Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: Woodcock Woodcoke Withred
Will of Agnes Woodcoke 1557
ANF will register Liber 16 (Beales) fo. 260 - Woodcock (Woodcoke), Agnes, of Hingham, widow 1557
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the register copy. Capital F is rendered as F rather than ff. Abbreviations are expanded in [square brackets]. Words or letters that are illegible are marked with asterisks. L, s and d represent pounds, shillings and pence respectively. Bold text are for ease of reading in the absence of full stops.
Persons mention in the Will:
- Agnes Woodcoke, testator and widow
- Hewgh Woodcoke, her son
- Cateryn Wyttryd/Wythryd, her daughter
- Antony Wyttryd/Wythryd, her grandson
- Bese Wyttryd/Wythryd, her granddaughter
- Cateryn Wyttryd/Wythryd, her granddaughter
- John Wyttryd/Wythryd, her grandson
- Gregory Wyttryd/Wythryd, her grandson
- Ales Wyttryd/Wythryd, her granddaughter
- Agnes Wyttryd/Wythryd, her goddaughter
- Margaret Woodcoke, her goddaughter
- Cateryn Bealys, her servant
- Thomas Nobys, witness
- George Lyster, witness
In the name of god Amen The xxvte
daye of September In the yeare of our Lorde
god M CCCCC lvij and in the third and fyfte
yeres of the raignes of o[u]r Sovereign Lorde and
Ladye Phylyppe and Marye by the grace
of god Kinge and Quene of England Spayne
France both Sicilies Jerusalem and Irelande
defenders of the faith Archdukes of Austria
Dukes of Burgundy Milan and Brabant
Counts of Habsburg Flanders and Tirol
I Agnes Woodcoke of Hengham in the county of
Norff[olk] widow beynge hole of mynd and p[er]fect
memory thankes be to god make and declare this
my present testamente and laste wyll in maner
and forme followyng Fyrst I bequethe my
sowle to almightye god my maker and redeemer
And my body to be buried in the churchyarde
of Hingham aforesayed Item I geve to the hye
alter for my tythes and oblaycyons indigently
page 2
not payde xijd Provided And I wyll
that myne executor shall suffycientlye
kepe wi[th] meate and drinke and clothes
Cateryn Bealys my servant duringe the
hoole terme of her naturall lyfe he or
thaye obtaynige and takinge the profyghte
of fortye marke as she shall be able to doo
duringe the same tearme And fyfe marke
that I shall leaeve in the handes of
myne executor for to cepe *** w[i]th all in
sicknes and in helthe for tearme of her
lyff yf she dye be contente so longe to dwell
w[i]th hym or them But in case she refuse at
any tyme to contynu and dwell w[i]th myne
executor and so dep[ar]te from there then I
wyll that w[i]thin one monthe after executor
shall unto the sayde Cateryn or to assignees
to paye the fyfe markes aforsayed and
she to be at her owne lybertye to dwell
wheare she *ast Also yf fortune myn
executor to dye before the sayde Cateryn
then I will and honestly for the kepeinge
of the sayde Cateryn for the tearme of her
naturall lyff or elles to repaye unto her
the fyfe markes aforsayde accordinge to
the true meanynge of this my testament
Item I gefe and bequeathe to Cateryn
Wythryd my daughter or to her heyres
executors or assignees one andiron and one
chest a payre of shetes and a pr hookes
of cuffes the best and one basin of laten
Item I gefe Agnes Wyttryd my goddaughter
or to her heyres executors or assignees
page 3 my best gowne safe one and a payer of tachys
of sylke one tonge and a payer of shetes one
coveringe Item I gyfe Antony Wyttryd a shete
or to hys heyres (illegible) unto Cateryn Whyttryd
one pewter dyshe unto Bese Wyttred one pewter
platter unto John Wyttred one pewter plater
unto Ales Whyttred one pewter plater Item I
gefe John Wyttred my belchilde my husband's
grene coate to be payd betwyn hys brother
Gregory and the forsayd John provided
and I wyll that yf Anye of the forsayde
children departe from this naturall lyfe then
I wyll the forsayde legacies shall remayne among
the other by even portyons Item I wyll that myn
executor shall bestowe for to kepe and hey daye
for me and my fryndes at my buryall daye
vs Item I gefe and bequethe to
Margaret Woodcoke my goddaughter or to her heyres
and assignees one brasse pote and a pos***
and cetelles one **** and bygger one
fetherbede one transom one blancet one coverynge
and a payer of shetes one pylow one beyr
for the same and my best gowne and one
payer of tachys of sylke and gylle one
bede petycoat Provided And I wyll that
if the forsayde Margaret deyte before she
come to her lawfull age then I wyll the
forsayde legacee shall remayne amongst
Hewghe Woodcokes children by even porcyons
Item I gyfe and bequethe to Hewghe Woodcoke
my sonne all my goodes cattells and debts
for ever And I ordeyne and make the sayd
Hewgh my sole executor of this my p[re]sent
testament and last wyll In witnes wherof
to thys my testament and wyll Thate setts my
seale the daye and yere aforesayde These
witneses Thomas Nobys and George Lyster (illegible)
Weston w[i]th others.
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