Location: Farnham Royal, Buckinghamshire, England
The Will of Andrew Umfreville, gent of Farnham Royal was written on 6 April 1645 and proved on 2 May 1645.[1][2]
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the register copy. Capital F is rendered as F rather than ff. Abbreviations are expanded and additions noted in [square brackets]. Paragraph breaks (where added) and bold text for names are my own for ease of reading. Difficult to read in places, the National Archives copy is clearer than the one on Ancestry.
People mentioned in the Will.
- Andrew Umfrevile (testator)
- Edward Umfrevile (son, executor)
- Francis and Mary (daughters)
- James Taylor (mortgagee)
- Robert Umfrevile (eldest son)
- Andrea Bassana of London Esq (executor)
- Richard Harward of Farnham (executor)
- Robert Nevill (brother in law)
- Mary Nevill (sister)
- Robert Curteous (kinsman)
- Witnesses: Mary Eyre, Christofer Ingle, Edw Bulmer
- In front of the witnesses is written Andrew Unfrevile Junior, it's unclear if this refers to the testator.
In the name of God Amen I
Andrew Umfrevile [...] of Farnham Royall in the County of Buckes
gent being weake in body but of p[er]fect memory thankes be to god Doe
make my last will and Testam[en]t the Sixth day of Aprill in the yeare of
our lord god 1645 as followeth First I bequeath my Soule into the
hands of Jesis Christ my Saviour and redeemer trusting only by his
merrits to be saved from my sinnes And for my temporall estate wherew[i]th
yt hath pleased god to blesse me whether personall or Chattles reall
to be equally devided betweene my three youngest Children Edward
Francis and Mary And whereas there have bin certaine houses in
Maydenhead in the Countie of Barks mortgaged to me and my heires &
assignes for a certaine sum[m]e of money lent, My will is that my sayd
three Children shall have the benefit of the said mortgage and
[...] the premisses & hereditam[en]ts To them their heyres and assignes
But yf the moneys lent shalbe repayed by the herres executors or
assigns of James Taylor the mortgagor, my will and minde is that the
said moneys shalbe equally devided betweene the said three Children
And my will and meaning is that the said three Children shalbe
maintayned out of thestate here by these p[re]sentes bequeathed them. And
my will is that yf any of the said Children dye and depart this life
before their marriage or before they shall accomplishe the age of one
and twentie yeares That their part and porc[i]on shalbe and remaine
to the Survivor or Survivors And I Doe will and [emoyne?] my eldest Sonne
Robert Umfrevile to pay to my said three younger Children fiftie
pounds a peece w[i]thin Sixe monethes after either of them shall accomplish
the age of one and twenty yeares Item I Doe make executors of this
my last will and Testament my Sonne Edward Umfrevile and Andrea
Bassana of London Esq[uires] and Richard Harward of the Farnham royal
gent. A[n]d I doe give and bequeath to my eldest Sonne Robert Umfrevile
the greene Carpett and Cupbordcloth that his mother made in her life
tyme; and alsoe all the Chayres whereof five were made by my
wife and one shee bought three payre of flaxen sheete[s] and the bed I
use to lye on; and the Coverlett of red and white that my wife made
and one part of the best blanket[es] and the best Curtaines & vallence
[Page 2]
of red p[er]petuana[3] Item I give to my daughters Frances and Mary all my said
wives wearing Clothes and her lynnen to be equally devided betweene them
except one diap[er] table cloth a dozen napkins and a Cupbord Cloth w[hi]ch I Doe
give to my said Sonne Robert; And alsoe I give to my said Sonne Robert on
paire of the best pillowes and one paire of holland pillowbeers foure
greene silk Cashions Item I give and bequeath to my brother in lawe Robert
Nevill and to my Sister Mary his wife tenn shillinges a peece to buy each
of them a Ring in remembrance of me I will and ordaine my brother in lawe
Robert Nevill and my Kinsman Robert Curteous overseers of this my last will
and Testament In witness whereof I the said Andrew Umfrevile have
hereto set my hand and Seale to this my last will and Testament Andrew
Umfrevile Junior Mary Eyre [Christ]ofer Ingle. Edw Bulmer
- ↑ PROB 11/193/108 Description: Will of Andrew Winfrevile, Gentleman of Farnham Royal, Buckinghamshire Date: 02 May 1645 Held by: The National Archives, Kew
- ↑
"England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858"
The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 11; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 193
Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry uk Record 5111 #810335 (accessed 15 October 2023)
Will of Andrea Umfrevile, granted probate on 2 May 1645. Died about 1645 in Farnham Royal, Buckinghamshire, England. - ↑ A hard wearing woollen fabric
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