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Will of Barbara Champion of London 1576

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Surnames/tags: Champion Herdson Watson
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The will of Dame Barbara Champion of London, who was buried 25 September 1576. It was written on 23 September 1576, with a codicil added on 22 September 1576 (sic). The will was proved at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury on 15 October 1576.


Barbara Champion, widow of Richard Champion, will proved 15 October 1576, Prerogative Court of Canterbury and Related Probate Jurisdictions: Will Registers, class PROB 11, piece 58: Carew (1576), The National Archives, Kew, England; "England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858," database with images, Ancestry (https://www.ancestry.com : accessed 27 October 2019), Image 406 of 611 (subscription required).

Transcription Notes:

  • Spelling and grammar as in the original image, except that paragraphs have been added to increase readability
  • Abbreviated words (eg where the common bar mark appears) have been spelt out in full, where the full spelling was obvious.


In the name of god Amen the three and twentieth daye of September Anno domini A Thousande Fyve hundred Seaventie sixe and in the Eightenthe Yeare of the reigne of our Sovreign Ladye Elizabethe by the Grace of god Quene of Englande France and Irelande deffender of the Faith &c. I Barbara Champion of London widdowe late the wieff of Sir Richarde Champion Knighte Citizen whilest he Lyved and Alderman of London deceassed and before that the wieff of Henrie Herdson late also Citizen & Alderman of London likewise deceassed whole in bodie and in perfecte mynde and remembrance Thankes be therfore unto the almightie make ordeine and declare this my presente Testamente conteyninge herein my last will in manner and forme followinge That is to saye

First I bequeathe and Recamende my synfull soule into the handes of almightie god the onelie maker and Redemor of it And I will that my bodye shalbe buried in the vawltes within the Parrisshe Churche of St Dunstones in the east of London whereas the saide Sir Richard Champion and Henrie Herdson my saide late husbandes lye buried and the order manner forme and chardges I doo referre unto the discretion of myne Executours hereafter named And I will that there shalbe Three score Gownes of Cloathe of Sixe shillinges eighte pennc A yarde boughte Provided and made ageinst the daye of my buriall and gyven to Three score poore weomen whereof twentie be of the Companie of Drapers Twentie of the Companie of Skynners and Twentie of the Parrisshe of St dunstone in the Eeast of London aforsaide And all thease to be of the poorest People And I will gyve and bequeathe to everie of the same Three score poore woomen one Roll of Cloathe of Sixtene pence the Roll to make them kerchers

Item I will gyve and bequeathe unto the Master and Wardens of the Companie of Drapers one Hundrethe poundes in moneye to be Delivered and putt oute unto Fowre yonge men of the Companie of the drapers That is twentie fyve poundes a peece to remaine in occupyinge with everie one of them for the space of three whole yeares without any thinge for the same to be paide But onelie to the Clerk of the Companie for makinge the bondes and Assurannce for the Repaymet thereof And at the ende of the same Three Yeares they to redelyver the same money to the ende the same hundred Poundes may be delivered unto Fowre other yonge men and so forthe from three yeares to three yeares During the Pleasure of almightie god Provided allwaies that everie suche yonge man which shall have the moneye in occupyinge shall putt in twoo goodde and sufficiente suerties for the repayment thereof at the ende of the same three yeares

Item I gyve and bequeathe unto the said Master and wardens of the Companie of Drapers for A recreacion amongest them and the Lyverie of the same Companie on the day of my buriing Thertene poundes sixe Shillinges eighte pence Item I will gyve and bequeathe unto the Master & Wardens of the Companie of Skynners of London One Hundrethe poundes in Moneye to be delivered and putt oute unto Fowre yonge men of the same Companie which doo Occupie the Arte and facultie of the Skynners viz to everie of them Fyve and twentie poundes a peece for three whole yeares and they to doo in all thinges as is before appointed unto the drapers And I will that aswell the saide Some of A hundreth poundes by me gyven unto the Drapers as also the saide some gyven by me unto the Skynners shalbe delivered unto them within the Sixte Monethe nexte ensuynge after my deceasse

Item I gyve unto three score poore Maydens towardes their Mariages Thirtie poundes to be distributed by tenne Shillinges a peece at the discrecion of myne Executoures and overseers

Item I bequeathe unto the Mainetenance and relieff of the poore Children harbored in Christes hospitall Fyftie poundes And to the poore and Impotente People in St Barthollmews hospitall in West Smithfelde of London twentie sixe poundes thertene Shillinges fowre pence And to the poore Lame and indigent People in St Thomas hospitall in Sowthwarke Thirtie poundes

Item I will gyve and bequeathe unto the nyne Prisons that is to say Ludgate Newgate the twoo Compters in London Bedlam the Marshalsey the Quenes Benche the White Lyon and the Compter in Sowthwark Thirtie poundes to be distributed amongest the poore people in the same Nyne Prisons by Tenne poundes a Yeare within three Yeares after my disceasse acordinge to the discretion of myne Executours and overseers Also I will that within three Dayes after my buriall myne Executoures and overseers with the advise of the Churchwardens of St Dunstones in the easte of London aforsaide shall gyve and distribute unto and amongest one hundrethe poore Howsholders of the saide parrisshe of St Dunstone in the east yf there be so manye in the same parrisshe dwellinge Three Shillinges fowre pence to everie poore housholder Suma Syxtene pounde Thertene Shillinges fowre pence And yf there be not so manye in the same parrisshe Then I will that the residue of the same Some of Sixtene poundes Thertene Shillinges fowre pence at and by the discretion of myne Executoures and overseers Item I gyve and bequeathe unto Richarde Champion the elder dwelling in Essex the greate Chaine of golde conteyninge Twoo hundreth Lyncke whiche was the saide Sir Richarde Champion his uncles chaine And more to the saide Richarde Champion one Bason with an Ewer percell gilte with his uncles marke on the Toppe of the Cover And one Saulte with a Cover gilt with his uncles marke of white and blewe and three hauce pottes gilte with his uncles marke engraven in the Inner side of the Lyddes Item I gyve and bequeathe unto Humfrey Champion sonne of Arnolde Champion Tenne Poundes to be paide unto hym at his Lawfull age of one and twentie yeares And yf ^he dye before that tyme Then I will that the same Tenne poundes shalbe distributed amonest his Bretheren and Sisters and the Survyvours of them Item I gyve and bequeathe unto my Daughter Anne Stoddard my Chayne of fyne golde withe playne Lynckes waying Syxtene ownces and my gyrdle of golde with Bowes one plaine and an other wreathed and my Tablett of golde thereunto belonginge with a igrene Serpente wreathed

Item I gyve and bequeathe unto my saide Daughter Anne Stoddard either that my Bedd with the Bedstede and all the furniture belonginge therunto hanged with redde or ells that which is hanged with greene at her choyce A Carpett of greene embrowdered with greene velvett Sixe of my best Quisshens which she can choose twoo longe quisshins of purple Satten embrodered with tinsell A Chayre of blewe valvett embrodered with tinsell twoo cubbard Cloathes and twoo wyndowe Cloathes of greene embrodered with greene velvett

I gyve and bequeathe to my Sister Marie Dudley Twentie Poundes and one Ringe of golde price Fortie Shillinges and A black gowne of twentie shillinges a Yarde and to her daughter Ursula Fowrtie Poundes towarde her Mariage So that she be advised and ordered and ruled by my saide sonne in lawe George Stoddarde and my saide daughter Anne, his wieff

Item I gyve and bequeathe unto my Daughter Abigall Dixwell the Some of Three hundrethe three score Sixe poundes thertene Shillinges fowre pence to be paide unto her by Twentie poundes a yeare by the handes of my saide sonne in Lawe George Stoddarde And my Sonnes Thomas Edwarde and John and they to pay the same Twentie poundes half yerelie that is Tenne Pounde everie half yeare

And I will that within Fowre Monethes after my deceasse myne Executours shall delyver unto the handes of the saide George Stoddarde & of my Sonnes Thomas Edwarde and John or of their Assigne or Assignes the saide Some of Three hundreth Three score and Sixe poundes thertene Shillinges fowre pence, to thende that they may paye the same by Tenne poundes everie half yeare unto her use Provided alwaies that yf the saide Abigall shall deceasse oute of this parte lieff before she shall have receyved the saide Some of Three hundreth Three score and sixe poundes thertene Shillinges fowre pence by Twentie poundes a yeare as is afforsaide Then I will that all the residue of the same Some of Three hundreth three score and sixe poundes thertene Shillinges fowre pence whiche then shall remaine unpaide shalbe and remaine as followethe that is the one half thereof unto her twoo Sonnes William and Edwarde at their lawfull ages of one and twentie yeares. And yf they bothe dye before that tyme then to her other Children yf She have anye and everie of them her children to be the others heyre And the other half thereof to the proper use and behoofe of the saide George Stoddard and of my sonnes Thomas Edwarde and John equallie amongest them or the Survyvours of them to be devided

Item I bequeathe unto Richard howlett sonne of Richarde howlett late deceassed Fyftie poundes to be paide unto hym at his Lawfull age of one & twentie yeares Item I bequeathe unto my Coosen Barbara Watson Thertene Poundes sixe Shillinges eighte pence to be paide unto her at her Lawfull age of one and twentie yeares or on the daye of her mariage And unto Barbara Smithe Tenne poundes to be paide unto her in like maner and to my Mayden Elizabeth Elton thertene Poundes sixe shillinges eighte pence to be paide unto her lykewise And to Margaret Goose my Maiden Three poundes Syxe shillinges eighte pence And to Amy Tylman widowe Three Poundes sixe Shillinges eighte pence And to Robert Newebourne the blynde boye fyve poundes Item I gyve and bequeathe unto Roberte Beamonde my Servant Three score sixe poundes thertene Shillinges fowre pence

Item I gyve and bequeathe unto Katherine Herdson the wieff of Thomas Herdson my sonne and to Bridgett Herdson the wieff of my sonne Edwarde Herdson to either of them Fortie Angells a peece to make either of them a Chayne for A remembrance of me Item I gyve and bequeathe unto my Daughters Anne Katherine Bridgett and Abigall suche Lynnen of Damaske and Dyaper and playne as shalbe remayninge in my howse at the tyme of my deceasse and shall by Inventarie equallie and indifferentlie to be devided betwene them Fowre So that my Daughter Anne shall have the first choyse of all The which fyne Lynnen I will that it shalbe delivered unto them within one moneth nexte after my deceasse

Item I bequeathe unto the saide Elizabethe Elton my mayden three paire of Sheetes half a garnisshe of Newe Pewter vessell Fowre Candelstickes of Latten A brasse pott of three gallons a bras panne of Sixe gallons A Fetherbedd used uppon the Trundell bedde with a bolster and Mattres thereunto belonginge

Item I gyve and bequeathe unto Barbara nowe the wieff of Martin Archdall one hundrethe poundes

Item I gyve and bequeathe unto Katherine the wieff of my brother Kenelm Watson one Chayne of golde of the value of twentie Markes

Item I gyve and bequeathe unto the three Children of the same Kenelme my Brother that is to saye twoo Sonnes and one Daughter whiche this present daye are now lyvinge one Hundrethe Poundes equallie amongest them to be distributed and to be paide unto everie of them at everie of the severall lawfull ages or Mariages and everie of them to be others heire in the Benefitt thereof And yf they all deceasse before they shall receyve the same Moneye, Then I will that it shall remaine unto my saide Brother Kenelme Watson their Father

Item I bequeathe unto my brother Edwarde Watson one Ringe of Fyne golde of the waighte of one ownce with my Fathers Armes engraven therein And my saide Brother Kenelme Watson one like Ringe of golde of one ownce weighte and one hundred Markes in Moneye

Item I bequeathe unto [gap in text] wyeth of my saide Brother Edward Watson a Black gowne and a ringe of the value of Fortie Shillinges And to my saide Brother Kenelm and to the saide Katherine his wieff to either of them A black Gowne

Item I bequeathe unto my my Servante John Browne Three Poundes Syxe shillinges eighte pence And I will that he puttinge in suerties shall have the occupyinge of Fyftie poundes freelie for three yeares nexte after the receipte thereof

Item I gyve and bequeathe towardes the Reparacions of the Conduite and Sesternes which Conveye the water to the Cittie of London Fyftie Poundes to be paide within one yeare nexte after my deathe

Item I will that within one yeare nexte after my deceasse there shalbe Thertene Sermons made in the Parrisshe Churche of St Dunstane in the easte of London and the Preacher to have for everie sermon tenne Shillinges Suma Sixe Poundes tenne Shillinges Item I gyve and bequeathe theise persons following Black gownes of twentie sixe Shillinges eighte pence the yarde that is to saye The Ladye White Sir William Alline Knighte and the Ladye his wieff Master Alderman Barneham and his wieff my saide son in Lawe George Stoddard and his wieff Anne my Daughter my Sonne Thomas Herdson and Katherine his wieff my sonne Edwarde Herdson and his wieff and my sonne John and Richarde Champion my Cosen dwellinge in Essexe

And I gyve and Bequeathe unto, theise persons undernamed Black gownes of the price of Twentie Shillinges the yarde my Coosen Watson dwellinge in St hellenes in Bisshopsgate streate Roger Monntague Skynner Margarett Howlett widdowe and to George Lordinge Notarie And to the same George Fortie Shillinges to make hym a ringe for a remembrance of me

And to these persons gownes of Sixtene Shillinges a yarde, that is to witt to Marye Bulley widdowe, Edwarde Rowe Pewterer and his wieff Peter Duren and his wieff and to Marie her Daughter a Black Cassock Richarde Hewson Skynner Edmond Anncell and his wieff John Highlorde Skynner my Cosen Barnes the Coryer and his wieff Arnolde Champion of Readinge and Richard Champion the Yonger dwelling in the Isle of Wighte Richard Bell Channdeler and his wieff Robert Coxe Draper Thomas Crofte draper John Chambers Draper Ursula dudleye my Sisters Daughter Robert Beamonde a black gowne and a Coate and to Master Asshbolde our Reader of our Lectour and to Master Cattrell our Curate to either of them a black gowne of thertene Shillinges fowre pence a yarde and to all other men survante which shalbe in my howse at the day of my Deceasse Gownes and Coates and to the women survante and Meydens Cassockes at the discretion of myne Executoures

Item I gyve and bequeathe to Roberte Yonge Fysshemonger A black gowne of twentie Shillinges the yarde

Item I will that my hole howsehold with the Servanntes being and remayninge with me at the tyme of my deceasse shall not be putt awaye but be and contynewe in my saide howse kepte with all thinges necessarie for them as Meate drincke and Wages for one whole yeare next after my deceasse So farreforthe as they behave them selves honestlie at the discretion of myne Executours

Item I gyve and bequeathe to my Sister Bridgett Fowretie Shillinges a yeare to be paide unto her by myne Executours for the space of Syxe yeares nexte after my deceasse And I bequeathe to the same Bridgett my Sister a black gowne of the valour a price Thertie Shillinges

Item I bequeath unto Master Doctor Ectour Nowes A black gowne of twentie Shillinges the yarde

The Residue of all and singuler my Gooddes Chattells Plate Jewells reddye Moneye and Debtes whatsoever after the debtes whiche I shall owe at the tyme of my deceasse ben paide my funeralls finisshed and this my present Testament in all thinges perfourmed I whollie gyve and bequeathe the same Residue unto my saide Sonne in lawe George Stoddarde and to my saide Sonnes Thomas Edwarde and John equallie amongest them to be devided And I make name and ordeine the saide George Stoddarde Thomas Edwarde and John my Sonnes Executoures of this my present Testamente and last will And I constitute and appoynte my welbelovid Frendes Sir William Allyn Knighte my brother Edwarde Watson Esquier the saide Kenelme Watson my brother Roger Monntague and the saide Roberte Beamonde to be Supervisours for the execution of this my presente testamente And to everie of the same my Supervisours for their paines and travells I gyve and bequeathe fyve Poundes a peece Provided alwaies my very mynde and will is That yf anye of my saide Children shall not be contentid with the Legacies and bequeastes unto them gyven by this present Testamente But shall contende and stryve Touchinge the execucon thereof or for any matter concerninge the same Then I will that Aswell the saide George Stoddarde my Sonne in Lawe as the saide my sonnes or anye of them which shall so contende or stryve shalbe cleane excluded of and from all suche Legacies executorshippe and benefitt as may by anie meanes come or growe to them or any of them by force vertue of this my present Testament and last will Any thinge before written to the contraire thereof in any wyse notwithstandinge In wittness whereof unto this my present Testament and last will I have Sett my Seale By me Thomas Cattell By me Richard Huson By me Richard Bell by me Robert Beamonde Draper.

Lectum signatum Sigillatum et deliberatum pro vero Testamento et ultima voluntato suo per dictam testatricem vicesimo tercio die menses Septembris 1576 Paulo Post hora octavia antemeridiem in pucia drop testium et mei Georgii Lordinge Notarii publici affirmatur per me eundem Georgum lordinge

[Read, signed, sealed and delivered as the true last will and testament spoken by the testatrix the twenty-third day of September 1576, shortly after eight o’clock in the morning, and witnessed by me George Lordinge, Notary Public, affirmed by me George Lordinge the same day.]


The two and twentith daye of September Anno domini Millesimo Quingentesimo Septuagesimo Sexto Anno Decimo octavio Regine Elizabethe abowte eighte of the Clock in the forenone of the same Daye

A codicill annexed unto the Testament and last will of Dame Barbara Champion of London widdowe made and declared by her the day and yeares above written betwene the howres above Recited

Whereas I the saide Dame Barbara Champion did of late purchase of one Dabridge Courte a gent certaine landes and Tenemente in the Parrisshes of St Margarett Patten and St Dunstone in the East in London as by the writinges thereof made may Appeare The which purchase so by me made was in parte of perfourmannce of the Testamente and last will of Sir Richarde Champion Knighte late Citizen and Alderman of London deceassed my Late husbande Nowe my mynd and will is That all the saide Landes and Tenemente so by me purchased of the saide Dabridge Courte with all and singuler their Appurtenances Proffittes and Comodities shalbe and remaine whollie unto the Maister Wardens and Fellowshippe of the Worshipfull Companie of Drapers of London and to their Successoures Master and Wardens of the same Companie or Fellowshippe of Drapers of london To have and to holde all the same Landes and Tenemente with all their yssues Rentes Profyttes and Comodities so by me purchased of the saide [gap in will] Dabridge Courte unto the saide Maister Wardens and Companie or Fellowshippe of Drapers of London and to their Successours Master Wardens & Companie or Fellowshippe of Drapers of London and to their Successoures for ever in Parte of perfourmance of the saide Testamente and last will of the saide Sir Richarde Champion my late husbande deceassed

And the Residue that shalbe unperfourmed of the Testamente of my saide late husbande as well touchinge the Drapers as touchinge the Poore Prisons or otherwise I Will that myne Executoures with all conveniente speede shall see the same Perfourmed and finisshed as my trust is in them

And as touchinge all that my Leasse interest tythe and terme of Yeares whiche I have and holde of the Demyse of the worshipfull Companie of Grocers of in and to that Tenemente or Messuage Wherein at this presente I doo inhabite called the Baskett sett and beinge in the Parrisshe of St Dunstone in the East of London I will gyve devyse and bequeathe All the same me Lease interest tythe and terme of Yeares yet to com of in and to the same Messuage or Tenement called the Baskett withe all and singular the appurtenance unto Nicholas Stoddard sonne of George Stoddarde and of my daughter Anne his wieff and to the Executoures adminstratours and Assignes of the same Nicholas Stoddarde And also to the same Nicholas Stoddarde I will gyve devyse and bequeathe All that my Garden beinge my owne Freeholde and Whereof I a solie seased at this present lying and being on the Backside of the Messuage or Tenement called the Baskett in the saide Parrisshe of St Dunstone in the East of London To have and to holde unto the Same Nicholas Stoddarde to his heires and Assignes for ever In Wittnes whereof unto this presente Codicill I have Sette my hande and Seale

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