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Will of Alexander Younger

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Essex County, Colony of Virginiamap
Surname/tag: Younger
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Alexander Younger's Will Essex County Wills, Bonds and Inventories, Part 2, pg 222 1722-1730 Will Book 4, pp 222-223 Written 11 Aug 1725, Probated 18 Jul 1727. Virginia State Library.

IN THE NAME OF GOD, AMEN The eleventh day of Aug 1725, I, Alexander Younger of the County of Essex, being sick and weak of body yet in perfect sense and memory thanks be to God for the same I do make and constitute ordain and declare this to be my last will and testament and no other first being point out and sorry from the bottom of my heart for all my sins past most humble begging God forgiveness and remission of the same through the alone merits of my dear redeemer and only savior, Jesus Christ. I commit my soul into the hand of Almighty God, my savior and only redeemer through the merit of whose death and passion I hope to have full and perfect remission and forgiveness of all my sins. My body to be decently interred by my executors hereafter named in hopes of a happy resurrection at the last day and my soul and body to enter into perfect joy and felicity forevermore. And for the settling and disposing my temporal and such goods and chattels as it hath pleased God to bestow upon me I do order give and dispose as follows, that is to say, first all those debts and duties as I owe in right or custom to any person whatsoever shall be well and truly contented and paid within convenient time after my decease by my executors hereafter named. First I will and bequeath to the three poorest objects of pity in the parish thirty shillings in such things as may answer their wants to be paid within one year after my decease by my executors. Secondly I will and bequeath to my son Thomas Younger that piece of land that I bought of Mr. Hill and Richard Jones, a young heifer called Fairmade and her female increase and if she happens to be barren and not a breeder then to have a young cow out of my own proper stock of chattels and if she should die then to have another young cow in her room out of my own proper stock and six pounds currency and that gun which I bought of Captain Welch. Thirdly I will and bequeath to my son John Younger that piece of land which I bought of Mary Newton, two young cows out of my proper stock, six pound currency and his choice of my other two guns. If either of my two sons Thomas or John die without issue then their land, money and gun to fall to my son James Younger, and if both should dye then his part of land mony & gunn to fall to the eldest female then alive only my will is that the child in whose hands any of the boy's land falls to, the other part of their estate shall be equally divided among the rest then alive. They themselves that have the land having one equal part thereof. It is my will that the two eldest then alive of the female kind if the male be all dead should inherit the land. Also my will is that after appraisement made that my estate be equally divided among my other six children to wit: James Younger, Elizabeth Younger, Ann Younger, Mary Younger, Jannett Younger, and Susannah Younger, and further it is my will that if any one of them dies without issue lawfully begotten of their body that their part be equally divided among the rest then alive and it is my will concerning every one of my children's parts of the estate if they die without issue lawfully begotten of their body to be still equally divided among the rest then alive and further it is my will that if my well beloved wife, Rebecca Younger, should happen to join in wedlock state after my decease it is my will that the boys should be for themselves at the age of seventeen years old and if she continues my widow then to remain till the year of twenty one and if it should please God to whom all things are subject to remove all my issue by death then it is my will that my land and personal estate be secured for my next heir in Scotland of my brother Andrew's only wife to have the liberty of the same all her days in a moderate way to live upon without control of any person whatsoever. The executors whom I order and appoint is my well beloved wife Rebecca Younger and my son Thomas Younger to see the same truly appointed and fully performed. In witness whereof I have affixed my seal and set my hand the day and year first above written Signed: Alexander Younger Witnesses: John Haile, Bryant Edmondson, Francis Haile (his mark)

At a court for Essex County on Tuesday the 18th of July 1727, the within last will and testament of Alexander Younger, dec'd, was proved by the oath of Rebecca Younger, his executrix and being further proved by the oath of John Haile and Bryant Edmondson, two of the witneses thereto was admitted to record. Signed W. Beverly, C.C. 18 Jul 1727 Bond of Rebecca Younger as Executrix of Alexander Younger. Unto William Dangerfield, Benjamin Robinson, John Taliaferro and Nicholas Smith, Gent., Justices. For L 300 sterling Securities: Thomas Covington and Richard Jones.

4 Aug 1727 inventory of Alexander Younger's estate. Essex County, VA, Clerk of the Circuit Court, Will Book 4. Will books, 1717-1904; general indexes to wills and fiduciary accounts, 1717-1904; Will books, v. 3-4, 1717-1730 -- v. 5 (p. 1-316), 1730-1734. Pg 226-227, image 318. Includes one negro man.

August 1733 Accounting of Alexander Younger's estate. Essex County, VA Will books, 1717-1904; general indexes to wills and fiduciary accounts, 1717-1904; Will book, v. 5, 1730-1735. Pg 152 &153, images 157 & 158. Includes expenses for registering the deaths of John Younger and a negro man.

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