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Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: Willis Willys
This is a transcription of the original record of the nuncupative will of Amy Willis, widow of Fenny Compton, Warwickshire. It was written by her grandson George Willis with who she was living at the end of her life. The will was written on 10 April 1619 and proved 29 June 1619 at the Diocese of Lichfield Episcopal Consistory Court. [1]
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
Crossings through have been included struck out
Paragraph breaks at change of bequest, and bold text are my own for ease of reading.
Where present, the obsolete letter Thorn has been rendered as th, and ff has been rendered as F
Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets]
The image quality was good and the writing very legible. Non standard spelling as per usual for this time period, which has been transcribed verbatim.
Persons mentioned:
- George Willies my Grand Child with whome I now live
- Bridget Willes wife to George Willies
- George Willes son of George
- Marie Willes daughter of George
- Richard Willies
- William Willes child of Richard Willies
- Richard Wills child of Richard Willies
- Jone Willies child of Richard Willies
- Mr Thomas Gillder of Isaipe in the Countie of Oxford gent
- Judeth Gillder his now wife - Testator's grandchild Judith Willis by her son Richard
- William Graunte of Priors Marstone
- Margaret Graunte wife of William Graunte
- George Graunte my god sonne the sonne of William Graunte
- William Hopper of Wellborne in the Countie of Warwickshire
- [blank] Hopper my god Child one of the Children of William Hopper
- Raphe Wildinge Rector of Fenny Compton
In the name of god amen /
The last will and Testament nuncupative of Amy Willys
of Fenicompton in the Countie of War[wickshire] widdow who deceased
the xth Aprill in the sevententh yere of the raigne of our
soveraigne Lord Kinge James that now is Kinge of England
Scotland France and Ireland Deffendor of the fayth &c /
And in the yere of our Lord 1619 /
Imprimis I give and bequeath my sowle to Amightie god hoping
for sallvatione in the only merrites of Christ Jesus my redemer and
saviour and my bodey to bee buried in the Church of Fenicompton
Item I give and bequeath to Bridget Willes wife to George
Willies my Grand Child w[i]th whome I now live and to Richard
Willies and William Willes Richard Wills Jone Willies Children
of Richard Willes and to Mr Thomas Gillder of Isaipe in the
Countie of Oxford gent and Judeth Gillder his now wife and
to George Willes and Marie Willes sonne and daughter of
the above named George Willes of Fennicompton in the foresaied Count[y]
of Warr[wickshire] the somme of twentie and two shillinges apeece /
Item I give to George Graunte my god sonne the sonne of
William Graunte of Priors Marstone abovenamed in the Coun[ty]
of Warr[wickshire] six shillinges eight pence to bye him a bibble
Item I give to [blank] Hopper my god Chilld one of the Ch[il]
dren of William Hopper of Wellborne in the Countie of Warr[wickshire]
the somme of six shillinges eight pence to bye him a bible. /
Item I give to the rest of my god Chilldren twelve pence a peece
Item I give and bequeath to Margaret Graunte wife of Willia[m]
Graunte above named one Civerlid for a bedd one payre of Blan
ketes and one payre of sheetes together w[i]th the seconde gowne &
Item I give to fowre poore weoman fowre elles of my hearsecloth
to make them wastcotes
Item I give to Mary Willes above named my best gowne and
Item I give and bequeath to George Willes above mentioned
my grannd Chilld all the rest of my goods Catells and Chattells
unbequeathed my deptes and Legaces beinge payed and my fun
erall funerall expenses beinge discharged accordinge to my estate
and deegree./
George Willes
Raphe Wildinge Cler[icus] / et certer ibidem
Probate [abstracted from the Latin] administration of the things that were of Amie Wills lately who lived in the parish of Fennicompton deceased : George Wills her closest relative to administer
Mr Willdinge Rector of Fennycompton
George Wills of Fennycompton in the County of War[wick] gentleman
- ↑
Will of Amy Willies of Fenny Compton 1619:
"Staffordshire, Dioceses Of Lichfield And Coventry Wills And Probate 1521-1860"
FindMyPast Image - FindMyPast Transcription (accessed 13 February 2022)
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