Location: Lincoln's Inn, Middlesex
Surnames/tags: Harris Herris
Transcript of the PCC Will of Arthur Herris Esq of Lincoln's Inn, 1662.[1]
In the name of God Amen I Arthur Herris of Lincolns Inn …. In the Countie of Middlesex Esquire beinge in perfecte health and of sound Memory (Thankes be to Almightie God) Doe make this my last Will and testament writt All with my owne hand of that little Estate .. Iniquitis of the dy.. have left mee All former Wills by mee made, beinge ffirst by mee hereby Revoaked and made voyde as ffolloweth, And in the ffirst place I bequeath my Soule into the mercifull handes of Almightie God my Creator and Governour hopeinge to bee saved by the Onely merritts of his sonne my blessed Saviour Jesus Christ, My bodie to bee buried in Clarkinwell Church if itt may bee, as neere the bodie of my Deare Daughter Dudley as may bee, in which case I give to the poore of the said Parrish the summe of ffourtie Shillinges And as Concernninge my Personall Estate Ffirst I give to my loveinge brother Robert Leige my best Cabinett which is att my cozen Gouldsmiths howse and ffourtie shillinges to buy him a Ringe Item to my nephew Leigh his Sonne my blacke wrought ffurniture for a bedd .. Counter pte cover for a Couch, stooles, cupbord cloth and other the Parcells thereto belonginge, Whereof some are att my Cousen Edward Harris his house the Draper Some att my Cousen Goldsmithes in a Truncke, and some in my Truncke in my Studdy to bee delivered unto him when hee shall bee married and keepe howse Item more to him my greene Imbroidered Mantle with Gold Twist my ffine Childbed Sheete, a Diaper Table Cloth and twoe Dozen of Diaper Napkins Purled which are in a greate Chest att my Cousen Harris his shopp to bee delivered likewise as aforesaid, Item to my Sister Grace Carter Twentie Poundes to bee paied her within Two Monethes after my death my bedd, bolster and Blancketts thereto belonginge in the lobbye of my Chamber, Two payrs of Sheetes and Two Dousen of Napkins Item to my Neece Harker my best dyamande Ringe sett with ffive Dyamonds Item to my Neece Lansere my Watch And Whereas I have my nephew Sir Richard Hastings Bond with his Sister, for Two hundred poundes for the payment of One hundred with Interest, which has been sattisfyed many years since, soo that the Interest comes to more then the Penaltie, My Will is that the payeinge or secureinge to my Neece Wooldridge and my Nephew Robert Hattons Children the Summe of ffower score Poundes thereof att theire severall ages of Sixteene to bee Equally devided amongst them that shall bee then liveinge within Sixe Monethes after my Decease, That then my Executor hereafter named thereupon to deliver upp his said bond, otherwise not Item I give to my lady Ffrancklin accordinge to my promise my daughter's Sweet wrought bagg which is in my Studdye Item to my brother Edward Leighs Three Sonnes Twentie Shillinges a peece to buy them Ringes Item to my Cousen Thomas Herris of the Temple my ffine greene paper note bookes, one other great Reporte booke, a Manuscript ffayre written and bound upp in Redd, And All the Rest of my Reportes and note bookes of the Lawe, with this request that if hee dye, Leavinge my Cozen Cranmer Herris of Lincolnes Inn that then hee would leave them to him Item I give to my Lady Herris his Mother ffourtie Shillinges to buy her a Ringe And for my note books of the Bishopp of Armathes Sermons my desire is my Executor would keepe them by him untill any of my Relacons shall take upon him the Ministrys & then to give them to him Item To my Anncient Loveinge Chamber fellow Mr Harrison the use of my Chayres, brasse Andirons, ffyre shovell Tonge and .. of brasse Round Table, ffower Carpetts and Traverses as they are nowe in the Chamber dureinge his Life, And after his death the brasse Andirons ffyre shovells Tonges and … I give to my brother Moulsworth because they were his mothers, to whom his wife and children I likewise give Twentie Shillinges a peece to buy them Ringes Item more to my Chamber fellow my best Gowne if hee will weare itt and three Poundes to buy him and his Sonnes Ringes Item to my Loveinge Cousen Edw. Herris of Shenfeilds the feather bedd I lent him, the Sixe new Pillowes covered with new ... I lent his wife ffourtie shillinges to buy him a Ringe And to Edward Herris my God Sonne ffive Poundes Item to my Especiall Loveinge ffreind Mr Greene ffourtie shillings to buy him a Ringe Item to my Cousen Gouldsmithe my greene cloth couch, and Twentie shillinges a peece to her sonne and daughter to buy them Ringes Item to Arthur Gittins my Godsonne and Arthur Munt my Godsonne ffourtie Shillinges a peece, And I doe hereby make my said Brother Robert Leigh my Sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament willinge my said Legacies not devised as aforesaid in …. to bee … paied by him out of the moneys hee standes indebted to me by Bondes beinge Confident and assured that hee will not take any Advantage hereby of beinge my Executor butt that hee will ffaithfully and carefully see this my Will to bee performed in everie pointe accordinge to my true intent and meaneinge herein In Consideration whereof I doe here give unto him all the rest of my Personall Estate whatsoever. In Witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and Seale Dated the ffowrth Day of August One Thousand Sixe Hundred Sixtie One. / Arthur Herris
Sexto dies Mensis Martij Anno Domini …[no year recorded, National Archives Cataloguer has assumed 06 Mar 1661/1662] .. Roberti Leigh Armiger Executoris [Robert Leigh Esq, Executor].
- ↑ Will of Arthur Herris of Lincolns Inn, Middlesex. 06 March 1662. PROB 11/307/410. National Archives.
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