Location: Farnham Royal, Buckinghamshire, England

The Will of Andrew Umphrevill or Umfrevill was written on 7 June 1651 and proved on 19 June 1651[1][2]
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the register copy. Capital F is rendered as F rather than ff. Abbreviations are expanded and additions noted in [square brackets]. Paragraph breaks (where added) and bold text for names are my own for ease of reading.
People mentioned in the Will.
- Andrew Umfrevile (testator)
- William Umfrevill (son)
- Mary (wife)
- Mary Nevill (daughter)
- Robert Nevill of London (son in law, executor)
- Christopher King, & Robert [...pton] deceased (debtors)
- Francis [sic] and Mary Umfrevill (grandchildren, both female)
- Robert, Richard, and Mary Nevill (grandchildren)
- Edward Umphrevill (grandchild)
- Richard Harwood of Farnham Royal (brother in law, executor)
- Witnesses: Christopher Ingle, Richard Goodrick
In the name of God amen I Andrew Umfrevile
umphrevill of Furnha Royall in the County of Buck gent being weake in body
but of p[er]fect memory thanks bee to god: doe make this my last will and Testament
this Seaventh day of June Anno D[omi]ni 1651. In manner and forme following
First I bequeath my Soule into the hands of Almighty God my maker and
Redeemer my body to the earth to be decently buryed in the Chancell of thee Parish
Church of the said Farnham Royall, And for my p[er]sonall estate I bequeath as
followeth; First I give and bequeath to William Umfrevill my Sonne Fourt[y]
pounds Currant English money to be paid him in four years next after my
decease by five pounds the halfe yeare the first payment to begin three moneths
after my said decease. Item I doe give and bequeath unto Mary my wife
Thirty pounds of like money to be paid her three moneths after my decease
with my Six Silver Spoons; And alsoe I doe give her all such Lynnen as shee hath
Spunn and made into the house Since I marryed her; Item I give unto my daughter
Mary Nevill the Some of Twenty Shillings to buy her a ring to weare for my
Sake, Item I give unto her husband my Sonne in Law Robert Nevill of London
Gent one debt of Twenty pounds by bond with Interest wherein Christopher King
of Woodborne & Robert [...pton] deceased stand bound to and for the paym[en]t of the
money as by the said bond appeareth; Item I give unto my two Grandchildren
Francis and Mary Umfrevill Tenn pounds apeece to be paid them six moneths
after my decease, and if either of the two sisters happen to dye before then her
Legacy to come to the Surviveing Sister; Item I give unto three of my Grand=
=children vid[elice]t Robert, Richard, and Mary Nevill each of them Tenn pounds a=
peece to be paid them six moneths after my decease; and in case either of them
doe Dye before, his of her part to goe to the Survive[ing]; Item I doe give unto
my Grandchilde Edward Umphrevill all my house hold stuff bedding and Implements
of household; Item I give and bequeath unto my Brother in Lawe Richard
Harwood of Farnham Royall Gent and to my Sonne in Law Robert Nevill
before menc[i]oned Twenty Shillings a peece to buy each of them a Ring to were
for my Sake, And I make my brother in law Richard Harwood and my Sonne
in Law Robert Nevill Joynt Executors of this my last will and Testament
desireing them if there be an overplus of my P[er]sonall estate more then is
bequeathed to pay it unto my Sonne William Umfrevill two yeares
after the foure yeares Expires for paym[en]t of the fourty pounds his legacy
if hee be then liveing; In witness whereof I have here unto Sett my
hand and Seale the day and yeare above written; Andrew Umfreville
Sealed Subscribed and Delivered as the last will and Testament of Andrew
Umfrevill Gent in the presence of Christopher Ingle the day of the date
Christopher Ingle; The mark of Richard Goodrick June the Ninth 1651
This Will was proved The Nineteenth of June One
thousand Six hundred Fifty one before Mr Walters Surrogat[e] &c by
the Oath of Richard Harwood & Robert Nevill Joynt Exeuctors To
[in left margin]^ therein named
whome Administrac[i]on was Com[m]itted they being first Sworne
well and truly to Administer: Exd.
- ↑
"England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858"
The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 11; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 217
Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry uk Record 5111 #357057 (accessed 15 October 2023)
Will of Andrew Umfrevile, granted probate on 19 Jun 1651. Died about 1651 in Furnham Royal, Buckinghamshire, England. - ↑ PROB 11/217/293 Description: Will of Andrew Umphrevill or Umfrevill, Gen. of Farnham Royal, Buckinghamshire Date: 19 June 1651 Held by: The National Archives, Kew
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