Location: Camberwell, Surrey
Surnames/tags: Walpole Fleet Horden
Audrey Welby (d. c. 1579), was the daughter of Richard Welby. Her brother was Adlard Welby (bur. 16 Jun 1571 Gedney, Lincs). She married three times. Her husbands were:
- Thomas Walpole, gent. of Whaplode, Lincs. (b. aft. 1483 - d. bef. 15 Jun 1549)
- Thomas Fleet, gent. of Whaplode, Lincs. (living 03 Apr 1555; will 26 Apr 1560; bur. parish church of Holbeach)
- Mr. Horden (d. bef. 10 May 1578)
Audrey wrote her will on 10 May 1578.
Will of Audrey Welby
Audrey Horden, 10th May, 1578.
Audrie Horden of Camberwell, co. Surrey, widow . . .
My son John Wallpoole and his wife ...,
my husband Fleete . . .
my brother Adlard Welbie . . .
Richard Wallpoole my godson, son of Christopher Wallpoole my brother ...
John Walpoole my son my executor.
—Proved P. C. C. 26 Jan. 1579-80.
SOURCE: The Visitation of Norfolk in the Year 1563, Volume 1, p. 457. Google Books.
Will of Audrie Horden of Camberwell, co. Surrey, wid. 10 May 20 Eliz. (1578).
To the parish church of Whaplode co. Lincoln, to be paid at such time as they shall take the north yle in hand, 405.; to the poor of the parish 405. per an. for 2 years and the same amount to the poor of Holbeach.
More to the poor of both parishes 2os. yearly, to Camberwell 2os. yearly until the sum of £20 is paid out of my lands in Holbeach and Whaplode called Tigos, Pindars, and Tybbes.
Cousin Elizab. Foster wife of Wm. F. of Crowhurst esg.
Sister Cassandra Carr.
- Cassandra Carr is Cassandra [ferch William] ap Rhese, who married her fourth husband Robert Carr in 1574. She was Audrey's sister-in-law through her second married to Adlard Welby.
Agnes Edwyn.
Sister Edwyn's child, Matthew E. brother of Agnes.
My son Thomas Ogle.
The 2 sons of my niece Audry Tomson, and her dau.
The 2 children of my nephew Richard Welby of St. Giles.
John Ogle son of my niece Jane Ogle.
- John Ogle was the son of Thomas Ogle of Pinchbeck and Jane, dau. of Adlard Welby and Ellen Hall. He was one of the signers of the Third Virginia Charter, 1612.[1]
The da. of my cousin Anne Perry.
- It's not clear which Anne Perry that Audrey is referring to, but the Pury or Pery family of Kirton in Holland, Lincs., intermarried with the Ogles of Pinchbeck. ... Leonard Pury, son of Thomas Pury (b. c. 1530 - bur. 25 Mar 1592), Capt. of Berwick in 1572, and Anne Pooles, sis. & h. of Roger Pooles, was the husband of Beatrix Ogle, dau. of Thomas Ogle of Pinchbeck and Audrey's niece, Jane Welby.
Edeth Smyth, da. of my niece - Smyth. Matthew, Benjamin, and Gregory Bowyer, and Francis Foster, children of my cousin Eliz. Foster.
Nephew John Callowe.
Robert Stukeley son of my cousin Stukeley.
My husband Fleet's lands and tenements in Whaplode bought of Mr. Dove and John Scarlot in Holland in the parts of Lindsey, co. Lincoln, for the use of my will, payment of debts, and to the whole use of my son John Wallpoole for life, then to his heirs, in default in tail male to the heirs of – Welby son of my brother Thomas Richard. W. his uncle. Thomas Welby son of my brother.
Richard. W. Adlard Welby son of brother Adlard W. Robert, son of brother Adlard W. Richard Ogle and his heirs. Godson Richd. son of Chris. Walpole 2os. Cousins Cecilie Patching, Edm. Bowyer, and Richard Ogle. Son John Walpole exor. (Arundel 4.]
Proved P.C.C. 26 Jan. 1579-80.
Will of Thomas Fleet
Audrey was married to Thomas Fleet. His will as follows:
- Thomas Fleet, of Whaplode, co. Lincoln, Gent. 26 April 1560.
To be bur. in Holbeach Church.
To Holbeach and Whaplode Churches and to the poor folks of each parish 405.
All my lands, &c., in Camberwell and Peckham rye, co. Surrey, to be sold by Audry F. my wife, Christopher Draper, Ald. of London, Simon Lowe, Mercer, and Adlard Welby, esq., or any two of them; and my cousin, John Bower, to have the preference of them, he giving £95, and £60 thereof to be divided between the children of my sister, Jane Edwyn, at day of mar, or 21; cousins Matthew Draper, John Boivar's wife, and Forman's wife, £5 ea. Cousin Anne Bolton 40s.; aunt Pyckerett's eldest son 40s. ; Aunt Bakon's sons 40s. each ; poor of Camberwell 40s.
To cousin Lowe's wife an old angel, and to Simon Lowe's children ios. each.
To Chr. Draper's wife, and to Willm. Draper and his wife an old angel each.
All my lands that were Tegos lying in Holbeach, and lands, &c., in Whaplode which I bought of — Dove, of St. Edes (Ives) to my said wife for ever, also 2a. of arable land in the west side of Miln lane in Whaplode, sometime John Scarlett's; also all my lands in Holbeach, Whaplode, and Fleet for her life, and then to Henry Stukeley and his heirs for ever, and for lack of heirs to remain to Richard Welby, of Gedney, and Thomas Welby, son of Thomas W. of Sutton, upon condition that they find one honest and learned schoolmaster within the township of Holbeach to keep a grammar school to teach the children their grammar freely and to pay him yearly 40 marks, and to distribute amongst the poor of Holbeach £ 3 6s. 8d. at Lady day and Michaelmas.
To the Vicars of Moulton, Horbling (Holbeach], and Whaplode for tithes negligently forgotten zod.
To Margaret Stukeley of Stilton £5 per annum for life.
To Willm. Stukeley 4os. yearly during the life of my extrx.
To my cousins Thomas Ogle and his wife an old angel each; to my cousin Thomas Gedney of Moulton an old ryal.
To Thomas Ogle the younger a heifer.
To Richard Welby of Gedney, Jane his wife, and Thomas their son a heifer each with their calves running by their sides.
To Anne Welby, da. of Fras. W. £10 at day of mar. if she marries with the consent of her uncle Adlard W. esq. and my wife Awdrie.
To everyone of my godchildren a ewe and a lamb, and to my brother Welby's children 20s. each at 21.
To John Howden ros. To my servant William Burne a heighforth with the calf running by her side, and I cow burling. To Geo. Jackson the same as last and in addition an ewe and a lamb.
To Margaret Worlech, Margery Cheney and Collett, Fras. Wyles, Kath. Idon, a ewe, &c., each.
To John Bradeley a heighforth with the calf, an ewe and a lamb.
"To Robt. Castell one yearling filly.
To Willm. Wright, a cow, a red blome mare, 3 ewes and 3 lambs.
To Willm. Breton, Arnold Tege, Willm. and Thos. Clerson, and Evered Austen a ewe, &c., each.
Residue to wife Awdrie sole extrx. Supervisors, Chr. Draper, Ald. of London, Simon Love, Mercer, and Adlard Welby, esq., 40s. each.
Witnesses, Thomas Irby, Robert Pulvertoft, Richard Welby, William. Pulvertoft, gent., Thomas Dawson, Martin Medcalf. [26 Melhersh.]
Proved P.C.C. 3 May 1560.[1]
- WILLS IN LONDON. (Kindly communicated by Mr. Justin Simpson.).[2]
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