Location: Anne Arundel County MD

Surname/tag: Tasker, Ogle, Ridout
Last Will and Testament of Ann Tasker Ogle
I Ann Ogle of Annapolis do make this my Last Will and Testament
Whereas a considerable alteration in my circumstances since I made a Will _________ that I should make a new one. I hereby revoke and annul every Will, Testament and Codicil heretofore by me made and I declare this to by my only Last Will and Testament and I do hereby constitute and appoint my Grandson, Samuel Ridout as the Executor of this my Last Will and Testament and I do give and bequeath unto him all the estate real, personal and mixed which I may die possessed of or be in any manner entitled to for the following uses and purposes viz to sell, dispose of the same or any part thereof as he in his discretion may think proper either real or personal for carrying out this my Will into effect, with all convenient dispatch not however wishing him to sell a part of my real estate at an under value for the purpose of speedily doing his administration.
The proceeds of this my said estate I desire may be applied by my said Executor to pay of the legacies and bequests contained here mentioned in this my Will and in the manner herein directed.
I give, devise and bequeath to my Grandson, Horatio Ridout and his heirs the sum of one thousand pounds current money.
I give, devise and bequeath to Meliora Ogle Ridout my Great Granddaughter and her heirs the sum of seventeen hundred pounds current money also all my wearing apparel, watch, and all the other jewels I may be possessed of.
I give, devise and bequeath to my Granddaughter, Harriet Buchanan and her heirs, the sum of eight hundred pounds current money, also the china closet with glasses, ______table that___in my drawing room.
I further give and bequeath to my said Grandson, Samuel Ridout my Executor, my silver coffee pot, cream pot, tea chest, soup spoon twenty spoons, punch ladle, Silver ink stand, this being the plate which I have ______________. I further give and bequeath to my said Executor, the sum of two thousand pounds current money in trust that he shall quarterly pay the trust thereof to my Granddaughter Anne Ogle Gibson during her life have in a late settlement of a debt due to me from my son given to my Grandson Benjamin Ogle a considerable part of the said debt I consider that donation as ______lent to a legacy and therefore bequeath him nothing.
I give to my Granddaughter Anne Tayloe one of the one of the bonds for L1000 pafused to me on the 30 Dec 1809 by her Mother Henry M. Ogle and I give another bond pafused by Henry M. Ogle of L1000 to my Grandson ______Ogle in trust to pay the interest thereof annually to my Granddaughter Mary Bevans during her life and after her decease to divide the principal sum between her Daughters.
And after all my debts of legacies above mentioned are paid, I give and bequeath to my said Grandson Samuel Ridout my said Executor and to his heirs forever all the _____of my Estate both real, personal of mixed in Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this nineteenth Day of January 1810
Signed, Sealed and ______ by the Testator as her Last Will & Testament on the day and year above mentioned in the presence of who at her request of their presence and in the presence of each other hereto subscribe over names as heretofore. ______Cleth Anne Ogle (seal) Bethel Rudd Rebecca Fowler
Signed, Sealed and acknowledged by the Testator her Last Will and Testament _________________ of May in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and fourteen in the presence of us who at her request and her presence and in the presence of each other hereto subscribe our names as Witnesses. Henry Maynadier Anne Ogle (seal) Elizabeth Reid Eliza Maynadier
Whereas I have given one thousand pounds to my Grandson Samuel Ridout in trust that he shall pay the interest thereof quarterly to Anne Ogle Gibson during her life and now by this Codicil to my Will I give the said Thousand pounds after the death of the said Anne Ogle Gibson to my Great Granddaughter Harriet Ridout Anne Ogle, December 13, 1815Name
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