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Will of Captain Edward Christian of Ewanrigg and Cambridge, 1757

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This is a transcription of the register copy of the will of Captain Edward Christian of Ewanrigg, Cumberland and late of Cambridge, Cambridgeshire. Edward drew up his will at Peterhouse, Cambridge on 15 October 1757 and it was proved at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury on 22 April 1758. [1]

Transcription conventions used in this text:

  • Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
  • The text was originally in one block of text. Paragraph breaks at change of bequest ("Item"), and bold text for names have been added for ease of reading.
  • Where present, ff has been rendered as F, and the old letter Thorn has been rendered as th.
  • Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets].
  • Additions and margin notes, where they occur, have been added where indicated in the text.
  • Crossings through, where they occur, have been included Struck out.
  • The image quality was good, and the handwriting legible.

Persons mentioned:

  • Edward Christian Testator
  • Godchildren:
    • Frances Christian
    • Edward Christian
    • Edward Law nephew son of Testator's sister Mary
    • John Christian
  • Bridget sister, received money, clothes and linen at Ewanrigg, shares in ships
  • Dorothy sister, received money, clothes and linen at Ewanrigg, shares in ships
  • Wm Watsons son Edward relationship to Testator not defined
  • Brother Christian at Ewanrigg, the Testator's portrait and silver pistols
  • Cousin Frances Christian
  • Bro: Law Reverend Edmund Law Doctor in Divinity, husband of sister Mary, To collect debts in London.
  • my Coz Edward Law a pair of silver buckles
  • Sis Law Testator's sister Mary living in Cambridge, ten Guineas, all the Clothes and Linen in Cambridge
  • my Coz Edmund Law Testator's watch
  • Professor Plumtre sword
  • Bro: Laws Servants money
  • Brother John Christian to collect debts in Cumberland
  • Jno Elbonn witness
  • Hugh Stanger of Cambridge associate, confirmed validity of will

[Folio 64 recto]
In the Name of God Amen
I Edward Christian being sick and weak in Body but of perfect Mind
and Memory Do make this my last Will and Testament in form following
namely I will that what Money I shall be possessed of at the time
of my Decease after my just Debts are discharged shall be equally
divided amongst my God-Children Frances Christian Edward Christian
Edward Law and John Christian and my sisters Bridget and Dorothy
Item I leave three Guineas to Wm Watsons son Edward Item I
likewise leave to my sister's Bridget and Dorothy all my Cloaths
Linnen and Wearing Apparel I have at Unerigg [2] together with my
Books and the sum of Four pounds Four shillings and six pence
which is in one of my Boxes As also my Six Shares of the Six

[Folio 64 verso]
vessels in Mary Port Item I give to Brother Christian my picture at
Unerigg and a pair of silver mounted Pistols The print of Sir Peter
Waren to Cousin Frances Christian. My set of Silver Buckles and
Buttons ['ink splot] I leave to Bro: Law A pair of Knee Buckles set with
Bristol Stones to my Coz Edward Law Item I leave to Sis Law ten
Guineas together with all the Cloaths Linnen and Wearing Apparel
which I have now in Cambridge My watch I leave to my Coz
Edmund Law my Silver Hilted Sword to Professor Plumtre To Bro:
Laws Servants I leave three guineas

Lastly I do desire my
Brother John Christian to receive all that is due to me in Cumberland
and apply it to the Purposes above mentioned and my Bro: Law
to do the same with regard to all the Money that shall become
due to me in London. I do declare this to be my last Will and
Testament made at PeterHouse in Cambridge on the 16th day of
October 1757 as Witness my hand and seal - Edwd Christian
Witness Jno Elbonn /-

The nineteenth day of April 1758.
On which Day appeared personally Hugh Stanger of Cambridge
in the County of Cambridge and by virtue of his Corporal Oath
deposed as follows That he knew and was well acquainted with
Captain Edward Christian late of Cambridge Batchelor deceased for
several years before and to the time of his death and hath often
seen him write and subscribed his Name and thereby he became
well acquainted with his Manner and character of Hand Writing
And having now carefully viewed and perused the paper Writing
hereunto annexed purporting to be the last Will and Testament of
the said Deceased beginning thus - "In the Name of God Amen I
Edward Christian being sick, & weak in body" - ending thus - "made
at PeterHouse in Cambridge on the fifteenth day of October 1757
as Witness my Hand & Seal", and thus subscribed Edward Christian
doth say that he verily believes the said Will beginning and ending
as aforesaid and the Names Edward Christian thereto subscribed to be
totally wrote and subscribed by and with the proper Hand of him
the said Edward Christian deceased - Hugh Stanger Same Day the
said Hugh Stanger was sworn to the Truth of this Affidavit before
me Thomas Hirst Comissioner

On the twenty second day of April in the Year of our Lord
One Thousand seven Hundred and fifty eight Administration
with the Will annexed of all and singular the Goods chattels
and Credits of Captain Edward Christian late of the Town of
Cambridge Batchelor deceased was granted to Mary Law (Wife
of the Reverend Edmund Law Doctor in Divinity) the natural
and lawful Sister and next of Kin of the said deceased having been
first sworn by Commission duly to administer for that no Executor
or Residuary Legatee is named in the said Will


  1. Will: "England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858"
    The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 11; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 837
    Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry uk Record 5111 #223446 (accessed 29 December 2023)
    Will of Capt Edwd Christian, granted probate on 22 Apr 1758. Died about 1758.
  2. Unerigg = Ewanrigg

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