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Will and Probate of Adeline Kohlberg

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: 1884 [unknown]
Location: New York City, New York County, New York, United Statesmap
Surnames/tags: Rosenbaum Kohlberg
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Will and probate of Adeline Kohlberg, 1884[1]

In the Name of God Amen. I Adeline Kohlberg being now of sound and disposing mind and memory and mindful of the uncertainty of life do hereby make; declare and publish this to be my last will and testament revoking all former wills by me made.

First I direct that my funeral expenses be first paid by my executors.

Second: I give decide and bequeath to my daughter Tillie the house and lot known as number one hundred and fifty (150) East one hundred and twenty seventh (127th) Street in the city of New York to have and to home the same to her own use during her natural life, and upon her death I give devise and bequeath to the said house and lot No. 150 East 127th Street to her children, and their heirs if there are any her surviving and in the event that she shall die leaving no issue then I give devise and bequeath the said house and lot No. 150 East 127th Street, to my children Manfred P. Kohlberg, Virginia Sampter, Adele Reichert, Semi Kohlberg, Albert M. Kohlberg, and Eugene, L. Kohlberg their heirs, executors and administrators in common share and share alike, and should either of my said children die before my daughter Tillie the share they would be entitled to shall descent to their issue if any and if they die leaving no issue their share shall go to the survivors.

Third: I give decide and bequeath to my daughter Adele, my piano and all the household furniture of while I may die seized. The reason I have excluded my daughter Adene from participation in the rest of my property is because she has recieved her share during my lifetime.

Fourth: I give and devise and bequeath to my children Manfred P. Kohlberg, Virginia Sampter, Semi Kolhberg, Albert M. Kohlberg, and Eugene L. Kohlberg their heirs, executors and administrators absolutelu forever all the rest and residue of my property both real and personal of every kind and nature and wheresoever situated, to be equally divided between them, share and share alike should either of my said children die before me the share of such deceased child shall be divided among her or his children; and if either of my said children shall die before me leaving no issue, the share of such deceased child shall be equally divided among the other children in this sense mentioned or their heirs, executars and administrators.

I appoint my son Manfred P Kohlberg and Eugene L Kohlberg and my son-in-law Rudolph Sampter executors of this my last will and testament, and I hereby authorize and empower my said executors or such of them as may qualify to sell and, and all of my real estate if they shall deem it advisable for the purpose of making division thereof.

I Witness Whereof I Have hereunto set my hand and seal the 22nd day of May 1882

Adeline Kohlberg (L.S.) on the first page 24th line the name Adele Reichert inserted before execution.

Geo. M. Johnson Charles Dahl.

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