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Will of Bennett (Draper) Webbe

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Surname/tag: Draper, Webbe, wills
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I started transcribing this will (and this is just a first pass at 4 of 13 pages) primarily to check family relationships against Bennett's husband's will.

Will of Benett (Draper) Webbe (abt.1530-)
This is a transcription of the register copy of the Will of Dame Bennett Webb or Webbe, Widow of Saint Dunstan in the East, City of London. It was written on 14 January year 45 of Elizabeth I (= 14 January 1602/3) and proved at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury on 30 June 1604.[1]

Transcription conventions:
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
Crossings through have been included struck out
Paragraph breaks at change of bequest, and bold text are my own for ease of reading.
Where present, the obsolete letter Thorn has been rendered as th, and ff has been rendered as F.
Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets]
The image quality was good and the writing very legible.
Non standard spelling as per usual for this time period, which has been transcribed verbatim.

Persons mentioned

[Page one]

  • Dame Benett widdowe late wife of Sr William Webb, Testatrix
  • my late Husband Sr William Webb

[Page two]

  • my Granchild William Webb
  • the two Companies of Salters and Ironmongers
  • the Mr Wardens and Assistants of each of the said Companies
  • the said Maisters Wardens and Assist[aa]nts of the saide two companies of Salters and Ironmongers
  • the poore Children in Christe ? Hospitall
  • the poore of St Thomas Hospitall in Sowthework
  • the poor in St Bartholomewes Hospitall
  • the Hospitall called Bethelem al[l]s Bedlem w[i]thoute Bysshopsgate London to be bestowed vppon the poore there
  • Bridewell Newgate Endgate? and to the twoe saide Prysons
  • the Poore in the Marshallsea
  • the poore in the White Lyon in Southwerk
  • the Children of my Cosynne Meade?
  • the nies of Edwarde Meade
  • Edwarde Meade the sonne of the saide Edwarde Meade
  • Lawrence Greene my Godsonne Sonne of Lawrence Greene of Walbrooke London
  • the children of the saide Lawrence Greene
  • Sr Henrie Billingsley
  • my Cosin Humfrey Bigge
  • John Bigge his sonne
  • my Cosin Robert Smithwicke the younger
  • his Children
  • my godsonne Lawrence Greene the sonne of Lawrence Greene of Walbrooke aforesaid
  • my goddaughter Benett Brickett
  • Benett Holt my goddaughter

[Page three]

  • my goddaughter Bennett Wrigete
  • Johane Mead the nies of Edwarde Meade
  • Richard Bye the Grecian
  • my Cosyn Francys ?wiste the nies of Richard Smytte of Sr Mr
  • my grandchilde William Webb
  • M? Smithe widdowe of the Parrishe of St Stephens in Colmanstreete
  • my godsonne Thomas Russell
  • the Children of William Russell
  • Robert Bye of Wathingstreete?
  • the eldest Sonne of my Cosinne Edmond Gamon
  • William Russell and Edmonde Gamon
  • the children of my Cosynne Bowles
  • the poore people of Abbotte Langley where my owne dwellinge house standeth
  • the poore of St Dunstones in the Easte
  • my godsonne William Scales
  • everie the children male of Thomas Greene my Cosynne
  • everie of the Females
  • everie of the children of my Cosynne Gyles of Bosworthe w[hi]ch he had by his firste wief
  • everie of the Children of my Cosynne Elizabeth Gyles nowe? wief vnto my Cosynne Bowswell
  • my Cosynne Elliotte Children
  • my cosyn Bartholmewe Wormell th'elder
  • his Sonne Bartholmewe Wormell
  • the children of John Wormell
  • the daughters of Edward Daniell
  • Marie Walter wief vnto John Water my Servante
  • Raphe? Lewys my servannte
  • the Maister Wardens and Company of the Cookes
  • my Cosynne Sterrell? of the Temple
  • Jonas Lewys my Boye
  • Will[ia]m Phillips
  • everie of my mayde servannts

[Page four]


[Page one]
T end Bennette Webbe

In the name of God amen:
The fowrteenthe day of Januarie in
and in the five and fourtithe yeare of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Ladie Elizabeth by the
grace of god of England France and Ireland Queen Defendiesst (Defender?) of the faithe ?? Anno D[omi]ni
/ ? ? ? ? ? one thousand sixe hundred and twoe I Dame Benett
widdowe late wife of Sr William Webb sometime Maior and Alderman of this Cittie of
London decessed) knowing that nothinge is more certaine then deathe And the tyme and
place vncertaine havinge an intent to sett all thinges in order to avoid all conten[ti]ons and
controv[er]sies doe make and ordeine this my last will and testament in mann[er] and forme
followinge. First and principallie I bequeathe my Soule into the hands of Almightie god
my Creator and Maker and to Jhesus Christe my Redeemer trustinge assuredly to be saved by
his deathe
[Page two]
his deathe and passion. And my bodie I will to be buried in the Parrishe churche of St Dunstons In
the east as neere as convenienthe it may vnto my late Husband Sr William Webb

Item I doe
give and bequeathe vnto my Granchild William Webb Three thousande poundes of lawfull
monye of Englande to be paid vnto him at his age of one and twentie years if it shall
please god that he be then livinge whiche Some of three thoousande poundes I will that it shalbe
delivered vnto the two Companies of Salters and Ironmongers (viz.t) vnto the Mr
Wardens and Assistants of each of the said Companies Fiftene hundreth poundes a peece
w[i]thin one yeare and a half next after my deceasse They to have and enioye the saide money
duringe the nonage? of the said William Webb puttinge in good securitie vnto my executors
hereunder named for the same Three thousand poundes and allowinge vnto my said executors
towards the education and bringinge vp of my saide Grandchilde sixe poundes yearlie for
for everie hundreth poundes duringe his nonage? And my will and mynde ys that my
saide Executors shall allowe vnto my saide Grandchilde only Fortie poundes yerelie owte of
the Interest money w[hi]ch shall arryse and growe owte of the saide three thousande poundes and
the rest to remaine to encrease his stocke and to be payde vnto him at his saide age of one & twenty
years And in considerat[i]on of the paynes and care to be taken by the said Maisters Wardens
and Assist[aa]nts of the saide two companies of Salters and Ironmongers, yf they shall taken
the saide three thousande poundes into their Custodies and putt in securitie to my executors
as aforesaid Then I give to each of the said Companies one hundreth poundes Provided
allwaies and my will and mynde ys that yf my saide grandchilde shall fortue to departe
oute of this world before his age of one and twentie years That then the saide somes of three
thousande poundes togither w[i]th the encrease shalbe given and ymployed vnto such vse as

hereafter either by this my will and testament or Codicill hereunto to be annexed shalbe appointed
any thinge beforesaid to the contrarie notw[i]thstandinge.

Item I give & bequeathe
vnto the poore Children in Christe ? Hospitall one hundred poundes.

Item vnto the poore of
St Thomas Hospitall in Sowthework one hundred poundes.

Item I give vnto the poor in
in St Bartholomewes Hospitall One hundred poundes.

Item I give and bequeathe vnto
the Hospitall called Bethelem al[l]s Bedlem w[i]thoute Bysshopsgate London to be bestowed
vppon the poore there Twentie poundes.

Item I give vnto Bridewell Newgate Endgate?
and to the twoe saide Prysons Twentie pounds a peece.

Item I give vnto the Poore in the
Marshallsea Twentie poundes.

Item I give vnto the poore in the White Lyon in Southwerk
Twentie poundes.

All? w[i]th Legacies given to the hospitalls and Prysons aforenamed I will
shalbe payde w[i]thin one yeare after my deathe.

Item I give and bequeathe vnto the Children of
my Cosynne Meade? the nief of Edwarde Meade One hundred poundes to be equallie divided
betweene them to be payde vnto them and everie of them w[i]thin a yeare and a half next after
my deathe. And my mynde is that yf I shall bestowe any port[i]on towards the marriadge of
any one of the saide Children of my Cosynne Meade that then the party soe married w[i]th port[i]on
shall have nor parte of the saide hundred poundes But the sayde hundreth poundes shall
whollie accrue and goe vnto Edwarde Meade the sonne of the saide Edwarde Meade to be

payde vnto him at his age of ??tie years and not before Otherwise yf anie of the saide
Children happen to die Then his or her parte or port[i]on to be devided amongest the S[ur]vivors

Item I give and bequeathe vnto Lawrence Greene my Godsonne Sonne of Lawrence Greene of
Walbrooke London Fiftie poundes. And to everie other of the children of the saide Lawrence
Greene w[hi]ch sha;be lyvinge at my deathe Twentye poundes a peece.

Item I give vnto Sr Henrie Billingsley
Fortie poundes to be paide w[i]thin twoe years next after my deathe entreatinge? him to be
aydinge vnto my saide Grandchilde.

Item I give and bequeathe vnto my Cosin Humfrey
Bigge Fiftie poundes.

Item I give vnto John Bigge his sonne Fiftie poundes.

Item I
give vnto my Cosin Robert Smithwicke the younger twentie poundes And vnto everie one of
his Children w[hi]ch shalbe lyvinge at my deceasse Five poundes a peece to be payde w[i]thin twoe
yeares after my deceasse.

Item I give more vnto my godsonne Lawrence Greene the sonne
of Lawrence Greene of Walbrooke aforesaid Fiftie poundes to be payde w[i]thin three yeares
after my decesse.

Item I geve vnto my goddaughter Benett Brickett to be payde vnto hir at
hir daye of Marriage Twentie poundes.

Item I give vnto Benett Holt my goddaughter
to be paid

[Page three]
to be paid vnto hir at hir daie of marriadge Tenn poundes.

Item I give to my goddaughter
Bennett Wrigete Twentie poundes.

Item I give vnto Johane Mead the nies of Edwarde
Meade Fiftie poundes which Fiftie poundes I will shalbe delyvered over into the handes of
some frend at hir discret[i]on.

Item I give vnto Richard Bye the Grecian x x x

Item Igive and bequeathe vnto my Cosyn Francys ?wiste the nies of Richard Smytte of SrMr
a Ringe of golde of the valeur? of Fourtie shillings condit[i]onallie that shee shall give yt
at hir deathe vnto hir eldest daughter.

Item I give vnto my grandchilde William
Webb my Chayne girdle of golde w[hi]ch I weare aboute my middle together w[i]th the golden
locke thereunto annexed.

Item I give vnto M? Smithe widdowe of the Parrishe of
St Stephens in Colmanstreete Sixe poundes thirtene shillinge fouer pence.

Item I give
vnto my godsonne Thomas Russell Twentie poundes and to everie other of the Children of
William Russell w[hi]ch shalbe lyvinge at my deathe Tenn poundes a peece to be payde them at
their severall ages of One and twentie years.

Item I give vnto Robert Bye of
Wathingstreete? that was decayed? Sixe poundes thirtene shillinge fower pence.

Item I
give vnto the eldest Sonne of my Cosinne Edmond Gamon to be paide vnto him at his age
of one and twentie yeeres Fortie poundes.

item I give vnto William Russell and Edmonde
Gamon vppon condit[i]on that they shall firste make a trowe and inste? accompte xxxxxx
vnto my Executors of all matters and Performinge betwene my late husbande Sr William
Webb and them and betwene them and me yf it shall not fortune them to make me an accompte
before my cedeasse and to be by me acquited) Fiftie poundes a peece to be paide vnto them w[i]thin
twoe yeares next after my decease.

Item I give vnto the children of my Cosynne Bowles Twentye
poundes to be equallie devided betwene them.
Item I give vnto the poore people of Abbotte
Langley where my owne dwellinge house standeth Tenn poundes.
Item to the poore of St
Dunstones in the Easte twentie poundes.
Item I give vnto my godsonne William Scales
Fiftie poundes.
Item I give vnto everie the children male of Thomas Greene my Cosynne
vppon London bridge Sixe poundes thirtene shillings fower pence and to everie of the
Females Five poundes.
Item I give vnto everie of the children of my Cosynne Gyles of
Bosworthe w[hi]ch he had by his firste wief and shalbe lyvinge at my decesse Tenne poundes a
peece to be payde vnto everie of them w[i]thon twoe yeares next after my decesse.
Item I give
vnto everie of the Children of my Cosynne Elizabeth Gyles nowe? wief vnto my Cosynne
Bowswell Fourtie shillingssItem I give vnto Bente? Clover the daughter of Thomas
Clover Tenne poundes to be payde vnto hir daie of marriadge. And if shee fortune'to die before
Then I give the said tenn poundes to be equallie divided betwene hir Sisters
Item I give to my Cosynne Elliotte Children Fortie shillings a peece.
Item I give to my cosyn
Bartholmewe Wormell th'elder Five poundes.
Item I give vnto his Sonne Bartholmewe Wormell Tenn poundes.
Item I give vnto the children of John Wormell Fortie shillings
a peece.
Item I give and bequeathe vnto the daughters of Edward Daniell to be payd at
hir daye of marriadge Tenne poundes.

Item I give vnto Marie Walter wief vnto John
Water my Servante Thirtene poundes free? shillings vighte? pence.

Item I give vnto
Raphe? Lewys my servannte vppon condit[i]on that he doe give a good accompte vnto my Executors
Fortie poundes.

Item I give vnto William Phillippes my Cooke (yf he remayne wth me in
service vntill my deathe and wth my Executors vntill my Funeralls shalbe fynyshed and endid
the som[m]e of thirtene poundes free shillings eighte pence.

Item I give to the Maister Wardens and
Company of the Cookes vppon condit[i]on that they shall vse William Phillipps my Cook kindly
and freindlie amongst them in the Companie for a dynner to be made amongst the saide company
of Cookes Three poundes sixe shillings eighte pence.

Item I give vnto my Cosynne Sterrell?
of the Temple Fortie marks yf he be aidinge and assistinge of my grandchilde William
Webb to be payde vnto him wthin five yeares after ny deathe.

Item I give vnto Jonas Lewys
my Boye Sixe poundes thirtene shillings fowr pence wch I will shalbe delyv[er]ed? vnto Will[ia]m
Phillips he puttinge in securitie to my Executors for the repayment of the saide som[m]e of Sixe
poundes thirtene shillings fowr pence vnto the saide Jonas Lewes what? he shall likewise keepe
and teache the trade of Cookerie vntill th'ende and terme of his Apprentishipp.

Item I give
vnto everie of my mayde servannts that shall dwell win me at the tyme of my deathe
Five poundes a peece

[Page four] a peece

Research Notes


  1. Will of Dame Benett Webb or Webbe
    Reference: PROB 11/104/289
    Description: Will of Dame Benett Webb or Webbe, Widow of Saint Dunstan in the East, City of London
    Date: 09 July 1604
    Held by: The National Archives, Kew

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