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Will (1867) of William Chambers of Thornbury, Gloucestershire - Thornbury Roots

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Date: 21 Feb 1867 [unknown]
Location: Thornbury, Gloucestershire, England, United Kingdommap
Surname/tag: chambers
This page has been accessed 87 times.

Photo of Will provided by Thornbury Roots

Transcribed by Nicholas Adams



This is the Last Will and Testament
of me William Chambers of the Town of
Thornbury in the County of Gloucester Cordwainer
I desire that all my just debts funderal and
Testamentary expenses be fully paid as soon as
conveniently may be after my decease I give and
unto Elizabeth my Wife All my
household furniture monies and securities for
money and all other my personal estate for her own
absolute use and benefit I give and devise All
that my freehold Messuage or Tenement Garden
hereditaments and premises situate in the Town
of Thornbury aforesaid and now in my own
occupation with their appurtenances and all other
my Real Estate whether in possession remainder
reversion or expectance, Unto and to the use of my
Brother George Chambers of Thornbury aforesaid
Grocer and my Son William Oliver Chambers of
Wrington in the County of Somerset Schoolmaster
their heirs and assigns Upon trust that they
permit and suffer my said Wife to have the use
and enjoyment thereof for and during the term
of her natural life And from and immediately
after the decease of my said Wife Then Upon trust
that they the said George Chambers and William
Oliver Chambers
or the survivor of them his heirs
or assigns do and shall with all convenient speed
after the decease of my said Wife absolutely sell
and dispose thereof either by Public Auction or
Private Contract for the most money and best
price that can be obtained for the same and
with liberty to buy in and to resell the same at
their or his discretion without Being accountable

for any loss or diminuation in price upon any
subsequent sale And do and shall stand possessed
of and interested in the proceeds of such sale and
the rents and profits coming to their hands until
the same shall be sold Upon trust to pay and
direct the same between and amongst my Four
Sons - namely - the said William Oliver Chambers
George Edward Chambers Clerk in the Bristol
Post Office Charles Chambers of South Shields in
the County of Durham Professor of music and
John Taylor Chambers of Thornbury aforesaid
Accountant equally between them share and share
alike and to their heirs and assigns as Tenants in
Common and not as joint Tenants I declare that
the receipts of my trustees for the time being acting
in the execution of the trusts of this my Will shall
be discharged for the monies to be incurred by them
pursuant to such trusts and shall exonerate the
person or persons paying the same from all liability
in respect of the application thereof And I further
declare that the trustees of this my Will shall not
be chargeable for any other monies than they shall
actually receive nor for any loss which shall happen
without their default And also that it shall be
lawful for them out of the monies which shall come
to their hands by virtue of the trusts aforesaid to
reimburse themselves or himself all costs and expenses
which they shall incur expend or be put to in or
about the execution of the trusts herein contained or
anywise in relation thereto And I also further
that on the death of any trustee or trustees
or on his or their being desirous of relinquishing
or becoming incapable to execute their trusts the
surviving or acting trustees or trustee for the time

being of this my Will shall appoint a new truste[e]
or new trustees as occasion shall require and wh[o]
may act in the same manner and with the sam[e]
powers and authorities as if named in this my
Will And I nominate and appoint my said
Wife Elizabeth Executrix of this my Will And
lastly revoking all former Wills by me at any
time heretofore made I declare this to be my last
Will and Testament In witness whereof I hav[e]
to this my last Will and Testament set my hand
this twenty first day of February in the year
of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and
sixty five seven
Signed by the said Willilam
Chambers the testator as his last
Will and Testament in the presence
of us being present at the same } William Chambers
time who at his request in his
presence and in the presence
of each other subscribe our names
as witnesses
John G Hughes Chemist Thornbur[y]
Charles Kenett Tailor Thornbury

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