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Will and Inventory, Abraham Newell of Roxbury, d 1672

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Date: 8 Feb 1670 [unknown]
Location: Roxbury, Suffolk, Massachusetts Bay Colonymap
Surname/tag: Newell
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Probate of Abraham Newell d 1672, Roxbury

Transcribed by Jeffrey Martin. Transcription of the Will and Inventory of Abraham Newell (abt.1584-1672). Please note that the original will included no line breaks, although the clerk copy in the deed books does. Original image of the will is here.

"The Last will of abraham newell dated this 8 day of February 1669 I having formerly disposed of the greatest part of my lands unto my children by reson of myn in abilety tew improve them by reson of myn age and weacknes and having geven two myn eldest son Abraham Newel a deed under my hand of severall parsels of land and unto all the rest of my sons the possesshun of others of my landse but not sufisshently confirmed unto them… the lands that I have confirmed as before expressed unto my eldest son Abraham Newell with twenty pounds geven to him at his marryage shal be his dubbel porshon out of all the lands that I have all rady deveyded unto my children all tho not sufisshently confirmed unto the rest of my children as this is to him

2. my will is that my son John Newell shal have ten acres of land ner untew Joseph Bugbes house and one quarter part of my salt marsh at the Salt Pans also all my fresh madow at Flaggy Madow but in case that the sayd John Newel have no natural heyrs… all these severall parsels of landse here willed tew hime shall fal untew the rest of my children my sons Abraham Isic and Jacob Newel and to my son in law William Tay… not hindring dowry in cas that he doth marry

3. my will is that my other two sons Isic and Jacob Newell shall have my lot at the Pond Playne and the lot at the end of it that was formerly bot of Edwerd Danyson and the land on the rocks caled Totmans Rocks that was latly the land of William Hopkins and Samuel Ruggles and all my medow in Ber Marsh and half my salt marsh at the Salt Pans

4 my will is that my son in Law William Tay shall have my Long Orchyard ner untew whar my dwelling house was butting on the nowl of the hel ner tew whar my sayd house was and by the way leading by the north syd of Richcherd Meadsses whom lot [homelot] and uppon John Watsons whom lot and all the other land there that is myne whether orchard woodland or paster land down teu Samuel Ruggles his paster that he bout of me in all about fiveten acres of land all theas severall parsels of land above menshoned that are willed unteu my sons Abraham John Isic and Jacob Newel is now in thar hands and possesshon they giving to me rent for the same every one of them as I have agreed with them oras my nesessity shal requyre derering the whol term of my nateural life yearly and for all the worlly goods that I shal dy possessed of or that is deu teu me in the hands of any person what soever exsepting what is above menshaned or that shal be her after expressed in this my will whether it be housing or lands cattel or movabel goods or what else soever I dispose of it as followith…

2 my will is that my dear wife Fransis Newel shall have the use and benefit of my whol istat for and derering the tyme of her natural lyfe and that she shal dwel with any of her children whar it lykith her best yet being provided for and it is my will that she shal be providded for by all my children by an equal proporshon as they deu injoy of my lands in thar possesshon that is teu say that my eldest son Abraham Newel as he doth injoy & possess a dubbel porshon of al the lands divyded out unteu my sons my sayed son Abraham shall provide as much as of any of the rest of my children for the mayntenance of my sayed wife and all the rest of my sons as my sons John Isic and Jacob Newel and my son in law William Tey shal provide every one of them equally for the comfortabel lyvelihood of my sayed wife…

3. after my wifes decease my will is that my eldest son Abraham Newel shall possess and injoy the nowl of the hel by his house that he set up whar myn was bernt adjohynning to it and the land about it that he doth now possess of myne above menshoned it lying on the north syde of it and it lying on the south syde of my son in law William Tays Long Orchard above expressed abutting up on the land of the hayres of Isick Morrel

4. my will is that my other teu sons Isick and Jacob Newel shal have posses and injoy my lot of twenty and teu akers in the woods in the thoussand acers ner dedham and that it shal be equally deveyded betwixt them both

5. my will is that all the rest of my isstat after the descease of my sayd wife what soever eyther in her hands or in the hands of any person… shall be equally deveyded unteu all my children… excepting my sayed wifes wearing cloathes which shall be at her leberty to dispose of to whom she pleasith. allso in case my children cannot agree about the divishon of the goods left teu them at her my wifes descease… they shall choose each of them one man being no way related to them and theas men thus chosen with my two friends deseyered to be my overseers of this my will to have power to hear and fynally to determin al such difference that shal aryse amongst any of them they or the major part of them but in case eyther by death or removal there doth want an od man these men thus chosen shal have the ful power to choos an od man… my dear wife Francis Newell shal be my exsecutrix and my loving son Isac Newel shal be my exsecutor… my loving friends John Boales & William Gary to be myn overseers… the mark of Abraham V newell
In the presenc of…
Samuel gary
John Bennit" [1]

An Inventory of the estat of Abraham Newell Late of Roxbury deaceased taken… the twenty first on thousand six hundred seaventy two

One feather Bed and feather Bolster and two feather pillows and one old Bed teeking……….. 3 – 10 – 00
One Blancot and A Straw Bed………………………………………………………… 00 - 5 – 00
A Bedsted and Curtains………………………………………………………………... 01 – 00 – 00
A Trundall Bedsted and Cord………………………………………………………… 00 – 5 – 00
One feather Bolster and a silk gras pillow three veary old Blancots 00 – 6 – 00
Seaven sheets and six pillow beers………………………………………….…… 02 – 7 – 00
In peuter and tin weare………………………………………………………………… 01 – 2 – 00
Two Brase Citells on warming pan and a sklet………………………………. 01 – 2 – 00
In Iron ware A payer of tongs two trammels one Iron pot and an Iron Citell a fring pan
A payer of sheers a payr of bellows………………………………………………. 01 – 5 – 00
Six [ ] and thre kivars…………………………………………………………………. 00 – 9 – 00
In wooden ware fouer chairs two old chests a small box two forms two platers six trenchers... 01 – 00 – 00
In the chamber seven pound of sheep woll…………………………………. 00 – 07 – 00
[ ] and a payer of small scals………………………………………. 00 – 10 – 00
Two old bags a snapsak and som bacon………………………………….……… 00 – 6 – 00
One old bed blancot and pillow………………………………………………………. 00 – 3 – 00
In the sellar two barils and a chirn and some other lumber…………. 00 – 10 – 00
A sadell and pillion and two sives……………………………………………..……. 00 – 07 – 00
A swine………………………………………………………………………………………….. 00 – 15 – 00
In his Waring Apparell that is by [ ] divided among the children and taken by them……….. 4 – 4 – 00
And also a Coverled that is Resarved for Isaac……………………………… 00 – 14 – 00
Another for Jacob Aprised att………………………………………………………… 00 – 14 – 00
And a Coverled for John………………………………………………………………… 00 – 14 – 00
And A coverled for Willyam Tay……………………………………………….…….. 00 – 15 – 00
And Reseavid for Abraham a silkgrass bed and a Blancot…...………… 00 – 14 – 00
The Sum totall…………………………………………………………………………………. 23 – 4 – 00
Samuall Williams
John Bridge


  • Suffolk County, MA: Probate File Papers.Online database. AmericanAncestors.org. New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2017-2019. (From records supplied by the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Archives. Digitized images provided by FamilySearch.org) Probate File 599
  • Suffolk County Probate Books, v7 (copy) page 220 will, p 222, inventory Docket entry

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