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Location: Mangotsfield, Gloucestershire, England
Surnames/tags: Bathurst Bragge
This is a transcription of the registered copy of the Will of Anne (Bathurst) Bragge. It was written on July 1790 and proved at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury on 10 February 1794. [1]
The transcription is as per the original spelling, line breaks and punctuation. Abbreviations have been expanded in [square brackets]
Paragraph breaks (where added) and bold text for names are my own for ease of reading.
Contents |
Beneficiaries and relatives mentioned in the Will:
Persons mentioned
- Anne Bragge, Testator
- Hay, Testator's daughter
- William Bragge, Testator's Son
- My maid Servant, Testator's maid Servant, Residuary Legatee named
- Charles Bragge, Testator's Son
- John Hiley Addington, The Deponent
- Hugh Jones, Servant and the Deponent
- J Fisher, Surrogate
- Nathl Gostling, Witness
[Page 1]
Will of Anne Bragge, Mangotsfield, Gloucestershire, 1794
The Last Will and Testament
of Anne Bragge Widow of the parish of Mangotsfield in the
County of Glo[uce]ster July 1790 - I give and bequeath to my @
Daughter Hay the Sum of One thousand pounds to my @
Son William besides, that I may die possessed off after paying
my Debts, and the expences attending my ffuneral which
I would wish to be private tho' in a creditable manner
such as my Eldest Son may Judge proper for his Mother
I would be burried where ever I die but my deead of @
being burried alive makes me or order my Body to be @
opened to my Eldest Son I leave all my Goods of everry @
denomination except my wearing Apparel which I give
to my Daughter Hay, desiring she will reward my maid
Servant out of it, as she may deserve I acknowledge
to have received of my Son Charles Bragge all arrears
of my Rent Charge and Interest upon his two Bonds, in full
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | to this day July 1790
- 8 February 1794
- 8 February 1794
Appeared Personally John Hiley @
Addington of Teddington in the County of Middlesex Esquire
and Hugh Jones of Queen Square in the same County
Servant and Severally made Oath that they knew and
[Page 2]
were well acquainted with Anne Bragge late of the @
Parish of Mangatisfield in the County of Gloucester a @
Widow deceased for one year and upwards before and to
the time of her Death which happened as these Deponents
have been informed in the month of May last past @
and these Deponents further made Oath that they also
knew and were well Acquainted with the said deceased
manner and Character of handwriting having often
Seen the said deceased write and having now with
Care and Attention Viewed and Perused the paper
Writing hereunto Annexed being or purporting to be
and contain the Last Will and testament of the said
deceased the said Will beginning thus "the last Will
and testament of Anne Bragge Widow of the Parish
of Mangotsfield in the County of Gloster July 1790"
and ending thus "I Acknowledge to have received of
of my Son Charles Bragge all Arrears of my Rent
Charge and Interest upon his two Bonds in full to this
day July 1790" they these Deponents So verily and in
their Consciences believe the said recited beginning
and Ending of the said Will and the Whole body @
Series and Contents thereof to be all of the proper
hand Writing and to have been Wholly Written
by the said Anne Bragge Widow deceased #
Jno Hiley Addington # Hugh Jones # the Day aforesaid
the said John Hiley Addington and Hugh Jones were
duly Sworn to the truth of the within Written @
Affidavit Before me # J Fisher Surrogate Pres[en]t Nathl.
Gostling not. pub
On the tenth Day of ffebruary in the year of Our
Lord One thousand Seven hundred and Ninety four
Administer (with the Will annexed) of the Goods
Chattels and Credits of Anne Bragge late of the parish
of Mangotsfield in the County of Gloucester Widow
decease was granted to Charles Bragge Esqr. the Son
of the said deceased and a Legatee named in the said
Will to whom administration was granted having
been first Sworn duly to Administer, the deceased
did not name any Executor and William Bragge the
Son also and Residuary Legatee named therein @
having first renounced the Letters of Administration
(with the Will annexed) of the Goods of the deceased
- Ex.
- Ex.
- ↑ Will: "England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858"
The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 11; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 1241
Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Record 5111 #116638 (accessed 10 March 2023)
Will of Anne Bragge, granted probate on 10 Feb 1794. Died about 1794 in Mangotsfield, Gloucestershire, England.
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