Location: Abthorpe, Northamptonshire, England
Will of Alice Leeson, Widow of Apethorpe [Abthorpe], Northamptonshire. 8 May 1599. PROB 11/93/317
Line breaks, spelling and pagination as in The National Archive probate document.
The will names the following people
- William Griffith, minister who took down the verbal report
- Arthur Leeson, son
- Thomas, son
- Jane Leeson, daughter
- Helen Leeson, daughter in law
- Anthony Leeson, John Leeson, grandsons, sons of Arthur
- Elizabeth Adson, Agnes Bott, Alice Knighte, Annie Smith, witnesses
- The Laste will nuncupative of
- Alice Leeson widdowe late of Abthorpe als
- Apthorpe in the Countie of Northampton
- deceased. Anno One Thousand fyve hundred ninety
- eighte.
- The Laste will nuncupative of
Memorand that on the eighte dais of December last past
before the date hereof, one Alice Leeson of Abthorpe als Apthorpe in the
dioces of Peterborough in the countie of Northampton widdowe deceased, sent
for me William Griffith minister there and at my comeing I mooted[?] the said
Alice by the instigation of one Arthur Leeson her sonne and other women there
present whose names are under wrytten to dispose and sett in order her temporall
goodes, and possessions. Shee answered and said that shee had don yt allreadie.
The said Arthur Leeson hearing these wordes in the agony of his spirytt (as it
seemed unto be) desired her to bestowe some of that land belonging to her farme
uppon him for his better maynetenance. Shee answered him I have no land to
geve you, I paste it awaie allreadie to your sister whose money paide for the
taking of yt. He answered againe Mother it lieth in your handes to gebe me
all if yt please you. Shee answered, by God but it is not, yf it were I would
not doe yt. Then he cryed out bytterlie and desired her to geve him those lands
which shee hadd of him and of his brother Thomas. Shee answered, no by my
faithe you shall not have none of them, your sister shall have them, for if you
should have them, you would go to lawe with her. therefore they shall remaine
with her to coole both you and her. One of the women named Elizabeth Adson
said what shall your sonne Arthur have then. Shee answered what he canne
yet by lawe, for by that course he hathe undon me and himself allreadye. The
said Alice taking respote proceeded in this sorte, Your sister will geve you
sixe poundes thirtene shillinges fourepence yearlie during her estate nowe
in the farme uppon your good behaviour towards her, and on this condicon that
you wilbe contented with the said some, and be at quiett without further
molesting her by comencing anie sute against her. But if you doe shee shall
paie you none. Allso your sister will paie to eache one of your children
Anthony and John Leeson sixe poundes a peece. Further whereas I have
twoo kine of myne owne, thone in my owne keeping, thother in my sonne
Arthur his keeping, which I boughte of my rent receaved since the conveyance
made unto my daughter Jane (the propertie whereof I will shall remaine
in Jane my daughter, leaste they should be sould to paie my sonnes debte, but
the comodytie of them to [bedonne??] unto my said sonne Arthur for the space of
sixe years. And after thexpiration of the said sixe years I will that they
shallbe employed to the best use towards the bringing uppe in learning of the
said Anthony and John. After this at the request of some one standing by
the said Alice desired her said daughter Jane to geve the said Arthur twoo
loads of haie towards the wyntering of those two kyne. Lastely the said Alice
desired her daughter Jane to bestowe a brasse pott of her daughter in lawe
Helen Leeson, one partlett one aprone and a cloake, two payre of sheets
of Arthurs two sonnes, which were presentlie delyvered. Wee whose names
are underwrytten wilbe readye (yf need require) to testifie uppon our othes
this that is here sett downe to be true. Dated at Abthorpe aforesaid, the
thirtith daie of Apryll anno domini one thousand fyve hundreth
nynetie nyne. Annor regno [??] Reginia E. quadragesimo primio.
By me Willm Griffith minister there. Agnes Bott. The marke of Elizabeth
Adson. The marke of Alice Knighte. The marke of Annie Smithe.
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