Location: [unknown]
Sebastian Jacke wrote a Will on 30 March 1612. Three years after writing his Will it was probated on 20 June 1616.
The Will enables us to identify three children for Bastian Jacke and their descendants
- 1. Margaret (the older of the 2 girls, with the married name Luke) as "myne elder daughter viz Margaret Luke als Carye“ Margaret and her husband John Luke had the following children who were also mentioned in their grandfather's Will.
- a. Nicholas Luke
- b. Phillip Luke
- c. Anne Luke
- d. Martin Luke
- e. Johane [Jone] Luke
- f. John Luke
- g. Dyonis Luke
- 2. Thomas baptised 1580
- 3. Joan named in his Will as Jane (the youngest of the 2 girls, with the married name Greete), the following children who were also mentioned in their grandfather's Will.
- a. Philipp Greete.- has no profile yet on WikiTree
- b. Julian Greete.- has no profile yet on WikiTree.
- c. Thomas Greete .- has no profile yet on WikiTree
- d. Nicholas Greete
- e. Thomasine Greete.- has no profile yet on WikiTree
Research Notes
Surname Name Notes for understanding the Will surnames and the term als (can also be written as alias)
“alias is latin for: 'otherwise named or called'. When a person changed his/her surname, or was known by more than one name, he might sometimes be described as "Smith alias Jones". The term has no disreputable connotation. In a few cases both names joined by 'alias' were retained for several generations and so became the equivalent of our hyphen in a modern double barrelled name. Once hereditary surnames became established, a change of name might be caused by the inheritance of a property from a maternal relative, by a young person being adopted, by becoming known by a stepfather's surname, or by a number of other causes.” [1]
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