Location: Bristol, England
Surname/tag: Woodson, Woodsonne
Transcript of the Will of Alexander Woodsonne, Physician of the City of Bristol[1]
xi Apr 1616
In the name of God: Amen: I Alexander Woodsonne of the Cittye of Bristol Phesion beinge sicke in bodie but of sounde and perfect memorie doe make and ordayne this my last will and testament in manner and forme following ffirst and principallie I give and bequeath my soule into the handes of almightie god my onlie Saviour Creator and Redeemer and my body to the earth to be buried in St. michaells Churchyarde in Bristoll aforesaid And as touching my worldly goodes I doe nowe dispose of them as followeth ffirst I give and bequeath unto Marie my daughter all such goods as my late deceased wife had when I was married to her and all those goodes that shee brought with her into my howse and there nowe remayninge.
Item. The rest of my goodes in my howse that shalbe there at the tyme of my death excepting one faier oras? Coverlett which I doe reserve in this my will and one maser in my deske an Clanse in this my will to the contrarie notwithstandinge my debts and all other duties and demands whatsoever dischardged I bequeath them to be devided in fower partes in manner following That is to saye to my daughter Martha, one parte to Allexander the sonne of my sonne John Woodsonne one parte to Francis and Grace, the Children of my sonne Francis Woodsonne, both deceased one parte and to my daughter Anne Woodsonne one parte Provided alsoe that my sonne Henrie Woodsonne of Wells shall have such bookes that I have and that nowe are abroade as he in his discretion shall thinke fit to his use and none to trouble or molest him for them which I give to him and make him sole and onlie Executor of this my last will and Testament And whereas I have diverse books abroade some in the hands of Mr. Israell Gleson and some in the handes of Mr William Swift I doe intreate them to deliver them to may said executor whome I charge as he shall annswere before god att the dreadfull daye of iudgement to deale faithfullie trulie and honestlie in all thinges as my intente and meaning is and to keepe peace and quietnes where debates or strife shall happen to arise And to that ende and purpose I doe appointe my good frendes Mr William Swifte and Mr Richard Boswell to be overseers of this my will. In wittnes whereof I have hereunto sett my hande and seale the day and yeare above written
Allexander Woodsonne
xij Aprilis 1616
Md: that I Alexander Woodsonne doe give unto the Children of my sonne Henrie Woodsonne named Phillippe and Thomas five Apostle spoones of silver and one maser edged aboute with silver and gilte.
Allexander Woodsonne
xxv Decembris Anno 1616
Md: that I Alexander Woodsonne of Bristoll aforesaid doe by these presentes revoake all the legacies within written that I have given to Marie my daughter in Lawe and doe hereby give unto her the bed and bolster that she lyeth one with one payer of sheetes and coverlet one brass crocke a payer of hanginges and one chest and not more.
Sealed subscribed read and acknowledged the daye and yeare within written in the presence of me Richard Boswell Wm Wightwicke
08 May 1618
Henrie Woodsonne son and Executor
- ↑ Will of Alexander Woodsonne, Physician of Bristol, Gloucestershire. 08 May 1618. PROB 11/131/518. The National Archives, Kew.
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