Location: Kingston upon Hull, Yorkshire, England

Surname/tag: Blaydes
Transcript of the Last Will and Testament of Benjamin Blaydes. Paragraphs and emphasis added to aid legibility. Original spelling and capitalisation preserved.
Transcribed by Ros Haywood from a copy held by the National Archives (UK); used under the terms of the Open Government Licence [You are free to transcribe, translate, index and quote from published or unpublished Crown copyright material among the records as extensively as you wish and you may publish the results in any format and any medium: in accordance with the terms of the Open Government Licence.]
Note: This Will was made before he got married, which is why neither Kitty nor the children are mentioned.
"I Ben: Blaydes
of Kingston upon Hull Merchant being of sound mind
for which God be praised do make this my last Will as
500 I Give my Niece Dorothy ?Mace five hundred pounds
220 I Give my Niece Elizabeth Huntington twenty pounds a year
as long as she lives to be paid quarterly into her own hand
and twenty pounds more for Mourning and other necessarys
500 I Give my Niece Ann Stephenson five hundred pounds
500 I Give my Nephew John Porter five hundred pounds
500 I Give my Niece Elizabeth ffinlow five hundred pounds
50 I Give my Nephew in Law Robert Wetherell fifty pounds
100 I Give my Nephew in Law John Stephenson one hundred
pounds he assisting who I appoint as my Executrixes and
Executor when requested by them in adjusting all amounts
they desire
40 I give my Kinsman Samuel ?Donlin forty pounds
30 Kinswoman Hannah Hagar thirty pounds )
30 Kinswoman Jane Lawford thirty pounds ) to be paid as quick as can be
30 Kinswoman Sarah Wilkinson thirty pounds )
I instruct & appoint Sister Ann Hall Sister Elizabeth porter Sister
Lydia ffinlow and Stephen ?Bendsworth (paying the above
bequests) or their heirs as Executrixes and Executor to this
my last Will revoking all other Wills by me heretofore made
ordering them to pay all my just debts of whatsoever nature or
kind after which to share equally all my rent and personal
Estates whatever they be
Thus wrote with my own Hand this twenty third of ffebruary one
thousand seven hundred and sixty nine and in the ninth year of the year of the Reign of King George the third"
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WALTER BROWN of the Town of Kingston upon Hyll gentleman maketh oath and saith that he
knew and was well acquainted with Benjamin Blaydes
late of the Town of Kingston upon Hull aforesaid Merchant deceased and with his manner and Character
of handwriting having frequently seen him write and
this Deponent further saith that he hath seen a paper or
writing purporting to be the last Will and Testament
of the said Benjamin Blaydes deceased beginning with the words and ffigures "April 23d ffeb 1769 I Ben Blaydes of Kingston upon Hull Merchant" and ending "This wrote with my own hand this twenty third of ffebruary one thousand seven hundred and sixty nine and the ninth year of the Reign of King George the third" and signed Ben Blaydes
This Deponent verily believes the whole series and contents of the said Will on paper writting and the Inscription thereto to be all of the proper Handwriting of the said Benjamin Blaydes deceased
[signed] Walter Brown
sworn at the Town of Kingston upon Hull aforesaid the tenth day of July in the year of our Lord 1771 before me James Smith a Master extraordinary in Chancery and a Commissioner of his Majesty's Courts of King's Bench Common Pleas and Exchequer
THIS WILL was proved before the Reverend Arthur Robinson Clerk Surrogate of the Right Worshipful
Peter Johnson Master of Law Commissary and keeper
General of the Exchequer and Prerogative Court of the Most Reverend Father in God Robert by Living Providence Archbishop of York and Metropolitan lawfully authorized primate of England and on the fourth day of July in the year of our Lord one
thousand seven hundred and seventy one Administration of all and singular the goods Chattels and Credits of the said deceased was granted to Ann Wall widow Elizabeth Porter widow and Lydia ffinlow widow sisters and Benjamin Haworth Nephew of the said deceased and joint Executors in the said Will named being first sworn as the law requires
The Inventory was exhibited but Bond is entered
Robt Jubb (Deputy Register)
THIS WILL was proved at London before the Right Worshipful George Way, Doctor of Laws Master Keeper or Commissary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted on the thirteenth day of September in the yeare of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy one by the Oaths of Ann Hall Widow Elizabeth Porter Widow Lydia ffinlow widow the sisters and Benjaming Haworth the Nephew of the deceased and Executors named in the said Will to whom Administration was granted of all and singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of the said deceased they having been first sworn by Commission thus to administer.
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