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Will of Anne Barker of London 1610

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: London, Englandmap
Surnames/tags: Barker Herdson
Profile manager: Nic Donnelly private message [send private message]
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[folio 178 recto]

In the name of God Amen. The
eightenth Day of January one thousand six hundreth and nyne and in the
yeares of the raigne of our Soueraigne Lord James by the grace of god kinge of
Englande Fraunce and Irelande the seaventh and of Scotlande the three and
fortith defender of the faith etc. I Anne Barker of London widdowe beinge in
good health and of sounde and perfecte mynde and memory praysed be god Doe
ordaine and make this my presente testamente contayninge therein my last will in
manner and forme followinge that is to say Imprimis and before all thinges I give and
commend my soule into the hands of almightie god my creator and to Jesus Christe my only
Lord and Sauiour by the merrittes of whose moste bitter death and passion I hope and
steadfastly beleeve to be saved and by noe other meanes And my bodie to buried in the
Chauncell of the parish Church of Saincte Dunstaines in the East in Towerstreete
London within the tombe where my father Mr Alderman Heardson and my Mother
the Ladie Champion were buried Item I will that ymediatly after my decease every
fourth sondaie through the whole yeare that is to saie every moneth a Sermon
vppon the Sondaie in the afternone beginninge at one of the Clocke and soe to have
twelve sermons made by Mr Wright parson of the parishe Church of Saincte Catherine
Colman in London if he be liveinge but yf be not liveinge then all the saide
Sermons to be made by the best learned men that maie be had and for every
of the saide sermons I give to the preachers that shall make the same twentie
shillinges a peece which amounteth to thirteene poundes in the whole yeare Item
I give and bequeath vnto the saide Mr Wright the somme of tenn poundes sterlinge
so as he be with me in my sicknes as often as convenientlie he maye and especiallye
at the hower of my Death to compforte me in my weaknes and to pray with me
and for me Item I give and bequeath towardes the maintaynannce of Christe
Church Hospitall in London twentie poundes to be paide within three monethes
nexte after my decease Item I give and bequeath vnto the seaven prisons That is to
say, to the two Compters the one in the Powltry and the other in woodstreete
to them that lie in hole to each prison fortie shillinges a peece And to Ludgate
Newgate the Kinges bench the Marshelsey and the white Lyon to each prison
fortie shillinges a peece to them that have moste neede to be paide within eight
and twentie Daies nexte after my decease Item I give to the poore people of the
parish of Saincte Catherine Colman in London where I nowe Dwell and to the
poore people of the parishe of Saincte Dunstaines in the East aforesaide to each parish
Tenn poundes to be distributed within one moneth nexte after the Daie of my
buriall Item I will that in each of the saide two parrishes of Saincte Catherine
Colman and Saincte Dunstaines in the easte the value of three poundes in breade
or money shalbe Distributed to such poore people as shal resorte unto the same
parishes in the Daie of my buriall Item I give and bequeath vnto my brother
Mr John Heardson one hundreth ounces of newe guilte plate at a noble an ounce
and a blacke gowne the cloath to be worth twentie shillinges a yard and cloakes
for two of his menn Item I give and bequeath to Mr Jasper Miller whoe attended
of Judge Gawdie in his life tyme a blacke cloake and tenn poundes to make him
a Ringe Item I give to the Lord Maier and every of the Aldermen that shalbe
in this Cittie at the tyme of my decease to each of them a Ringe of goulde of fifty
shillinges price and of what fashion themselves shall lyke beste. Item I give to Mr
Seibrighte the late Towne Clerke and to his wife each of them a blacke gowne
and to her also a Ringe of goulde the price of it to be fifty shillinges Item I give
and bequeath vnto the ladie Elizabeth Riddlesden a blacke gowne yf she be in

[folio 178 verso]

at the tyme of my Decease Item I give to my neighbour mistris Goulde a blacke gowne
yf she be in London at the tyme of my decease Item I give to Mr Wright the preacher in
Saincte Catherine Colmans parish in London and his wife each of them a vlacke
gowne and I give to mris Margarett Pagrave a blacke gowne yf she be in London
at the tyme of my decease Item I give to Mr John Highlord and his wife Dwellinge in
Marke lane and to his Daughter my goddaughter each of them a blacke gowne Also to
him twenty ounces of guilte plate at a noble an ounce and his wife a gould Ringe
of fifty shillinges Price Item I give and bequeath vnto the very pooreste sorte of the
Company of grocers of London Fifty poundes to be Distributed within three monethes
next after my Decease at the Discrac[i]on of the wardens of the same Companie Item I
give and bequeath vnto the verie pooreste sorte of the Company of Skinners in London
fifty poundes to be Distributed within three monethes next after my decease at the
Discreacon of the Wardens of the same Companie Item I give and bequeath to the said
two Companies of grocers and Skinners twentie markes a peece to make them Dinners
in the Day of my funerall so as they goe to Church with me at my funerall Item I give
to Richard Stockmead that somtyme was my servaunte a blacke gowne and fortie
shillinges to make him a Ringe Item I give to threescore and tenn poore women each of
them a blacke gowne and twelve pence a peece in monye Item I give vnto my Cozen Howlet
a blacke cloake and his wife a blacke gowne and to his Children each of them a blacke
Cloake Item I will that my executor herevnder named shall from tyme to tyme supplie
the wantes of my saide Cozen Howlett[es] wide with money as neede shall require vntill she
have receaved in the whole tenn poundes Item I give to Widdowe Hewes the late wife
of John Hewes Deceased forty shillinges Item I give to every of my menservauntes a
blacke cloake and fifty shillinges in money and to every of my maide servauntes a blacke
gowne and fifty shillines in money Item I give and bequeath vnto Thomas Archer
Scriuener a blacke gowne of thirteene shillines and fower pence the yard and fortie shilling[es]
sterlinge Item I give and bequeath toward[es] the mayntainannce of Saincte Thomas
hospitall in Southwarke and Saincte Bartholomewes hospitall in London to each
hispitall forty shillinges a peece Item I give and bequeath vnto Sir William Ayloffe
to the ladie his wife to Alice Archedale and Sara Archedale Daughters of the saide
Ladye Ayloffe every of them a blacke gowne and to fower of his men every of them
a Cloake Item I give and bequeath vnto Alice Archdale Daughter of the saide Lady
Ayloffe one hundreth poundes sterlinge to be paide vnto her within three monethes
nexte after my Decease Item I give and bequeath vnto the saide Sir William Ayloffe
one hundreth poundes to make him a Chayne. Item I give and bequeathe vnto John
Barker and Roberte Barker which Sir Roberte Barker had by my Daughter
Judithe Barker twenty ounces a peece of guilte plate at a Noble an ounce to be
Delivered vnto them at there severall ages of twentie and one yeares or the Daies
of there severall marriages which shall first happen Item I give and bequeath
vnto Anne Barker which the saide Sir Roberte Barker had by my daughter
Judith one hundreth poundes to be paide her in the Daie of her marriage or at
her full age of one and twenty yeares which shall first happen And it is my Will
and mynd that Sir Eward Waterhowse knight shall have thuse and imployinge
of the saide hundreth poundes vntill the saide Anne Barker shall accomplish her
full age of one and twenty yeares orbe marryed payinge her therefone
yearely tenn poundes from the tyme of my Decease vntill the saide hundreth
poundes be Due to her Item I give and bequeath vnto the saide Anne
Barker all the Jewells pearles and buttons which she nowe useth to weare
Item I giue and bequeath vnto the saide Sir Edward Waterhouse to his lady
and to her gentlewomen each of them a black gowne and for fower of this men
eache of them a blacke Cloake Also to the said Sir Edward Waterhouse

[folio 179 recto]

one hundreth poundes to make him a Chayne and to the saide Ladie waterhowse my
Coach with the furniture thereto belonginge and my forses or mares which shalbe
laste used with my Coach before my decease Item I give and bequeath vnto the
saide Ladie Ayloffe my daughter my Chayne of goulde and pearle my two
pearle bone guaces[?] my greene satten vallence ymbroydered with velvett and frindged
with goulde sixe Curtaines to the same of greene taffeta purled a greene taffetie
quilte all my tapistrie hanginges that hange in the greate Chamber of my nowe
Dwellinge howse all my carpetts and windowe cloathes that be vsed in my saide
Dyninge greate Chamber all my apparrell that is vnbequeathed the greateste
neste of my guilte silver bowles with a cover marked with Sir Richard Cham
pions marke the greateste nest of my percell guilte silver bowles two Dozen of
silver spones some guilte and somme parcell guilte, one neste of percell guilte goblettes
with a cover one bason and Ewers marked with Mr Stodderdes armes and the grocers
one greate neste of guilte pottes graven one other neste of guilte pottes with greate
bellyes shorte and thicke one silver quarte pott with a Cover one Dozen of parcell
guilt trenchers of the bigger sorte of the two Dozen one guilte greate salte and one
other lesser then that by a good deale with a cover one neste of percell guilt bowles
three percell guilte Candlestickes Nyne parcell guilte bowe pottes my lesser gilte
standinge Cupp with a cover one greate guilte Castinge bottle one silver lye pott seaven
payer of flaxen sheetes six flaxen table cloathes some very longe and some shorter two playne
table Cloathes stiched and Fringed two longe plaine bone laced tablecloathes three fyne
playne holland towells two laydworke and two razed worke towells purled about the
sydes three ladeworke towells more whereof one is longer then the other two, three
very five [sic] broade Diaper twoells and a shorte one two little Diaper tablecloathes
one longe one very fyne Diaper tablecloathe one very fine Diaper table cloath with bone
lace five Damaske table cloathes one of which is Done with bone lace and buttons
two broade very fyne Damaske towells two shorte Damaske towells one payer of very
fyne holland sheetes with three leaves Done with very broade bone lace one payer
of very fyne holland sheetes stitched and purled two payer more of very fyne holland
sheetes with three leaves three kin[er][?] panes of Damaske laid with goulde lace and gould
buttens two Damaske Drinkinge Cloathes laced with gould lace and gold buttons two
Cushion Cloathes wrought with Drawen worke two payer of pillowbeers wroght
with Drawen worke twelve other fine holland pillowbeeres fower Cupbord cloathes
with broad bone lace two Damaske kin[er] panns with bone lace Nyne Dozen and
one halfe Dozen of Damaske napkins fower Dozen and one halfe Dozen of Diaper
Napkins one Dozen of laid worke napkines purled and wroght three Dozen
and a halfe of flaxen Napkins one Dozen of holland Napkines hembd and
stitchte my newe bed of reade cloath ymbrothered with blacke yellowe and white
and Curtaines to it, a Reade Rugge two Crimson satten Cushions ymbrothered with
gould to sett vppon a Cushion Cloath, twenty Dozen of pewter greate and smale
my payer of latten Andirons and a Capp panne standinge in the hall and all the
Candlestickes that are in the greate Chamber and in the hall of my nowe dwellinge
howse and two longe plain tablecloathes with bone lace, all the foresaide Lynnen
bequeathed to the ladie Ayloffe is contayned in one Cheste with her name written
on the inside of the same. Item it is my will and myne that yf the saide Ladie
Ayloffe my Daughter shall Departe this life before the saide Sir William Ayloffe
her husband that then the place lynnen and all other thinges in the said last
recited legacie menconed to be bequeathed vnto the saide ladie Ayloffe shall
Descend and come vnto the Childe and Children of the saide ladie Ayloffe which
she hath and shall have by the saide Sir William Ayloffe and for wante of suche

[folio 179 verso]

yssue then I give and bequeath the same premisses vnto the saide Sir William Ayloffe
Prouided Alwaies that yf the saide Sir William Ayloffe within eighte and twentie
Daies nexte after my decease Doe not become bounde by a good and lawfull obligac[i]on vnto
my executor herevnder named in the penaltie of two thousand markes of Currant
English money with condic[i]on for the Deliuery of the premisses in good case and
plight reasonable use and casualtie thereof in the meane tyme excepted vnto the
saide Childe and children of the saide Ladie Ayloffe within three monethes
next after the Decease of the saide Ladie Ayloffe yf she Die before her saide huband
And that yf she survive him that then the saide ladie Ayloffe shall have and enioy
all the said laste recyted legacie as the guifte of me her Mother And that the saide
Sir William Ayloffe duringe the naturall liefe of the said Ladie his wife shall not
Alien sell or doe away all or any parte of the plate Lynnen goodes or other thinges contayned
in the said laste recyted legacie, that then the same legacie for and concerninge the
premisses shalbe voyde and of none effecte in the lawe to all intentes and purposes as
yf the same legacie nor any parte thereof had not bene given, Item I give and beque
athe vnto the said Ladie waterhowse my daughter my greateste Chayne of plaine
goulde that weare every Daie my two Chaines of pearle that I weare for bracletts
my greatest Diamond Ringe with one stone my other best Diamond Ringe with Diuers
stones my velvett girdle that is sett with buttones my Crimson Taffetie bedd ymbro=
thered with gould and silver with all the furniture to it that is to saye with
vallence Curtaines tester of the bedd quilte windowe Cloath and Cupbord cloth
of Crimson silke laced with silver two longe Cushions and two shorte Cushions
of Crymson satten ymbroythered with goulde and silver one them havinge her
Fathers Armes in yt sixe of my best Chayers Done with Crymson fugerd[?] satten
for gentlewomen to sitt on, all the tapistry hanginges that are used in the
Chamber where she useth to lye in my nowe Dwellinge howse the ymbrothered
Curtaines vallence and tester aboute the bedd werein she is wonte to lye in my
nowe Dwellinge howse, a payer of Andirons that are in the greate Chamber
of my nowe Dwellinge howse a little payer of Andirons to the same belonginge a
Cesterne and a Capp pann of yellow latten my plaine velvet gowne all my Lynnen
that is wonte to be used for my owne Weareinge and all my howshold lynnen
vnbeaqueathed as tablecloathes Napkins towells pillowberes and sheetes beinge
in my howse one greate neste of guilte bowles with a cover one nest of greate guilte
goblettes with a cover my greatest guilt standinge Cupp with a cover, one neste
of smale guilte bowles two greate liuery guilte pottes with Covers two greate
guilte saltes with one cover Nyne parcell guilte silver bow pottes three parcell
guilte Candlestickes, two guilt skincke pottes one greater then the other one quarte
bard silver pott with a cover parcell guilte one silver porringer parcell guilte two Dozen
of silver spones somme guilte and other some parcell guilte, all my Instrumentes of
musicke one guilte spice boxe one silver Chaffingdish one guilte trencher salte one silver
sawce Cupp with a cover, one guilte Castinge bottle one silver lye pott seaven guilte
pottes with five Covers two basons and Ewers boste aboute with gilte beinge but
percell guilte two pin pillows to sett vppon Cushion Cloathes ymbrothered with
goulde vppon Crimson satten two of my beste tapistrie Coverlettes twenty Dozen
of pewter greate and smale seaven peare of flazen sheetes one payer of fyne holland
sheetes with three bredthes stitched with broade bone lace two payer of fyne holland
sheetes with three bredthes one fyne holland sheete with three leaves Done with
Needleworke lace in the seames one payer of fyne hollande sheetes with three bredthes
stitched and purled aboute the edge one payer of flaxen sheetes with broade bone
lace one payer of pillowbeeres wroughte with laidworke and Cutworke tenn
other fyne holland pillowbeares two longe and broade Damaske towells, three

[folio 180 recto]

narrowe damaske towells one Damaske tablecloath with bone lace fower longe damaske
tablecloates one shorte Damaske table cloath three longe Diaper towelles one Narrowe
longe Diaper towell one diaper tablecloath with broade bone lace two verie fine Diaper
table clothes one of them twice so longe as the other one shorte Course Diaper table
Cloath three laidworke and raysed worke towelles wrough over thwarte and Rounde
aboute and stitched and purled fower laidworke towells one broader then the other
three one shorte holland towell with bone lace, one shorte flaxen towell with a border
of laideworke three plaine fyne hollande towelles two playne fyne hollande table
Cloathes with broade bone lace stitcht six longe flaxen table Cloathes and a shorte
one three flaxen table cloathes frindged and stitcht Fower Damaske kin[er] pannes
with goulde lace and buttons of gould three kin[er] pannes of Damaske with bone lace
one Cushion Cloath of Damaske with broade bone lace one Drinkinge Cloathe
of Damaske wrought with razed worke three Cupboard cloathes wrought
with Italian Cutworke edged with bone lace one Cushion Cloath wrought with
blacke silke and fild upp with goulde one payer of pillowbeeres wrought with
blacke silke and fild upp with gowlde one Draen worke towell wrought with
blacke silke two Cupbord cloathes wrought with blacke silke five Dozen of
Damaske napkines fower Dozen and a halfe of Diaper napkinges two Dozen of
hollande napkines wrought with razed worke whereof one Dozen is stitcht and
purled Nyne hollande Napkines stitched and purled two Dozen and sixe hollande
napkins wereof one Dozen is wrought, three Dozen of holland napkins whereof
somme be stitcht and some wrought and twelve flaxen napkins and two longe plaine
table cloathes with bone lace rounde aboute All the foresaide lynnen bequeathed
to the Ladie Waterhowse or the moste parte thereof is in one Cheste in my nowe
Dwellinge house with her name written on the insyde of the same but somme of
the Lynnen before menconed is alreadie Deliuered vnto her Item it is my will and
mynde that yf the saide Ladie Waterhowse my daughter shall Departe this life
before the saide Sir Edward Waterhowse her husbande that then the plate
Lynnen and all the other thinges in the saide recyted legacie menconed to be bequ=
eathed vnto the saide Ladie Waterhowse and for wante of such yssue then
I give and bequeath the same premisses vnto the saide Sir Edward water=
howse So as the saide Sir Edward waterhowse Dow well and trulie paye
or cause to be paide vnto Anne Barker the Daughter of Sir Roberte Barker
of Trimley which he had by the Daughter of Mr Stoddard the somme of one
hundreth poundes sterlinge at her full age of twentie and one yeares or the
Daie of her marriage which shall first happen, Prouided alwaies that yf the
saide Sir Edward waterhowse within twentie and eight Daies next after my
Decease Doe not become bounde by a good and lawfull obligac[i]on vnto my
Executor herevnder named in the penaltye of two thousande markes with
condic[i]on for the Deliuery of the premisses in good case and plight reasonable
use and casulatie thereof in the meane tyme excepted vnto the Childe and
Children of the saide Lady Waterhowse within three monethes next after her
Decease yf she Die before her saide husbande and for paymente of one hun=
dreth poundes vnto the saide Anne Barker as aforesaide yf the saide Ladie
Waterhowse shall survyve her saide husbande that then the saide Ladie
waterhowse shall have and enioy all the saide laste recyted legacie to her bequeathed
as the guifte of me her Mother and that the saide Sir Edward waterhowse
Dureinge the naturall life of the saide Ladie his wife shall not alyan sell or dow
awaye all or any parte of the plate Lynnen goodes or thinges contayned in the saide

[folio 180 verso]

legacie laste bequeathed vnto the saide Ladie waterhowse that then the same legacie
shalbe voyde and of none effecte in the lawe to all intentes and purposes as yf the
same leavie now any parte thereof had never beene given Item I give and bequeath
vnto my sonne Sir Nicholas Stoddard to his Ladie and each his Children
each of them a blacke gowne and to the saide Sir Nicholas Studdard one hundred
poundes to make him a Chayne Item I give and bequeath to the saide Sir Nicholas
Stoddard my lease and intereste of the parsonage of Nottingham beinge aboute seaventen
yeares yet to come worth twentye poundes yearlie but as he saith worth thirtie poundes
yearelie and all my parte of Desperate and Doubtful Debtes which are contayned
in the Inventary of his Fathers goodes except my parte on one thousand poundes
beinge payable by one Christopher Dorrell by vertue of statute which I give vnto
Judith and Anne Stoddard Daughters of the saide Sir Nicholas Stoddard and I
forgive the saide Sir Nicholas all the Rente of the land which he Detayneth from me
and I Doe also forgive him all arrerages of charges in the wrongfull suites werew[i]th
he hath much vexed me and so god make him his servaunte Item I give and bequeath
to my Neighbour Mr Gardener a blacke gowne, Item I give to Mr Baugham fortie shillinges
sterlinge and I forgive him three poundes more which he oweth me vppon a bill
Item I give vnto my neighbour Mr Knight tenn shillinges and I forgive him tenn
shillinges more that he oweth me Item I give and bequeath vnto Batholomew Kellan
sometyme my apprintice sixe poundes thirtene shillinges and fower pence to be paied
him at his full age of one and twentie yeares Item I will that the saide Ladie water=
howse shall have the educacon of Marie Latham whome I keepe of Almes and I
give her the saide Marie twentie poundes to be paide to her at her full age of one
and twentie yeares of in the Daie of her marriage which shall first happen soe that
she be ruled by the saide ladie Waterhowse and I will that the saide ladie waterhouse
shall have the use of the saide twentie pound toward[es] the educacon of the saide Mary
Latham from the tyme of my Decease vntill it shalbe Due to the saide Mary Latham
the Residue of all and singuler my goodes credittes and Chattells in this my last will
and testamente not expressed and unbequeathed my legacies first fulfilled and my
funerall expences discharged I whollie give will and bequeath vnto my saide two
Daughters the Ladie Ayloffe and the Ladie waterhowse and I Doe appointe and
make Sir William RYder knight my sole Executor of this my last will and testam[en]te
and I give to him and his wife a blacke gowne and yf he renounce the same beinge
therevnto lawfullie required by anie person or personnes whatsoever then I Doe
appointe and make my freinde Mr John Highlord marchaunt my sole executor of
this my laste will and testamente And I Doe give and bequeath vnto such partie
aforesaide by me nominated my Executor as shall Dulie take vppon him thexecution
of this my laste will and testamente over and besides so much money as his charges
and expences shall amounte vnto in and aboute the execution of the same my Will
for his paines and travell thereaboutes the somme of fiftie poundes of law=
full money of England Item it is my Will and meaninge that Sir Roberte
Barker Sir William Ayloffe Sir Edward Waterhowse and Sir Nicholas
Stoddard and every of them for himselfe and his ladie shall seale and as his deede
Deliuer vnto my Executor a generall release of all actions and Demaundes wharsoever
not comprised and expressed in this my present will in such sufficiente sorte as
shalbe thought meete my learned consell before the receipte of there seuerall legacies
here in Comprised and expressed Or ells the foresaide legacies concerninge him or
them onelie so refusinge to seale such generall release as aforesaide and concerninge his
or their ladie or ladies shalbe vtterlie voyd in lawe to all intetes and purposes as
yf the same had never been given nor bequeathed and yf anie of my saide sonnes or

[folio 181 recto]

any other personn for them or anie one whosoever to whome I have given any legacie by
this my last will shall disturbe or interupte my Executor in the Due execution of this
my Will then my will and meaninge is that every parson and persons so disturbinge
or interruptinge my Executor or causinge him to be disturbed or interrupted shalbe
vtterlie dis[?] and quite barred forever from havinge or obtayninge any legacie
contayned in this my will And I Desire my lovinge brother Mr John Heardson and
such of the saide Sir William Ryder and Mr John Highlord as Doeth not take
vppon him the execution of this my last will to be overseers of the same and to see it
performed accordinge to my true meaninge and to see my Corpes buried accordinge to
my callinge in decente and comly manner and for there paines herein to be taken I give
and bequeath vnto every one of them twenty ounces of guilte plate at a noble an ounce
Thus I make an end thinckeinge with my selfe nothinge more sure then Death
vncertaine of the Daie and hower but when the hower cometh the Will of the Eternall
lord be Done in me and sende me his holie spiritt and a Joyfull resurrection in the
kingdome of Heaven Lord have mercy vppon me into thy handes of Lord I commend
my soule In witnes whereof I the saide Anne Barker have to everie sheete of this my
presente testamente and last will contayninge in the whole seaventeene sheetes subscribed
my name and to the last thereof have also put my seale the Daie and yeares firste
above written Anne Barker. Sealled subscribed and acknowledged as the laste
will and Testamente of the saide Anne Barker in the presence of vs videlicet
Tho: Archer Scr[ivener] William Sone servaunte to the saide Scr[ivener] and Edward Davies


[folio 181 recto continued; translated from Latin]

The above written testament was proved at London before Master Edmund Pope, Doctor of Laws, Surrogate for the venerable man Sir John Bennet, knight and Doctor of Laws, Master, Keeper and Commissary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, duly and lawfully appointed; on the twenty-eight day of the month of August in the year of Our Lord one thousand six hundred and ten, Sir William Ryder, knight, Alderman of City of London and executor named in the said testament, under oath, is granted administration of all and singular the goods, rights and credits of the said deceased and swears on the Holy Gospels to well and faithfully adminster the same.

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