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Will of Alice Smythe Widow of London 1598

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Transcript of the PCC Will of Alice Smythe, 1598.[1]

In the name of God Amen The Tenth daye of Julie Anno domini, A thousand ffyve hundred nyntie two, and in the ffoure and Thirtith yere of the Raigne of our soveraigne Ladye Elizabeth by the grace of God Queene of Englande Ffrance and Ireland defender of the ffayth .. I Alice Smythe of London wydowe late wife of Thomas Smith late of London Esquier deceased beinge mynded to make my last will and Testament for and in respecte aswell of the declaration of my mynde in this behalf towards my children kyndred and freinds, As also for such uses and intentes as shalbe hereunder mentioned, because as towchinge the disposicion of that porton which I have I would sett downe some certaintie although not so certenlie as I would yf her Maiesties sute were at an end and with the Executors of my said husband, And further as in respect of myne owne mortalitie and of the uncerteyne howre of death because I would in some ….. be prepared for yt for theis considerations I doe make and declare my last will and Testament at this tyme beinge nowe (Almighty God be praysed for yt) both in bodylie health and perfecte memorye in manner and forme followinge, That is to saye, ffyrst with thankes unto Almightie God for all his Benefitts, I Bequeath my sowle unto his mercy trustinge of my salvacion onelie by Christ Jhesus, And that I shall have a Joyfull resurrection in soule and body in the last daye unto eternall life in his heavenlie Kingdome my synnes beinge pdoned unto me in the bloode of my saviour Jhesus Christ.

Item I comitt my bodie unto the Earth to be buryed in the pishe Churche of Asheford in Kent by the body of my said husband without any pompe or vayne glory or morninge Apparell other then for such morninge Apparell as I shall hereunder give, that is to saye unto my sonnes and sonnes in Lawe, and my daughters and daughters in Lawe I geve to ech of them, and also to the preacher preachinge at my ffunerall A morninge gowne of blacke cloth of the price of Twentie shillinges a yarde. Likewise to every of my servants and mayde servants beinge with me at the tyme of my decease, to every man servante a blacke Cloke, and to every mayde servant a blacke gowne.

Item to foure men servantes of my sonne John ffowre Cloks, And for such of my other sonnes and sonnes in Lawe as shalbe at my buryall, for two men servantes apeece tendinge upon them to every such servant A Cloake, All which servants men and maydes Clokes and gownes to be of cloth of the price of Twelve shillinges the yarde.

Item I will my debts to be trulie paide, such as I shall owe at the tyme of my decease, And that my ffunerals and debts shalbe discharged and payde before anie legacie or guifte whatsoever.

Item I will that of the first moneye that afterward shall come to ye handes of my Executors, that the doe bestowe with all convenient expidicion so much uppon

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purchase of Landes As will buy to the valewe of ffyftenn poundes per Annum at the Least of estates of inheritance in ffee simple which I will to be conveyed and assured to the Company or Corporacion of the Skynners of London and theire Successors ffor this intente that after such assuringe shalbe passed to the same Corporacion (whome I putt in trust to call for it) I will that of the sayde ffyfteene poundes per Annum of Landes to be purchased as aforesaid there shalbe bestowed and geven by them the some of Tenne poundes and eight shillings per Annum to the increasinge of the pentions of the sixe poore Allmeshowses in greate St Helins parish founded by Sir Andrewe Judde my ffather To witt to every such howse eight pence a weecke.

Item moreover out of the said ffyfteene poundes per Annum of Landes to be so purchased I will to be given the some of Thirtie and six shillinges per Annum for the releefe of Three poore women in the parishe of All Sts in Lombard streete by twelve a peece every moneth to be paide unto them. And for that purpose the Churchwardens of the same parish for the tyme beinge to call for yt of the wardens of the Corporacion aforesaid. Item more out of the sayde ffiftenne poundes per Annum, I will that there be the some of Twentie and ffoure shillings per Annum payde by the wardens of the said Corporacion to the Churchewardens for the tyme beinge of the parishe Churche called Gabriell Ffanchurche in London to be bestowed uppon two poore women of the same parishe havinge most neede by Twelve pence a moneth to each of them. And the reste and Residewe of the said ffiftenne poundes per annum I will shalbe bestowed by the wardens of the Corporacion aforesaide to and amonge the poore of the same Corporation.

Item I geve and bequeath unto poore scholers in eyther of the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, the some of one hundred Poundes to eche Universitie.

Item I will to be provided to be geven to three score poore women after my decease three score gownes, And that Twentie gownes thereof be delyvered to the Parishe of All Saincts in Lombard streete and Tenn to the parishe of Saincte Andrewe Undershafte, and Tenn to the parishe of Gabriell Ffanchurche, and tenn to the Towne of Barnes. And the Residue to parishes in London accordinge to the discretion of my Executors.

Item I geve and bequeathe to my cosyn Constance Glover and unto Thomas Stubberfielde to eyther of them duringe theire severall lyves yerelie to be paide one some or Annuytie of ffyve poundes per Annum. And to Ffranncs Jenckens yerelie duringe the terme of ther Lief an Annuitie of ffortie shillinges per Annum. And to Marye Gyles a like Annuitie of ffortye shillinges per Annum duringe the terme of her lief.

Item I bequeath to the poore of Asheforde Twentie Poundes: And to the poore of Stanford ffyve poundes. And to the poore of Postlinge ffyve poundes.

Item I bequeath to the Christes Hospitall Little Sainct Bartholomewes and Sainct Thomas Hospitall and to Brydewell to every of the same howses Twentie poundes a peece. And to Alice Adison the some of Three Poundes To John Stoddard of Moretlacke three poundes. To mistress Grace Rosyer ffyve poundes. To Bridgett Hawkes ffyve poundes, To her sonne Thomas Hawkes to be paide at his age of Twentye and one yeres ffyve poundes. To my brother Henry Smyth three poundes; To my Brother Robert Smith Three Poundes. To Suzanne Craunce Tenne poundes. To her sonne Thomas Craunte to be paide at his age of Twentie and one yeres Tenne Poundes. To Mr Churke ffyve poundes. To Mr Greeneham ffyve poundes. To Alice Kyte of Kente, ffoure Powndes. And to Johane Garvie, John Garvie als Gardeners widowe three Powndes. And these Legacies all and every of them afornamed (my funeralles and debts first paide and dischardged) I will shalbe payde next and before any of the Legacies hereafter mentioned. And as touchinge the Legacies hereafter mentioned. I will and bequeath the same to be paide given and delivered after as my money shall come in to the handes of my Executors sufficient for that purpose. And also all my goods hereafter mentioned, notwithstanding any my devises thereof I will to be solde for lacke of sufficient supplie of my money yf my Executors within sixe monethes after my decease receave not sufficient to discharge the saide ffuneralls debts and former Legacies.

Item I bequeath unto my sonne John Smithe and his wiffe my fflaggon Cheyin And my great boles which were my

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Ffathers, and the furniture of my best chamber, That is to saye, the hangings of Tapistris the bedstede furnished with yallow velvett Testar Yallowe silke Curteynes a Yellowe silke Quilte a fetherbed a bolster and the pillowes and blanketts two Chayres of Arras worke one greater another lesser, two height stooles of yallowe velvett a Cupborde and a Table of Waynescott and two Turkye Carpetts to them one payre of Anndirons one paire of tonngs and a fyer shovell.

Item I geve to his daughter Alice Smith the some of ffyftie poundes. And to his daughter Margarett Smithe the some of Tenne Poundes. And to his daughter Catherine Smythe Tenne Poundes. And to his daughter Elizabeth Smith Tenne Pounds to be paide to the same children as they shall severally atteyne theire ages of twentie and one yeres or be maried which soever of the same tymes shall fyrst happen.

Item I geve and bequeathe to my sonne Thomas Smyth the furniture of my owne bedd Chamber, that ys to saye, the hangings of Tapistrie, the bedsteed, the Tester and valannce of Crymsen velvett, the bedd bolster ye pillowes and blanketts the greate Coverlett of Arras of ye storye of Parris and Helene: my longest Turkye Carpett. A Table and a Cupbord of waynescott sixe small Turkye Carpetts whereof three are of a fyner sorte of redd coller and the other one of Ordinary sorte one Table clothe of Damaske of the storye of Holofernes conteyninge sixe yards in length and Three yardes in breadthe, and one longe broad towell, and two dosen of napkyns, and two hand towelles all of the same worke, and my Longe needlewoorke Carpett with the Cusshens and Cupbord cloth to yt.

Item I geve and bequeath to my Sonne Henry Smyth and his wiffe one Table cloth of damaske of the storye of the Prodigall Childe conteyninge syx yards one dozen of napkins Two Towells and a Cupbord clothe of the same worke and one hundred Ouncs of White plate.

Item I geve and bequeath to my sonne Richard Smyth and his wiffe a Bedstede and the ffurniture thereof of greene velvett viz, a Quylt of greene Taffetaye a ffetherbed the boulster pillowes and blanketts, A blewe velvett Chaire and syx Lowe stooles.

Item three featherbedds and bowlsters for servants A table cloth of damaske of the storye of the Creation, of syx yeards longe two dosen of Napkynes A longe Towell and two hand towells one dozen of heigh stooles covered with ?taftemo?kadowe one greene velvett Chaire and foure peecs of the hangings which hunge the greate Chamber.

Item I bequeath to Thomas Smyth his sonne one hundred Powndes And to John Smithe an other of his sonnes ffyftye Powndes to be paid at theire severall ages of Twentie and one yeres.

Item I geve and bequeath to my Sonne Robert Smythe the furniture of the beddchamber which is hanged with dar?rx viz the bedstedd there and the furniture of Caffa One Longe and two shorte cushi?s of the same, two Chaires of greene velvet a bedd boulster and Blancketts A coverlett of Arras of the storye of David and Abigall. A Table clothe of Damaske conteyning syxe Yards in Length a double Towell two dosen of napkins, two hand towelles all of the woorke of a greate flower, foure peecs of hangings whiche hunge in the greate chamber besyde the foure peecs above mentioned and ffourtie ounces of white plate.

Item I geve and bequeath to my sonne Symon Smythe the furniture of my sonne John his Chamber viz the bedstedd the Tester and vallannce of greene vellett the Curteynes of greene silke, A bedd boulster and the blancketts. A Coverlett of Arras of the storye of Suzanna A Table clothe of damaske of the Creacion conteyninge fyve Yardes in Lengthe Two dozen of napkins one Longe Towell two handtowelles and forty ouncs of white Plate.

Item I geve and bequeath to my daughter Davye my best Cheyne, A Table clothe of damaske conteyninge fyve yards of the storye of Danyell A double Towell a Cupbord clothe and two dosen of napkins and two hundred pounds in money.

Item I bequeath to John Davye her sonne two hundred poundes to be payde at his age of Twentie and one yeeres. And to Alice Davie her daughter two hundred Pownds to be paide at her age of Twentie and one yeres or When she shalbe married which soever of the same tymes shall first happen.

Item I geve and bequeath to my

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Daughter Butler one hundred ouncs of White Plate and a small yellowe satten Quylt.

Item I bequeath to Thomas Butler her sonne Twentie poundes, And to Oliver annother of her sonnes Tenne poundes, to be paide at theire severall ages of Twentie and one Yeres.

Item to Alice Buttler her daughter Twentie poundes. And to Catherine her other daughter Tenne poundes to be paide to the same daughters at theire mariages or ages of twentie and one yeres which soever of the same tymes shall first happen.

Item I geve and bequeth to my daughter Ffanshawe the thirde Chaire of Arras A table cloth of damaske of seven yards Longe and three Yardes broade of the storye of Holofernes, A Longe broade Towell Two dozen of napkins and two hand towelles.

Item to her sonne Thomas Ffanshawe twentie poundes. And to her sonne William tenne poundes to be paide at theire ages of Twentie and one yeres.

Item to her daughter Alice Twentie powndes, And to hir daughter Katherine tenne poundes to be paide at theire ages of twentie and one yeres or at theire marriages which soever of the same tymes shall first happen.

Item I geve and bequeath to my daughter Haward my Best Chayre of Crymsen velvett ymbrodred with silke and golde, A Longe Qushion suitable to yt, my best Ringe beyinge a dyamonde.

Item to her sonnes George and John Tenne Poundes apeece to be paide at theire ages of twentie and one yeeres.

Item to her daughter Alice Twentie poundes. And to her daughters Katherine, Mary and Anna Tenne poundes apeece to be paide at theire severall dayes of marriages or ages of twentie and one Yeres which soever of the same tymes shall first happen.

Item I geve and bequeathe to my daughter Harris my Jewell beinge an A: of Dyamonde. A table cloth of damaske of the storye of Danyell conteyning six yeardes in Lengthe. A doble towell and tow dosen of napkins and two chayres of Crymson tufftaffata.

Item I geve to her sonne Thomas Harris Twentie poundes, and to Arthur her sonne tenne poundes to be paide at their ages of Twentie and one yeres.

Item to hir daughter Alice Twentie poundes. And to hir daughter Dorathie tenne poundes to be payde to the same daughters at theire marriages or ages of twentie and one Yeres which soever of the same tymes shall first happen.

Item I bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth Smyth one long tablecloth of Diaper conteyning six yardes in length a long towell and two dozen of napkyns to the same my carpet of Arras worke a long Qusshion of greene velvet and to ende cusshions one paier of fyne sheetes of three breadthes and sixe fyne pillow boxes purled and stitched a large quilte of crymson Taffita A table cloth of Damaske conteyning five yardes a dowble Towell and one dozen of napkyns of the worke of a great flower and three hundred powndes in mony.

Item I geve and bequeath my sonne in law Sir Rowland Heward Twenty powndes.

Item I geve to my sonne in lawe Thomas Ffanshaw twenty powndes.

Item I geve to my sonne in lawe Willm Butler Twenty poundes.

Item I geve to my sonne in lawe Willm Harrys twenty Poundes.

Item I geve to my sonne in lawe Robert Davey Twentie poundes.

Item I geve to Master Sariannte Owen for a Ringe three Poundes.

Item I geve to Mr Doctor Smith of little wood streete the picture of the Cookerye.

Item I geve to Andrewe Judde ffortie poundes to be payde at his age of twentie and one Yeres.

Item I geve to Mres Ffysher Twentie Poundes.

Item I geve to my brother Horsepoole and my Syster his wief each of them A Ringe of ffortie shillinges.

Item I geve to my Cosen Kinge & his wiffe each of them A Ringe of ffortie shillinges.

Item to my Cosyn Willyam Horspoole A Ringe of thirty shillinges.

Item I geve to my cosens Symon, Thomas, Hawise, Jone and Katherine Horsepoole eache of them A Ringe of Thirtie shillings.

Item to my Syster Martha Goldinge a standinge Cupp of ffourtie ouncs of guilt plaite. And to hir two children eache of them a ringe of thirtie shillinges apeece.

Item I geve to my Cosyn Johane Myller A Ringe of thirtie shillinges.

Item I geve to Mres Parnell Towerson a Ringe of three poundes.

Item I geve to John Gathron and his wiffe ech of them A ringe of three poundes.

Item I geve to Alice Browne nowe wife to Henrye Smithe A Ringe of ffortie shillings.

Item I geve to George Gaywoode and his wief eche of them a Ringe of three poundes.

Item I geve to Mres Anne Coole A Ringe of thirtie shillinges.

Item I geve to Bridgett Birde Mres Rosiers daughter A ringe of ffortie shillings.

Item I

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geve unto such of my menservantes hereunder named as shall be dwellinge with me at my deceasse viz To Thomas Cary the Bedsteade and the Bedd in his chamber and Three powndes in mony To William Raine the bedsted and bedd in his chamber and three powndes in mony To John Woodhowse forty shillings To Richard Smith five powndes To John Hickson three powndes To David ?Yoeors forty shillinges To Christopher the Moore Three powndes.

Item I give to such of my mayde servants heereafter named as shalbe dwelling with me at my deceasse viz To Brigit ffower powndes To Grace ffower powndes To Sara three powndes: And to mother Selfe three powndes and incase the said gooddes as shall happen to be sold as I have before appoynted Then I will the valewes thereof respectively as to the psons to whom I have before bequeathed the same gooddes shall be paid unto them when mony shall come to the handes of my executors sufficient for that purpose.

Item I make and ordaine my sonnes Thomas, Richard and Robt Smith Executors of this my Last will and Testament: And overseers of the same Sir Rowland Hawarde Knight, Mrr Thomas Ffanshawe and Mr Robert Davie prayinge every of them to be carefull of the parformance of this my Will accordinge to my meaninge, And generally all and everye one above named. I praye to be satisfied with my good will towardes them in theire said severall Legacies Consideringe that at this tyme I colde not doe better for them beinge rather willinge to sett some thinges in certeyne then utterlie to neglect the doinge hereof, Prayinge every one also to spare the calling for of theire severall Legacies till such Reasonable tyme as my Executors maye paye the same of my money comminge to theire hands. And I revoke all other former wills and Testaments by me heretofore made or declared. In witnis whereof hereunto I the said Alice Smithe have sett my hand Seale yeoven the daye and yere first above written, Alice Smythe: Sealed and delyvered in the presence of Thomas Peeke Scryvener; And this will conteyneth with this present lease nyne sheetes without any other enter lyninge then of my owne hande.

Item as towchinge the Remiaynder of all my goodes Chattells and creditts whatsoever remayninge over and above the Legacies of my Will aforementioned and the discharginge of my debts and ffunerall charges, I will and bequeath the same Remaynder to be devided into syxe partes, And fyve partes thereof to and amounges my sonnes, John Smythe, Thomas Smyth, Richard Smith, Roberte Smith and Simon Smythe. And the sixt parte to be distributed and geven to the poore by the discretion of my Executors. Codicilled and annexed the daye and yeres first above written. Alice Smithe Subscribed and agnised the daye and yeres above saide in the presence also of me the said Thomas Peake.

Memorand that also the said Alice Smithe did confesse and acknowledge to me Willm Harris publique Scryvenor, The twelveth daye of Julye A thousand ffyve hundred nyntie two and in the ffowre and thirtith yere of the Raigne of our soveraigne Ladie Queene Elizabeth that this will and Codicil thereunto added and annexed is her full and absolute Last will & Testament And that she did advisedly seale and subscribe the same. And in witness of the same her acknowledgment hath hereunder sett her hande the saide twelve of Julie per me Willm Harris. Alice Smith.

I Alice Smythe widdowe Late ye wiffe of Thomas Smyth of London Esquier beinge in pfect memorye God be thanked, Doe ordayne & make this Codicill the two and twentieth daye of Maye in the Yere our Lord, One thousand ffyve hundredth Nynetie three for the devisinge and bequeathinge of such other Legacies herein expressed accordinge to my true meaning as are not mentioned in my Last will and testament beringe date the tenthe of Julie A thousand ffyve hundred nyntie two in the ffower and thirtith yeare of the Queenes Mats Raigne which present Codicill I will to be annexed to the aforesaid will and Testament as parte and pcell thereof: ffyrst I geve and bequeath unto my sonne John Smythe One hundred poundes: To my sonne Thomas Smyth two hundredth ounces of plate and two hundreth Poundes in money: To my sonne Henry Smythe One hundredth Poundes And to his wiffe ffortie poundes: To my sonne Richard Smithe Two hundredth Ounces of Plate and one hundredth Poundes in money: And to his wiffe Twentie poundes to bestowe in A border. To my sonne

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Robert Smythe three score ounces of Plate and one hundredth poundes in money.

Item I geve to my brother Robert Smythe ffyve poundes, To my brother Henry Smyth fyve poundes And to my Syster Vynor fyve poundes.

Item to my Cozen Johane Miller Tenne poundes, To my Cosyn Henry Smyth Tenne poundes, And to his brother Richard Smyth Tenne Poundes.

Item I geve and bequeath to Sir Drewe Drewrye a peece of Plate to the valewe of Tenne Poundes. To Mr William Worteley ffyve poundes, To Mr Charke ffyve poundes. To Mr Greeneham ffyve poundes, And to tenne other good Preachers Tenne Poundes a peece.

Item I geve and bequeath to Mr Richardson Tenne Poundes. To Thomas Taverner Tenne poundes And to George Gaywoode twentie poundes.

Item I geve and bequeath to Grace Hickes twentie poundes. To Johane Sara and Jane ffyve poundes a peece. And to Mother Selfe an Annuytie of three poundes a Yere duringe her life.

Item I geve and bequeath to Thomas Porter tenne Poundes. To Willm Dixon Tenne poundes, To John Woodhowse Tenne Poundes. To Davye Pears Tenne Poundes. To Willim Ramme Tenn pounds. To John Hickson ffive poundes. And to Christopher the blacke boye ffyve poundes: And for the Remaynder of all my goodes and Chattells whatsoever my funeralles debts and legacyes first discharged my will is that it be equallie devided betwene these my children hereafter named That is to saye. To John Smithe, Thomas Smith, Henry Smith, Richard Smith, Robt Smith, Symon Smythe and to Elizabeth Smith by Equall and even portions except that sixt parte gyven in my will to the poore. Alice Smythe, Richard Smith George Gaywoode. These words John Smith which is enterlyned was putt in by my consent, As also the exception beinge the last Lyne. Witness of the tenth hereof these Robt Smith. By me Elizabeth Ffisher Willm Miller.


..undecimo die mensis Maij AD millesimo Quingentesimo nonagesimo Octavo… [11 May 1598] Thome, Richardi et Roberti Smithe [sons and Executors]


  1. Will of Alice Smythe, Widow of London. 11 May 1598. PROB 11/91/377. The National Archives, Kew.



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