Location: [unknown]
Possibly related to Alce (Slade) Billott (bef.1554-bef.1612)
The Will of Alice Billot widow of Corsham was written on 17 August 1612 and proved on 25 February 1612/3 in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury at London.[1]
Transcription conventions used in this text:
- Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
- Where present, ff has been rendered as F, and the old letter Thorn has been rendered as th.
- Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets].
- Additions and margin notes, where they occur, have been added where indicated in the text.
- Crossings through, where they occur, have been included
Struck out. - Illegible words or parts of words are marked [...]
- The image quality was good, and the handwriting legibility poor.
Persons mentioned:
- Alice Billot Testatrix
- Mr Robert Bradshawe of Chalfield
- Maulde Marshe
- John Billot (Brother in law)
- John Billote the yonger (Brother in law)
- Johan Salway Daughter
- Henry Malpas Overseer
- Bridget Modie Servant
- John Prier Son inlaw
- Marye Prier Daughter
- Mr Ambrose Billote esq. of Devon
- Lawrence Kington son of Anne Kington Daughter, deceased
- Walter Jones Overseer
- Robert Bradshaw, Richard Waker, John Prior Witnesses
In the name of God Amen the xvijth daye of August 1612 I Alice
Billot of Corsh[a]m in the Countie of wilt[es] and dioc[ese] of Sarum widowe sicke of bodie but of good and
p[er]fect memorie (God be praysed) doe make and ordeyne this my last will and Testament in manner and
forme followinge that is to saye, First I Com[m]ende my soule into the handes of God, my maker hopinge
assuredlie through the onelie meritt[es] of Jesus Christ my saviour to be made p[ar]taker of life everlastinge
And I com[m]ende my bodie to the earth whereof it is made Secondlie all my worldlie goodes w[hi]ch the lorde
hath lent me to use in this lief I dispose as followeth, First I give and bequeath unto Mr Robert
Bradshawe of Chalfield vs of currant English money to be paid unto him by my Executor, It[e]m
unto Maulde Marshe and the fower daughters of Mr Bradshawe aforesaid I give xijd a peece, It[e]m
unto John Billot my Brother in lawe I give and bequeath vs, It[e]m unto the five Children of my brother
John Billot I give and bequeath xijd a peece, It[e]m unto John Billote the yonger my brother in lawe I
give and bequeath ijs. Item unto Johan Salway my daughter I give and bequeath one wyned bedsted
in the lower Chamber one tucke fetherbed that is lyinge in the Chamber and my bigest brasse pan for
and in considerac[i]on that I doe owe her my said daughter Johan three poundes therefore my will is that
she shall have the same together w[i]th the mat and cord to the same ymediatlie to be delivered after my
decease by Henry Malpas whome I purpose to make my Overseer of this my last will, It[e]m
unto Bridget Modie my servante I give and bequeath vs my second gowne and my second best hat
It[e]m unto my Sonne in Lawe John Prier I give and bequeath one standinge bedsted standinge in
the midle lofte one flocke bed one flocke boulster one payer of blancket[es] and two civerlet[es],
It[e]m unto Marye Prier my Daughter I give and bequeath my two best peticoat[es] and all my lynnen
and two Cofers and all my good[es] whatsoever w[hi]ch doth stande and be in the buttrey (except all
the brasse and pewter and one barrell in the buttry beinge) It[e]m I give more unto my sonne in lawe
John Prier a manger one ladder and a Cheese wreng, It[e]m unto my daughter Johan I give
and bequeath my best bordcloathe, Item unto Johane Salway my Daughter I give and bequeath
Tenn pound[es] of currant English money due to me from one Mr Ambrose Billote esquier
Dwellinge in the Countie of Devon w[hi]ch Tenne poundes I have alreadie given her my said daughter
[Page 2]
to her mariage, All the rest of my goodes Cattles and Chattles whatsoever not given nor bequeathed
I give and bequeath unto Lawrence Kington the sonne of Anne Kington my daughter deceased
whome I ordeyne and make my whole and sole executor of this my last will to see my debts and
legacies paid and discharged and my funerall expenc[es] discharged but my will is that my welbe
loved in Christ Walter Jones and Henry Malpas to be my Overseers of this my last will as
Executors in trust duringe the nonage or minorities of the said Lawrence and to pay for him all
such goodes debt[es] and legacies as by me is given and to take an acquittanc[es] to whome they doe pay
any thinge to his use and to put forth for his preferment to the uttermost and to detayne all
such goodes in their handes untill he shall come to be of the age of one and Twentie yeares and to
give an account of all the same goodes to the said Lawrence and for their paines takinge I have
geven w[i]th my owne hand to each of them xijd a peece, In witnes whereof to this my last will
and Testament I have hereunto put my hand and seale Dated this present xvijth daye of
August as aforesaid, Alice Billot[es] m[ar]ke, witnesses Rob[er]t Bradshaw, Ric[hard] Waker, John
Priors m[ar]ke.
Probate as above
- ↑ PROB 11/121/223 Description: Will of Alice Billot, Widow of Corsham, Wiltshire Date: 25 February 1613 Held by: The National Archives, Kew
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