Sealed with our Seals
Dated the Tenth Day of May in the
twenty sixth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord
George the third by Grace of God, of Great-Britain,
France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, and so forth,
and in the Year of our Lord One Thoufand Seven Hundred
and Eighty Six.

The Condition of this Obligation is fuch, That if the abovebounden William
Matthews Henry Wilson principal Creditors and Adminiftrators of all and fingular the Goods, Chattels,
and Credits of John Adams the elder of Eastleech Turville Deceafed do
make, or cause to be made, a true and perfect Inventory of all and fingular the Goods
Chattels, and Credits of the faid Deceas'd, which have or fhall come to the Hands
Poffeffion, or Knowledge of them the faid William Matthews & Henry
Wilson or into the Hands and Poffeffion of any Perfon or Perfons for them and the
fame, fo made, do exhibit, or caufe to be exhibited, into the Regiftry of the Lord
Bishop of Gloucester, at or before the last Day of June
next enfuing and the fame Goods, Chattels, and Credits, and all other the Goods, Chat-
tels and Credits of the faid Deceafed, at the time of his Death, which at any Time
after fhall come to the Hands or Poffeffion of the faid William Matthews & Henry
Wilson or into the Hands or Poffeffion of any other Perfon or Perfons for them do well and
truly adminifter according to Law; and further, do make or caufe to be made, a true and
juft Accompt of their faid Adminiftration, at or before the last Day of
May 1787 and all the Reft and Refidue of the faid Goods, Chattels, and Credits,
which fhall be found remaining upon the faid Adminiftrator's Accompt, the fame being
firft examined and allowed of, by the Judge or Judges, for the Time being, of the faid
Court fhall deliver and pay unto fuch Perfon or Perfons respectively, as the faid Judge or
Judges by his or their Decree or Sentence, purfuant to the true Intent and Meaning
of the Laws Statutes Canons & Constitutions of this Realm
late Act of Parliament, made in the Two and Twentieth and Three and Twentieth Years
of the Reign of our late Sovereign Lord King Charles the second, intitled, An Act for the
better settling of Inteftates' Estates,
fhall limit and appoint; and if it fhall hereafter appear,
that any other last Will and Testament was made by the faid Deceafed, and the Executor or
Executors therein named do exhibit the fame into the faid Court, making Requeft to
have it allowed and approved accordingly, if the faid William Matthews & Henry Wilson
above bounden, being thereunto acrequired, do render and deliver the faid Letters of
Adminiftration (Approbation of fuch Testament being firft had and made) in the faid
Court, then this Obligation to be void, or elfe to remain in full Force and Virtue.

Signed and delivered (being firft W Matthews
duly ftamped) in the Prefence of H Wilson
W Hopkins S Ricketts
Wm Higgins

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