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Will of Christoper Bogan Totnes 1603

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National Archives, Kew, England
PROB 11; Piece: 103
Will of Christopher Bogan prob 12 Jan 1603/4

transcribed by Helen Ford , image of will viewable on ancestry

Will of Christopher Bogan of Totnes , 1603
The Laste will and testament of Christofer Bogan of Totnes in the Countie of Devon gent made the nyne and twentith of June in the yeere of the Reigne of Oure Sovereigne Lorde James by the frace of god of England Frannce and Ireland Kinge defend’r of the faythe etc the firste of Scotland the sixe and thirtith Anno Dm’ One Thousand sixe hundred and three
In the name of god amen I Christopher Bogan beinge weakein bodie but of perfect memorie thankes be to god doe make and publishe this my laste will in wrighting the daie and year above written in manner and forme followeing
Firste I bequeathe my Soule into the handes of almightie god and my bodye to be buried in the Churche of Totnes
Item I will and bequeathe unto the poore of Totnes three poundes lawful Englush monye
Item I give to the poore of Magadalene house of Totnes three pounds
Item I give to everie of my sisters a Ringe of goulde of fourtie shillinge price
Item I give an bequeathe unto my Brother John Brogan twentie poundes lawful English moneye
Item I give and bequeathe unto my sister Marie Davis twentie poundes lawful English money
Item I five and bequeathe unto Christopher Sandy hir sonne tenne poundes like lawful English money
Item I give unto John Wakeham five poundes
Item I give unto Edwarde Wallys of Totnes five poundes
Item I give unto Arthure [Lurrcoste?]my servant twentie shillings
Item I give unto Mary Poytington fourtie shillings
Item I give to everie of my Mothers houshold servants tenne shillings
Item I give and bequeathe unto my Brother William Brogan all my quarter parte of the Mannot of Pridm’ster lyeing wth’n the Countie of Devon To have and holde the said quarter parte of the said mannor unto the said William his heires and assignes forever To this intent and in considerac’on of three hundred poundes w’ch I owe unto my said Brother and alsoe for the payment of one Annytye of sixtene poundes yssuyinge and goeinge oute of the saide quarter parte of the saide Mannot unto my Unkle Lawrence Bodleigh [?] duringe the lief of the saide Lawrence at suche tymes and feastes as are lymtted for payment thereof
I give and bequeath unto my wife Ann e Bogan the house wherein I latelie dwelled lieing in Totnes w’ch I had by hir the daide Ann To have and holde the said howse unto the sayde Anne for terme of hir naturall lief The Remainder thereof after hir decesse unto my Daughter Proteza Bogan To have and hold unto the said Proesa dureing hir naturall lief
Item I give and bequeath unto my saide wife Anne Bogan one Annytye or yerelie rent of one hundred poundes currant Englishe monye to be yssuyinge and goeing oute of all or any my Landes and Tenements w’thin the Counties of Devon and Cornwall the mannor aforesaid only exveptyd To have and hold the said Annuytye or yerelie Rent of one hundreth poundes unto the saide Ann and hir assignes fore and dureinge hir natureall lief to be payde unto hir the sayde Anne at the fower moste usuall feastes of the yeere (To weete) the feaste of St Michaell th’archangell the Birthe of O’ Lorde god Th’annuniac’on of O’ blessed Laye Marye the Virgin and the Nativitie of St John Baptist by equall and even porc’ons to be payd dureinge hir lief And yf yt happen the said yeerlie rent or Annuytie of one hundred poundes to be behinde unpayde at any of the feastes aforesaid in w’ch yt oughte to be paide beinge lawfullie demanded That then yt shalbe lawfull for the sayde Anne or her assignes into all or any the Landes or tenements aforesaid lymytted for payment thereof to enter and distreigne and the distresse there take to ympounde and there to deteyne untill the saide Rent w’th th’acc’rages thereof be fullie satisffied & payde whivhe said Annuyitie or yerelie rente soe given and beqqueth’s unto my sayde wief is in fulle satsifacc’on and reompence of all joyntures and dowers whatsoen w’ch shee the saide Anne might after my decasse challenge or clayme in all my landes or tenements wheresoev’
Item I give and bequeath unto my saide daughter Proteza Bogan one yearlie Rent or annuytye of an hundred poundes to be yssuinge and goeinge oute of all my saide Landes and Tenements lyeinge & beinge w’thin the sayde counties of Devon and Cornewall (the Manno’ aforesaid only excepted) To have & to houlde the saide Annuytye or Yerelie Rent of One hundred poundes lawfull Englishe monie ymmediatelie from and after the death of my saide wieg Anne Bogan for and dureinge the whole tyme unto the saide Protoza and hir assignes at the fower principall feaste of the yeare (to weete) the feasts before lymytted for the payment of my saide wiefs Annuytye by equall and even porc’ons And yf it happen the saide Anne Bogan to dye w’thout issue male of hir bodye lawfullie begotten by me the saide Christopher Bogan Then my will intent and meaninge is and hereby I doe give and bequeathe the saide Annuytie or yeerelie rent of one hundreth pounds a yeere unto the saide Proteza Bogan for the whole tyme and terme of foure score yeeres yf shee the saide Proteza happen soe longe to live to begynne after the decess of the saide Anne Bogan and to be levied by waye of distress on all or any the Landes aforesaid lymteed for payment of the former Annuyties and at such feasts and tymees as are before sp’ified
Item I give and bequeath unto my said brother William Bogan all my landes and tenements wheresoev’r lieing and beinge in Devon or Cornewall (formerlie not given or bequeathed) To have and to hold all my said Lands & Tent’s unto my saide Brother William Bogan and to the heires males of his bodie lawfullie begotten And for default of such yssue Then I give and bequeath all my saide Landes and tenements (the mannor before specified only excepted) unto my Brother John Bogan and the heires males of his bodie lawfullie begotten And for defaulte of such yssuethen to the righte heyres of me the saide Christofer Bogan forevermore provyded alwayes and my will intente and true meaning is that yf my said wieg Anne Brogan have any yssue male on hir bodye lawfullie begotten by me the said Christofer Bogan that then my said devise made unto my Brothers William and John or either of them of all or any my Lands or Tenements (the Manno’ before mentioned only excepted) shalbe [ineerlie?] utterlie voide and of none effecte
Item I give and bequeathe unto my brother William Bogan my signett of golde
Item the residue of all my goodes and chattells not given nor bequeathed I give and bequeath unto my loveinge wife Anne Bogan whome I make constitue & appoint the sole & only excecutor of this my last will to be performed accordinge to my trewe intente and meaninge
Sn Christofer bogan Wittness of the signinge and sealligne of this my last will and testament Peter Bogan Wm Bogan John Wakeham

Probate granted 12 Jan 1603/4

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