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Will of Charles Hacker of Newark upon Trent, 1720

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This is a transcription of the original will of Charles Hacker of Newark upon Trent, Nottinghamshire, Gentleman. Charles drew up his will on 24 April 1719 when he was sick, and his inventory was drawn up on 26 April 1719. The will was proved at the Archdeaconry Court of Bingham by his daughter Elizabeth Swift on 1 April 1720. [1]

Transcription conventions used in this text:

  • Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
  • The text was originally in one block of text. Paragraph breaks at change of bequest ("Item"), and bold text for names have been added for ease of reading.
  • Where present, ff has been rendered as F, and the old letter Thorn has been rendered as th.
  • Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets].
  • Additions and margin notes, where they occur, have been added where indicated in the text.
  • Crossings through, where they occur, have been included Struck out.
  • The image quality was adequate (black and white), and the handwriting legible.

Persons mentioned:

  • Charles Hacker of Newarke upon Trent Testator
  • my Dear Wife not named in the will. Bequeathed £20 and some household items
  • my Sone Charles Hacker Rector of Widmerpool in Leicestershire. Forgiven debts and bequeathed £20
  • my Grand Sone Robert Hacker son of the Rector. Bequeathed £10
  • my Grand Daughter Arabella Hacker daughter of the Rector, Bequeathed £10
  • Robert Hacker Esq relationship not given. One Guinea for a ring
  • Mr John Hacker relationship not given. One Guinea for a ring
  • my Daughter Elizabeth Swift Executrix and residuary legatee
  • witnesses:
    • Wm Green
    • Tho Johnson
    • John Harston

In the Name of God Amen, I Charles Hacker of Newarke upon Trent in the County of Nottingham Gentleman
Being Sick but of perfect mind & memory (thanks be given to God for the same) therefore considering the certainty of Death
& the uncertainty of the time thereof, do make & ordain this my Last Will & Testament in Manner & Form
Following (that is to say) first & principally I commend My Soule into the hands of Almighty God my Maker
Trusting and Assuredly believing by & through the Merits of Jesus Christ my Saviour I shall have free
remission of all my sins & Eternal Life in the World to come, My Body I commit to the Earth to be Buried
by my Executor hereafter named And as concerning suck temporal State werewith it hath pleased God to Bless me
in this Life I give & dispose of the same in Manner & Formes Followeth

Imprimis after my Debts & funerall
expences being paid & satisfied I give unto my Dear Wife the best bed & Beding thereunto belonging six chares
a Table Fireshovel & tongues the little silver Tankard halph a Dosen of silver spoons & Twenty Pounds
of Lawfull monney of Great Britaine to be paid p[e]r my Executor immediately after my Interment.

Item I give unto my Sone Charles Hacker the sume of Twenty Pounds of Lawfull monney to be paid p[e]r my Executor

Item I give unto my Grand Sone Robert Hacker the sume of ten pounds of Lawfull Monney of Great Britaine to be paid
p[e]r my Executor into his Father's hands for the use of my said Grandsone

Item I give unto my Grand Daughter Arabella Hacker the sume of Ten pounds of Lawfull Monney of Great Britaine to be paid
by my Executor into her Father's hands for the use of my said Grand Daughter

Item I do forgive my Sone Charles Hacker the sume of nineteen pounds w[hi]ch he Borrow'd of mee

Item I Give unto Robert Hacker Esq one Guinea to buy him a Mourning Ring & to be paid p[e]r my Executor

Item I Give unto Mr John Hacker one Guinea to buy him a Mourning Ring & to be paid p[e]r my Executor

Last of All I do Give unto my Daughter Elizabeth Swift all remaing [2] goods and --- of --- Bills Mortgages & what ever doth to be Belong, Nominating & Appointing my Daughter Elizabeth Swift [3] my Sole Executor of this
my Last Will & Testament Revokeing all other Former Will or Wills in Wittness hereof I have set my hand & seal
this Four & Twentieth Day of April & in the year of our Lord 1719

Cha Hacker

Signed Seal'd & Published in the presence of us
Wm Green
Tho Johnson
John Harston


  1. Will of Charles Hacker 1720 "Archdeaconry wills for the deaneries of Retford, Newark, Nottingham and Bingham, 1466-1858"
    Catalog: Archdeaconry wills for the deaneries of Retford, Newark, Nottingham and Bingham, 1466-1858 Newark 1694-1722
    Film number: 008071146 > image 2665 of 3041
    FamilySearch Image: 3Q9M-CSNH-339J-7 (accessed 14 March 2024)
  2. sic
  3. The word jurat interlined here

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