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Location: Watford, Hertfordshire, England
This is a transcription of the registered will of Anne Carter held at the Hertfordshire County Record Office. She wrote her will on 3 May 1688 in Watford, Hertfordshire, England. Her will was proved on 8 August 1693 at the Archdeaconry Court of St Albans, Hertfordshire, England.[1]
Transcription conventions used in this text:
- Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
- Bold text for names have been added by me for ease of reading.
- Where present, ff has been rendered as F.
- Additions and margin notes, where they occur, have been added where indicated in the text.
- Crossings through, where they occur, have been included
Struck out. - Amendments added between the lines, when present, have been formated as superscript.
- The image quality was good. The handwriting was legible.
- Persons mentioned:
- Anne Carter, the testator
- William White, infant, child of William White
- Anne White, infant, child of William White
- William White, late of Tuddington
- Judith White, William White's wife
- William Pepper, her tennant
- John Beck
- William Grouch, Late of London
- His children, unnamed
- Richard Smith
- His children, unnamed
- Widow Knight, tennant
- Thomas Hunt, tennant
- James Chile, tennant
- Thomas Millington, neighbor or tennant?
- Edward Smith of Tindon, her loveing kinsman, executor
- Francis Smith of Harlington, executor
- Francis Smith of Turnham Greene
- Mary Smith, daughter of Francis Smith of Turnham Greene
- Francis Smith of Hexton
- Thomas Smith of Eversden?
- William Whittaker, witness
- Hannah Whittaker, witness
- Jon Warburton, witness
- [folio 56 recto]
- In the name of God Amen I Anne Carter of Watford
- in the County of Hertford widow being weake in Body but of Sound mind & memory
- and knowing the uncertaniety of this life Doe therefore make this my last Will & Testament
- in manner following that is to say First I give & devise unto William White & Anne White
- two Infants the children of Wm. White late of Tudddington in the County of Bedford dec[eas]ed
- by Judith his wife and to their heires for ever All that my Messu[a]ge or Tenem[en]t w[i]th the
- wood house outhouses yards gardens backsides & all other app[ur]tenances to the same belong-
- ing Scituate lying & being in the Towne of Watford aforesaid at the upper end of the said
- Towne & now in the Occupation of me the said Anne Carter & of Wm Pepper my Tennant
- and adjoyneing to the Tenem[en]t now in the possession of Thomas Millington & John Beck
- To hold to them the said William White and Anne White & their heires the whole in two
- equall
- [folio 56 verso]
- Equall parts to be devided Upon Condition
- that the said William White & Anne White their heires or assignes do well and
- truely pay w[i]thin One yeare after my decease the Sume of fower pounds to the
- Children of William Crouch Late of London deceased w[hi]ch I suppose are now all of
- them at Tatternall[2] in the County of Bedford equally amongst them to be devided
- or to Such of them as shalbe[3] then liveing And upon further condition that the S[ai]d. Will[ia]m
- White and Anne White their heires or assignes do
well & truelyalso pay w[i]thin two yeares - next after my decease the like Sume of fower pounds to the Children of Richard Smith
- Late of Westning[4] in the County of Bedford equally amongst them to be devided or to Such
- of them as Shalbe[5] then liveing And if the said Wm. White & Anne White shalbe[6] under
- the respective ages of one & twenty yeares at my decease My Will & desire is that my Ex.[cut]ors
- hereafter Shall let & Set the said Messuage w[i]th the appurtenunces & take the Rents and
- proffitts thereof & thereout to pay & discharge the said Sumes in the Whole amounting
- to Eight pounds to the aforesaid Children of Wm Crouch & Richard Smith & if the rent
- there of shall fall short of soe doing w[i]thin the s[ai]d tyme My Will is that my Executors
- doe make up the same & reimburse themselves out of the accrewing Rents & that they
- receive the Rents & proffitts of the said Messuage untill the Said Wm White & Ann White
- Shall attaine their respective Ages of one & twenty yeares & apply the said Rents and
- proffitts after the said Legacies are paid towards the maintenauce & bringing up of the s[ai]d Wm
- White & Anne White & towards the necessary repaires of the s[ai]d Messuage And that they
- give to the said Will[ia]m White at his respective age of one & twenty yeares & to the s[ai]d Anne
- White at her age of one & twenty yeares ajust accompt of their receipts & disbursm[e]ts of the
- S[ai]d Rents & proffitts of the S[ai]d Messuage & appurten[a]nc[e]s Item I give and bequeath all that Messuage
- or Tenem[en]t in the Towne of Watford aforesaid now in the poss[ess]ion of the Widdow Knight Scituate
- over ag[ain]st Water Lane in Watford aforesaid adjoyneing to the Messuage or Tenem[en]t now in the
- Occupacon of Thomas Hunt & James Chile together with the Garden backside & all other the appurtun[ance]s
- to the said Messuage belonging As also the Orchard lying behind the said Messuage which
- containes about a Rood of Land and is copyhold holden of the Mannor of Watford aforesaid
- and w[hi]ch I have surrend[e]red unto the hands of the Lord of the said Mannor at the last Court
- holden for the said Mannor to such use or uses as are or should be declared in my last Will
- As alsoe all that Messuage or Tenem[en]t in Watford afores[ai]d now in the possession of the said
- Thomas Millington w[hi]ch adjoynes to the said Messuage in my own possession together w[i]th
- the yard garden & all other app[ur]tenances to the Said Messuage belonging To my Loveing
- Kinsman Edward Smith of Tindon in the County of Bedoford and to Francis Smith of
- Harlington in the said County of Bedford & to their heires and assignes for Ever
- The whole in Two equall parts betwixt them to be devided Upon condition that
- they the S[ai]d Edward Smith & Francis Smith & their heires or some of them doe well and
- truely pay to Francis Smith of Turnham greene in Chiswicke parish five pounds
- to Mary his Daughter Twenty Shillings To Francis Smith of Hexton Twenty shillings &
- to Thomas Smith of Eversole[7] Twenty Shillings to be paid to them w[i]thin a twelve Month
- next after my decease Item All my goods Chattells & household Stuff after my Debts
- and Funerall charges are paid I give and bequeath to the said Edward Smith & Francis
- Smith of Harlington equally betewixt them to be devided share & share alike & I make the said
- Edward Smith & Francis Smith of Harlington Executors of this my last will & Testam[en]t.
- In Wittness whereof I have hereunto Sett my hand & Seale the third day of May 1688
- in the fourth year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord King James the Second. Ann Carter
- Signed Sealed published & declared in the P[res]ence of us w[i]th the Words dec[eas]ed by Judith his wife [8]
- the whole the said, W.m Whittaker Hannah Whittaker Jon Warburton
- Probate [Latin] the will was proved at St Albans on the Eighth day of the Month of August in the Year of Our Lord
- 1693 before the Reverend John Cole Arthur &ca Sworn Edward Smith and Francis
- Smith as executors &ca to whom &ca goods &ca sworn
- ↑ England, Archdeaconry of St Albans. Will and Testament of Anne Carter of Watford, Widow, Hertfordshire, 1693 10AR56. Digital copy can be accessed at FHCs Folio 56 recto Film 008076673 image 305
- ↑ Totternall
- ↑ shall be
- ↑ Westoning?
- ↑ Shall be
- ↑ shall be
- ↑ Eversden, Cambridgeshire?
- ↑ The words "dec[eas]ed by Judith his wife" were inserted towards the start of the will before it was signed
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