
Will of Augustine Binfield, Wokingham Wiltshire 1812

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Wokinghammap
Surname/tag: Binfield
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National Archives,Kew,England, Prob 11/1546.285
Will of Augustine Binfield
Probate 16 July 1813
Transcribed by Helen M Ford
This is the last Will and Testament of me Augustine Binfield of the parish of Wokingham in the County of Wilts, Yeoman.
First I desire to be decently interred at the discretion of my executors herein after named and that all my just debts funeral and testamentary [e]xpences may be paid and that all my worldly estate and effects both real and personal I dispose thereof as follows that is to say
I give and devise unto my son Joseph Binfield and to his heirs and assigns forever all that my freehold messuage, tenement & [orchard]also garden and the appurtenances to the said premises belonging and also the close or piece of land with the barn [ ] standing and any appurtenances to the said premises belonging called Bean Oak left me by my Uncle and now in my tenure and occupation and also all that my [ ] messuage & tenement now divided into the tenements with the outhouses yards gardens and appurtenances to the said premises belonging called Lambourne which I purchased of the executors of my said uncle and now in the occupation of my brother and John Holloway all which premises are situate and lying and being in the County of Berks subject nevertheless to and charged and chargeable with the weekly payment of four shillings unto my daughter Elizabeth Hurley for and during the term of her natural life and I so hereby charge the said premises with the payment thereof accordingly and with powr to enter and distrain in the case of nonpayment the first payment to begin and be made within one week next after my decease I give and devise allthose my two freehold messuages or tenements outhouses yards gardens and appurtenances to the said premises belonging situate lying and being on the North side of Rose Street in the town of Wokingham and County of Berks which I lately purchased of Robert Caterill unto my said son Joseph Binfield and his heirs and assigns for ever.
I give and devise all that my freehold piece or parcel of land containing about one acre situate in Langborough Common field in the parish of Wokingham in the County of Berks with the appurt’s to the said premises belonging unto my son William Binfield and to his heirs and assigns for ever
and as to soe and concerning all the rest residue and [re__ides] of my personal estate and effects household goods & furniture chattels money securities for money live and dead stock and every other thing of what nature or kind soever or whatever I give and bequeathe the same unto my said son Joseph Binfield subject nevertheless and charged and chargeable with the payment of all my just debts funerall and testamentary expences and also with the payment of the legacies or sums of money following (that is to say)
I give and bequeathe unto my son William Binfield the sum of one hundred and fifty pounds and also all the money I have hitherto advanced to him
Igive and bequeathe unto my daughter Mary Juckes the sum of one hundred pounds and also all the money I have hitherto advanced to her huband James Juckes
I give and appoint unto the two children of my daughter Mary Juckes the sum of fifty pounds to be equally divided between them share and share alike
I give and bequeath unto my son Richard Binfield the sum of one hundred pounds and also the money I have hitherto advanced to him. I give and bequeath unto Ann the daughter of my son Richard Binfield the sum of fifty pounds
I give and bequeath unto my daughter Sarah Knight the sum of one hundred and fifty pounds and also all the money I have hitherto advanced to her husband William Knight
I give and bequeath unto the Children of Robert Miller of Bracknall in the County of Berks the sum of twenty pounds to be equally divided between them share and share alike
I give and bequeath unto the three children of my late daughter Ann Lane the sum of fifty pounds to each of them when they shall severally and respectively attain the age of twenty one years but provided if either of them should die before they arrive at the said age of twenty one years then I direct that the said sum or sums of money so given and bequeathed shall fo to and be paid to the survivors or survivor of them

I give and bequeath untomy Grand daughter Sarah Hurley the sum of twenty pounds when she shall attain the age of twenty one years.I give and bequeath unto my grandaughter Anne Hurley the sum of twenty pounds when she shall attain the age of twenty one years but provided either of my said granddaughters should die before she arrives at the said age of twenty one years I direct that the survivor shall have her sisters share

I give and bequeath unto the children of James Paine late of the parish of Wokingham in the County of Berks cordwainer deceased the sum to twenty pounds to be divided equally between them share and share alike
and lastly I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint my son Joseph Binfield whole and sole executor to this my will utterly revoking all former wills of bequests by me at any time left or made and satisfying and confirming this and no other to be my last will and Testament in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this ninth day of April in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twelve
Aug’ Binfield signed sealed published and declared by the above named testator Augustine Binfield as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who at his request and in his presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses hereto

John Allen Mattew Harroe Wm Turkey all of Wokingham Proved at London 16th July 1813 before the judge by the oath of Joseph Binfield the son& sole ex[ecutor]…

Images: 1
James Paine
James Paine



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