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Will of Alice Serles of Wye, Kent 1532

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Will of Alice Serles of Wye, Kent [1]

Source: Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury, Canterbury Cathedral Archives PRC 17/19/251

In dei noie Amen I Alice Serlis widue [widow] beyng seke of bodye and hole of mynde make & ordeyne my last will yn forme foloweng First I bequeith my soule to Allmyghty God And my bodye to be buried yn the churche of Wye besids John Serlis my late housband whose soule God p[ar]done I bequeith to the high Ault[ar] ther for my tithes negligently forgoten iijs iiijd I bequeith to our lady lyght yn the same churche xijd Also I bequeith to evry other light yn the same churche xijd I will also & bequeith to the rep[ar]ation of the same church vli [£5] st[er]ling the whiche I will shalbe paid of the detts that Richard Hauke dothe owe me Also I bequeith to the emedyng [mending] of high waies of the West side of Wye Assigned yn the Will of John Serlis my sone depted to be amended xxiijs iiijd As well yn p[er]formance of the Will of the said John as also of my gyft and bequest

Also I will that William my sone shalhave a fetherbed, A bolstar, A pillowe, A covrlet and thre(e) pair of shets whereof evry of the said bed, bolstare, pillowe, covrled and shets as marked with the lett[er] a. And I will that my sone Robert shalhave yn like wise a fetherbed, a bolstar, a covrled, a pillowe & iij pair of shets whiche all ar(e) marked wth a b. Item I will that Thomas my sone shalhave a fetherbed, a bolstar, a covrled, a pillowe & iij pair of shets marked with a c? Also I will that my dought[er] Johane Allard shalhave yn likewise a fetherbed, a bolstar, a covrled, a pillowe, a pair of blanketts & thre(e) pair of shets marked with a d. Also I will that my dought Agnes shall also have a fetherbed, a bolstar, a covrled, a pillowe, a pair of blanketts & thre(e) pair of shets marked with a e. And I will that Rose my dought shalhave a fetherbed, a bolstar, a covrled, a pillowe, a pair of blanketts & thre(e) pair of shets marked with a f.

Also I will that Robert my sone shalhave my standyng gilt cuppe with the cover And a pair of be[a]ds of white ambre [amber] of v paves gaudred with silv[e]r & gilt And I will that same Robert my son shalhave the thre(e) Acres be it more or lesse lyeng yn bertight whiche I bought yn my widowhod To have to hym & his heires, the same Robert syngyng for my soule & all xxpen [Christian] soules whe(e) it pleaseth hym And I will that the same Robert shalhave vj saucers, vj platars, vj disshes and vj silvr spoones

And I will that Willim my sone shalhave my best flatte pece of silvr gilt at the bryme? And vj silver spones And I will the same Willm my sone shalhave the testor and the hangyng yn the p[ar]lor And the grene saye lyeng upon the bedde yn the same plor And ij quysshions [cushions] one of donnykks and an other with Whyght flowers yn the mydds of tapestry werke Also I will that my said sone shalhave the foldyng borde yn the plor, A paynted clothe of Saynt Gregorys piety?, All the beddestedylls [bedsteadles] and the tables and formes yn the hous(e) I dwellyn Also I will the said Willm shalhave vj platars, vj disshes & vj saucers

Also I bequeith to Margery the wiffe of my said sone Willm a paire of be[a]ds of silv[e]r of x pacs? with gaudies gilt and a knoppe of silke & sume perles therein Also I will that Thomas my sone shalhave my gilt salte, vj silvr spones, vj plats, vj disshes, vj saucers, The hangyngs yn the same hall The table yn the hall at Jancokks and The hanyngs yn the same hall And all the bedestylles and other implements yn the same hous(e), two quysshons, one of dornytts An other of tapestry Werke, And the cheste yn my shoppe Also I will to eiche [each] of my iij doughts vj platars, vj disshes and vj saucers And to evry of the saide iij doughts a quysshion of carpett Werke & vj silvr spones

Also I will that Thomasyne Sollye my s[er]vant shalhave 5 marke sterling, A fetherbed the wurst of sevyn, A bolstar, A covrled, A blankett, two payre of shets, A hangyng bedde of white Also I will that Thomasyne Taylor my svant shalhave a matresse the best save iij, A payre of shetes and a covrlett

Item I will myne Iron yn the talowe hous(e) & The Auondevild? at Roger Kynestones with all the Iron lieng yn my Appull chambre to be sold by myne executors to the best it may And the money thereof to be equaly divided Betwene my thre doughts Johane, Agnes & Rose excepte the bemes yn the tallowe hous(e) the whiche I will shalbe equaly divided betwene myne executors Item I will my sone Willia shalhave my grettest brasse potte & an other pott of brasse & a brasse pane at his choice excepte my grettest pane of brasse Also I will my sone Thoms Serlis shalhave for his sone A pane of brasse

And I will all the Residue of my brasse shalbe divided btwene my iij dughts indifferently, that is to saye, Johane, Agnes & Rose And they to divide betwene their children yn equall porcions I will also that my sone Robert shalhave ij of my best candelstikks at his election and choyce Item I will that all the residue of my candelstykks shalbe divided betwene my children and to the issue of their bodies laufully begoten I will also ij pair of beds equaly to be divided betwene my thre(e) doughts Item I will to Moryce the eldre my svnt xls st[er]ling Also I will to the yonger Moryce my svannt xxs sterling

Item I will my best gowne to Johan Allard my dought Item I will my next gowne yn value to my dought Agnes Item I will yn like manr the next gowne yn value to my Dought Rose I will also all my gyrdylls to be devided equaly betwene my thre(e) doughters Item I will also to my brother Thomas Serles the beame & the seales of brasse yn my shoppe I will also five dousen vessell to be equaly divided betwene all my childre, that is to say, platars pewt[er] disshes and saucers I will also to Henry Allard my gret bason of laten and two other Item I will vj other of basones of laten to be devided to my vj children I will also an other bason of laten to Water Shytterden Item I will to Alice Allerd my best chafyng disshe And to Johane Gorowd & Alice Shytterden the other two of my chayfing disshes Also I will syx of my best pewt[er] potts to be devided betwixt my vj children

All the Residue of my goods unbequeithed I will to be divided equaly betwene Thomas Serlis & Willm Serlis myne Executors to the p'formance of this my last will And if the foresaid Thomas Serlis & William Serlis myne executors shall channce to fall at seriff & variance for any parte of my goods Then I will their variance & stuffe to be disenssed & detrmyned by my sone agaist Robert Serlis And yf the said if the foresaid Thomas Serlis and Willim Serlis shall at any tyme varye from the foresaid Robert Serlis determynation & Jugement then I will they shalbe no parte takers of no p[ar]cell of my goods out their foresaid partes equaly to be divided to the residue of my children

Concordat en originalis

Probatum fuit: 12th October 1532

Notes: Husband John Searles Will is: PRC/17/13/6 (of Wye, Kent), made and proved in 1517.

Transcribed by Mrs. Shelagh A. Mason, 11th March 2023





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