Location: Eling, Hampshire, England

Surnames/tags: Wulfris Hacker Stanley
This is a transcription of the register copy image of the will of Catherine Wulfris. Written on the 12 June 1995 and proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury on 20 January 1695/6, administration being granted to Mary Stanley the executrix named in the will1695[1]
The will images were poor and is some places not easy to read
Transcription conventions:
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
Crossings through have been included struck out
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
Crossings through have been included struck out
Paragraph breaks at change of bequest, and bold text are my own for ease of reading.
Where present, the obsolete letter Thorn has been rendered as th, and ff has been rendered as F
Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets]
Non standard spelling as per usual for this time period, which has been transcribed verbatim.
Persons mentioned
- Katherine Wulfris of Paultons in the Parish of Eling and County of South[amp]ton Spinster testatrix
- my loving neece Anne Hooper wife of Edward Hooper Esq
- Edward Jane and Thomas Hooper sons and daughter of the said first mentioned Edward and Jane
- Anne Hacker Widow of London my neece and only daughter of my brother John Wulfris sometime of London Merchant ands to her eldest son or child
- to my loving Nephew William Stanley eldest son of George Stanley of Paultons
- to his son George Stanley his only child
- to my loving Nephews George Stanley son of my said Brother George Stanley And to my loving Nephew Edward Stanley fourth son of my said Brother Stanley
- Mr Browman tenant of testatrix
- to George Stanley his Brother second son of my Brother George Stanley Edward Stanley's brother
- o my deare and well beloved Neece Mary Stanley daughter of George and Jane Stanley
- John Padington witness
- Thomas Arthur witness
- Arthur'Mashman witness
[page 1 folio 161 verso]a
In the Name of God Amen
June the Twelvth in the yeare of our LORD GOD One Thousand Six
hundred ninety five I Katherine Wulfris of Paultons in the Parish of
Eling and County of South[amp]ton Spinster being GOD be praised of sound
mind and memory doe willingly and freely resigne my soul into the
hands of GOD my CREATOR nothing doubting of his infinte mercies and
pardon through the merits of Jesus Christ my Redeemer and of everlasting
happiness in the Kingdom of Heaven And for my body I comitt it to the
earth from whence it came to be decently buried in the Parish Church of
St Lawrence in the Town of Southampton by my executrix hereafter named
And for the charges or expenses doe allow and appoint the sum of Twenty
pounds And for that estate which it hath pleased GOD to bestow upon me I
doe appoint to be disposed of as hereafter followeth vizt
Imprimus I doe give
and bequeath unto my loving neece Anne Hooper wife of Edward Hooper Esq
the sum of Five pounds and my silver tankard and to Edward Jane
and Thomas Hooper sons and daughter of the said first mentioned Edward
and Jane the sum of Five pounds a peece to each and every of them
Item I
doe give and bequeath to Anne Hacker Widow of London my neece and only
daughter of my brother John Wulfris sometime of London Merchant the sum
of Twenty pounds if she be living at the time of my decease If not to her
[page 2 folio 162 recto]
eldest son or child that shall attain the age of Twenty one yeares And for
want of such issue Then to remain to my executrix hereafter named provided
nevertheless that in case the said Ann Hacker or her child have the said sum
of Twenty pounds paid or rendered to them or any of one them within one
yeare after my decease or the yeare appointed payable they forthwith sign a
full discharge thereof and also release remitt and for ever acquitt under hand
and seale all ........ demands and pretences of right whatsoever to all and
any part of my Estate both real and personall And if they refuse or neglect
to give such discharge and release Then I give in lieu thereof only Five shillings
to barr and hinder her and them form any part of my estate to be rendered and
paid as the said Twenty pounds last above said is ordered and declared
which said Legacy is thus precautioned ........ and restrained because my
Mother and my self have left treble the value of all the Estate I leave by the
said John Wulfris Father of the said Ann Hacker my said Mother leaving
me her sole executrix As by her last Will and Testament may fully may
Item I give and bequeath to my loving Nephew William Stanley
eldest son of George Stanley of Paultons abovesaid the sum of Ten pounds
and to his son George Stanley his only child the sum of Five pounds Item I
give and bequeathto my loving Nephews George Stanley son of my said
Brother George Stanley And to my loving Nephew Edward Stanley fourth
son of my said Brother Stanley the like sum of FIve pounds
Item I give
devise and bequeath unto Thomas Stanley third son of my said Brother
George Stanley of Paultons aforesaid my dwelling house in Southampton
in the high street in which Mr Browman is the present tenant and
inhabitant together with the Garden and Stable thereunto belonging and
all the rights thereof to him the said Thomas Stanley his heires and
Assignes forever And if he dye without heir of his body begotten in marriage
Then I give it to Edward Stanley his youngest Brother And for want of
..... in marriage by Edward Then I give the said house to George Stanley
his Brother second son of my Brother George Stanley abovesaid and his
heirs and Assignes for ever Nevertheless my will and meaning is That my
executrix herefater named shall have and receive the first four yeares rents
that shall become due after my decease towards th satisfaction and paym[en]t
of my Legacies hereby charged
Item I give and bequeath to the Minister of
Weller? parish where I usually went to Church that shall happen to be
incumbent there at the time of my decease the sum of Twenty shillings & To
the poore of Eling Parish the sum of Twenty shillings
To my Sister Mrs
Jane Stanleyes chief maid what waites on her the sum of Twenty shillings
To the maid that waites on me in my chamber the sum of Twenty shillings
my Brother Stanleys Coachman the sum of Ten shillings and to all and every
other of his domestick meniall and household servants resident in the Family at
the time of my decease the sum of Five shillings apeece All which last mentioned
small legacies of Twenty shillings and under I desire may be paid and discharged
within one month after my decease And the plate bequeathed Mrs Hooper to be
delivered in six dayes after my decaese And further ThatMrs Hackers Legacy be
delivered in six dayes after my decease And further That Mrs Hackers Legacy be
paid or rendered as is above directed And that all other Legacies above Twenty
shillings in value above charged and given shall not be payable till four
yeares after my decease And in case my Legatee shall happen to dye before his
or her Legacy be equally divided and paid to my Brother Stanleys younger
Sons George Thomas and Edward Stanley and the survivor or them Item I give
[page 3 folio 162 verso]
and bequeath untomy loving Sister Mrs Jane Stanley my great Bible
in which is a nsefull Concordance and also my great China dish or bason.
And my other great Bible which is guilded I doe give unto my Nephew and
well beloved Kinsman George Stanley second Son of my said loving Brother
and Sister George and Jane Stanley abovesaid which said last mentioned
Bibles and dish or bason I desire may be delivered to my said Sister and
Nephew in six dayes after my decease Item my debts and Funerall expences
with all Legacies hereby charged as abovesaid is directed All the rest residue
and remainder of my Estate personall and of right belonging to me I give
and bequeath unto my deare and well beloved Neece Mary Stanley only
'daughter of my Brother and Sister George and Jane Stanley aforesaid
which said Mary Stanley I doe hereby declare nominate and appoint to be
my sole executrix to and of this my last will and Testament hereby also
revoking and making void all former and other wills made by me or
any one for me And I doe desire my loving Brother George Stanley and
Edward Hooper my loving Nephew to be my overseers for the performance
of this my last Will and Testament and doe give them Five pounde apecce Also if any difference
or dispute shall or do harm about or concerning any thing contained in
this my last Will and Testament I desire and it is my will and request
That the full decision umpirage and determination be fully and wholly
left to my Overseers herein last named Desiring that love and Peace may
alwayes be preserved amongst them Lastly I doe hereby will and appoint and
further declare that if my Executrix shall soe happen to dye before
marrying That then the whole advantage and benefitts she has hereby may
be equally divided between her Brothers and the survivors of them William
George Thomas and Edward Stanley And in full testimony and declatration
of the promises I doe hereunto sett my hand and seal the day and yeare first
above written Katherin Wulfris In the devize of the house to Thomas
Stanley in the Thirty third line is interlined | Together with the Garden and
Stable therunto belonging and all the rights thereof And further this Will is
written on Statute stamped paper in two sheetes the first containing Fifty
two lines with the word (my) also twice interlined the word (that)
in the margin of the last line bu one and this above written containing
Twenty one lines being both sealed together And then signed sealed and published
and declared in the presence of us John Padington Thomas Arthur Arthur
- ↑
"England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858"
The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 11; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 433
Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Record 5111 #716404 (accessed 11 March 2024)
Will of Catherina Walfres, granted probate on 20 Jan 1695. Died about 1695 in Elma, Hampshire, England.
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