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Will of Benjamin Wilshire

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Ancestry.com. Georgia, U.S., Wills and Probate Records, 1742-1992 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2015. Original data:Georgia County, District and Probate Courts.map
Surname/tag: Wilshire Georgia
Profile manager: Peggy McMath private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 37 times.

Will of Benjamin Wilshire Wikitree id: Wilshire-21

Transcribed from photo of original document in Ancestry.com: https://www.ancestry.com/imageviewer/collections/8635/images/005756824_00093

by [Berntson-18|Peggy McMath ].


Registers Office page 29

In the name of God Amen, I Benjamin Wilshire
of the County of Wilkes and State of Georgia, being weak in body
but of purfect mind an memory, thanks be given unto the al=
=mighty, calling to mind the mortality of my body, and know=
ing that its appointed for all men once to die, do make
and ordain this my last will and Testament, that is to say
principally and first of all I give and recommend my
Soul unto the hand of God, that gave it and my body
I recommend to the Earth, to be buried in a deasent
Christian Burial, at the discretion of my Executors
nothing doubting but at the general resurrection I shall
receive the same, by the mighty power of god, and as touch
=ing such wordly Estate whereas it has pleased God to bless
in this, I give and divise and dispose in the following man
=ner, and form. --

First I give and bequeath, unto my beloved Wife Mary Wil=
=shire, all the improved Land, Houses, and all privileges there
to as house hold furniture; and moveable, and six Cows
and Calves, and some Beef Cattle, and one mare and
two more Colts, then and during her lifetime then after
her decease, all the household Goods and moveable property
Cattle and Horse, or Horse Beasts as above mentioned and
their increase, divided Equally among my four children. One
that is not born is to receive its share equally which makes
five Shares, names is as follows. William Wilshire, Elizabeth
Wilshire, Sarah Wilshire, Ann Wilshire Also I give and -
bequeath unto my beloved Son William Wilshire two
hundred Acres of Land, which includes the Plantation
and in case the Child that my wife bares should be a Boy,
he is to Receive his Equal part of Land that is above men
=tioned. I also give and bequeath, unto my five Children
already described, one not born, William Wilshire, Elizabeth
Wilshire, Sarah Wilshire, Ann Wilshire, nine head of
Cattle divided among the five Children as the come
of age each to have their equal part, and now I do
Constitute make and ordain my beloved Wife Mary
Wilshire and my beloved brother William Wilshire my
Executor of this my last Will and Testament. and. I do
hereby disalow, revoke, and disanul all and Every other
former Testaments, legasies and bequests --- Whereof as
I have here unto set my hand and Seal this Twen=
teenth day of June, in the year of our Lord, one thou=
=sand seven hundred and ninety-one, Signed Sealed
and pronounced, and by the said Benjamin Wilshire
as his Testament and last Will in the presence of
us who in his presence and in presence of each other
have hereunto Subscribed our names. --

Joseph McMath
Allen Brown
Joseph +his mark+ Duphoys

Benjamin +his mark+ Wilshire (Seal)

State of Georgia }
Wilshire County }
Appeared before my Joseph McMath, one of the
subscribing Witnesses, to the within mentioned will
and being by me duly sworn on the holy Evangelists of Almighty
God, deposeth and saith, that he seen the within named Benj
Wilshire signed Seal publish and declare, the written instrument
of writing to be his last Will and Testament, and that at the
time of his so doing he was of sound disposition mind memory and
understanding to the best of their knowledge and belief and that
he seen Allen Brown and Joseph Duphoy, subscribe their names
as concuring Evidence to the same.--

Proved approved and Exhibited the 8th day of December 1792. --
Recorded the 10th Dect 1792 --
January 14th 1793 Letter testamentary and Warrant of Appraisment
granted unto Mary Wilshire, nominated Executrix of the last Will
of Benj. Wilshire du. --
                                                                                                      D a Terrell R P W C


  1. Wife Mary Wilson; all the improved Land, Houses and privileges thereto, household furniture, six cows and calves, beef cattle, one mare and two colts and
  2. Children: At death of wife, all household goods and moveable property, cattle, horses and their increase divided equally between them; as they come of age, equal shares of 9 head of cattle
  3. one child not born: one equal share as above (and if born as a boy) an equal share of land and plantation bequeathed to William
  4. William Wilshire: one equal share as above and two hundred Acres of Land, which includes the Plantation
  5. Elizabeth Wilshire: one equal share as above
  6. Sarah Wilshire: one equal share as above
  7. Ann Wilshire: one equal share as above

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