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Will of Christopher Draper

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Will of Sir Christopher Draper
This is a transcription of the register copy of the Will of Sir Christopher Draper. It was written in July 1580 and proved at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury on 8 June 1581. [1]

Transcription conventions:
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
Crossings through have been included struck out
Paragraph breaks at change of bequest, and bold text are my own for ease of reading.
Where present, the obsolete letter Thorn has been rendered as th, and ff has been rendered as F.
Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets]
The image quality was good and the writing legible.
Non standard spelling as per usual for this time period, which has been transcribed verbatim.

Persons mentioned

Page one

  • Sir Chr[ist]ofer Draper knight and aldermanne of London, Testator
  • the personne of Saincte Dunstane
  • the poore pr[i]son[er]s
  • the poore people dwellinge within the xxvj? wardes of London
  • the mendinge of the highewais betweene London and Langley
  • my sister Gyles late the wief of Clemente Gyles decessed
  • my Sister Sence Ibgrave
  • the poore people of the p[a]rishe of Cam[b]erwell in the Countie of Surreye
  • my brother inlawe Robarte Greene
  • euerie one of his children
  • the poore people of Ratcliff in the p[a]rishe of S..binheathe? in the countie of Midd[lesex]
  • the poore people dwellinge in the parrishe of Saincte Dunstaine in the easte
  • the p[a]rishes of Melton? and Clawson? in the Countie of Leicester
  • John Brooke Iremoun
  • Thomas Stepneye Foownder
  • Margarette Hewett the niesse of Henreye Hewett
  • Chr[ist]ofer Woodroff
  • Chr[ist]ofer Webbe
  • Clemente Draper
  • Henrie Cletherowe
  • Bartholmewe Wornell
  • Thomas Cletherowe
  • the wieffe of Lawrence Greene
  • Kettell of Kinge Langleye
  • Daniell Demers
  • Jonas Fringe Scryvener and his wief
  • Henrie Smarte of Abbots Langleye
  • the poore people in Kinge Langleye and Abbots Langleye
  • Elizabethe Gonson? my goddaughter
  • euerye other of my godchildrenne
  • the poore children harbowred in Christe hospitall in Newgate markette in Londonne
  • the poore people in Saincte Thomas Hospitall in Sowthewark
  • the poore people of Saincte Bartholemewes hospitall in weste Smythefeilde of London

Page two

  • the Ryver of Thames
  • fower poore schollers studyinge in Diuinytie
  • mr Ashebold? and mr Powell
  • everie one of my apprentises and coven[ie]nte? women servanntes
  • Johan Robarte my servannte
  • all my servanntes as well menne as women
  • Richarde Welles my s[er]vannte
  • Robart Smethwicke and his wief
  • the Maister, keepers or wardenes and Communaltie of the
  • arte or misterie of the Iremongers of London
  • fyve honest younge menne
  • my three daughters Bennett Webbe, Bridgette Byllingsleye and Agnes Dixie
  • my sonne in lawe William Webbe
  • my twoe sonnes in lawe Wolstan Dixie and Henrye Byllingsleye

Page three


T. d[omi]ni Chr[ist]oferi

In the name of god amen The xxjth of Julye Anno Domini 1580. And in
the xxijth yeare of the raigne of o[u]r Soveraigne Ladye Elizabethe by the grace of god queene of Englande Frannce and Irelande
defender of the faithe etc./ I sir Chr[ist]ofer Draper knight and aldermanne of London, sicklie and aged, and yet neverthelesse of
of good and perfecte mynde and memorie (praised be oure lorde god therfore) Doe make ordaine and declare this my presente
testamente, conteyninge herein my laste will in manner and forme hereafter expressed (that is to saie) First and principalye
I bequeathe and recommende my soule into the handes of the moste blessed and glorious Trinitie the father the sonne and the
holye ghoste one vccye? trewe god in whome I doe vnfaynedlie? beleeve, trustinge moste assuredlie throughe the merittes of the
deathe and passion of oure onelie Lorde and saviour Jhesus Christe, I haue and shall haue free and cleere remission of
and forgevenes of all my synnes, and after this transitorie lief ended, liefe eu[er]lastinge. And as for this earthlie mansion of
my bodye I will that it shalbe buried in the p[ar]rishe Churche of Saincte Dunstaine in the easte of London whereas I am a parishion[er]
or elsewheare as god in mercie shall dispose for it, in suche decente order and withe suche charges as vnto my executors shalbe thought

Item I bequeathe vnto the personne of Saincte Dunstane for my tithes negligentlie forgotten (if any suche bee) three
shillinges and fower pence.

Item I will that wthin as conveniente speede as maye be after my decease all suche debtes and
dueties as I shall ^ then .... either of righte or conscience, as I haue partlie declared vnto my executorrs hereafter named shalbe well and
trewlie paide, or els(e) order taken howe theie maie be paide.

Item I geve .. and bequeathe to and for the relief of the poore pr[i]son[er]s
in theise seu[er]all prisonnes, to witte, Ludgate, Newgate, the twoe Compters in London, the Queenes Benche, the Marshallsea,
the white Lydy and the Compter in Sowthwarke threescore and eighte poundes, to be distributed amonnges theme at and by
the discretion of my executors wthin the space of seaventeene yeares nexte after my deceasse (that is to saie) by fower poundes a

Item I bequeathe vnto and for the relief of the poore people dwellinge within the xxvj? wardes of London accompting
Sowthwarke for one (viz) to evere warde fortie shillinges, som[m]e fiftietwoe poundes, to be distributed at and by the discretion
of my executors.

Item I geve and bequeathe towards the mendinge of the highewaies betweene London and Langley in Hertfordshere threescore poundes, to be bestowed by the discretion of my executors within the space of fower yeares next
after my deceasse.

Item I geve and bequeathe vnto my sister <...erasure...> Gyles late the wief of Clemente Gyles decessed
the som[m]e of fyve poundes of lawfull monneye of Englande.

Item I geve and bequathe vnto my Sister Sense Ibgrave
the like som[m]e of fyve poundes.

Item I
geve and bequathe vnto the poore people of the p[ar]rishe of Cam[b]erwell in the Countie
of Surreye twentye shillinges to be distributed at the discretion of my ^ said executors.

I geve and bequeathe vnto my brother
inlawe Robarte Greene the som[m]e of twentie m[ar]kes, to be paide vnto him at the discretion of my executors.

Also I geve &
bequeathe vnto euerie one of his children[ne] fortie shillinges in monneye to be paide vnto theme as theie shall seu[er]allie comme
to and accomplishe thage of one and twentie yeares or be married.

Item I geve and bequathe vnto the poore people of
Ratcliff in the p[ar]rishe of Stebinheathe? in the countie of Midd[lesex] three poundes sixe shillinges eighte pence in monneye to be
distributed at and by the discretion of my executors.

Item I bequeathe to and amonnges the poore people dwellinge in the
parrishe of Saincte Dunstaine in the easte aforesaide, and in the p[ar]rishes of Melton? and Clawson? in the Countie
of Leicester tenne poundes to be distributed amonnges theme at the like discretion of my executor.

Item I bequeathe
vnto John Brooke Iremoun[er] twentie shillinges.

Item I bequeathe vnto Thomas Stepneye Foownder fortie shillinges

Item I bequeathe vnto Margarette Hewett the wieffe of Henreye Hewitt twentie markes in monneye.

Item I bequeathe
vnto Chr[ist]ofer Woodroff the like somme of twentie markes in monneye, to be paied vnto him when he shall accomplishee
thage of twentie and one yeares.

Item I bequeathe vnto Chr[ist]ofer Webbe the somme of twentie poundes in monneye to be paide vnto him when he shall accomplishe thage of one and twentie yeares.

Item I bequeathe vnto Clemente Draper,
Henrie Cletherowe, Bartholmewe Wornell and Thomas Cletherowe to euerie one of theme fortie shillinges in monney
and a blacke gowne of the price of tenne shillinges a yarde.

Item I bequeathe vnto the wieffe of Lawrence Greene a
blacke gowne of the price of thirtene shillinges fower pence a yarde.

Item I bequeathe vnto {empty space} kettell of
Kinge Langleye a blacke gowne of the price of tenne shillinges ayarde.

Item I bequeathe vnto Daniell Demers and
his wief to either of theme a blacke gowne.

Item I bequeathe vnto Jonas Fringe Scryvener and his wief to either of
theme a blacke gowne.

Item I bequeathe vnto Henrie Smarte of Abbots Langleye tenne shillinges.

Item I bequeathe
vnto the poore people in Kinge Langleye and Abbots Langleye fortie shillinges to be distributed amonnges theme at the
discretion of my of my executors.

Item I bequeathe vnto Elizabethe Gonson? my goddaughter fortie shillinges, and to euerye
other of my godchildrenne beinge in lief at the tyme of my deceasse tenne shillinges a peece.

Item I bequeathe vnto
twentie poore mayden marriage tenne poundes to be distributed at the like discretion of my executor.

Item I bequeathe<br/< towardes the relief and succors of the poore children[ne] harbowred in Christe hospitall in Newgate markette in Londonne
twentie and fower poundes.

Item I bequeathe towardes the relief and succors of the poore people in Saincte Thomas
Hospitall in Sowthewark fiftie poundes.

Item I geve and bequeathe towardes the releif and succo[r]s of the poore
people of Saincte Bartholemewes hospitall in weste Smythefeilde of London twentie and fower poundes.

Item I

[Page two]
geve and bequeathe towardes the repayringe and clensinge of the Ryver of Thames twentie poundes.

Item I geve and
bequeathe the mainteynannce of fower poore
schollers studyingein, Diuinytie (that is to saie) ^ to twoe in Oxford
and to twoe in Cambridge fower poundes yearlie duringe the space of seaven yeares next after my decease (viz to
eu[er]ye of theme twentie shillinges apeece to be bestowed at the discretion of my executors.

Item I will ^that all suche
legacies and bequeastes as by this my presente testamente haue no speciall tyme appointed for the paymente of
theme shalbe paide within the space of twoe yeares nexte and ymmediatlie ensuinge after my decease.

Item I
will that mr Ashebold? and mr Powell shall preache within one yeare nexte after my decease twoe and fiftye
s[er]mons, thowe half of the sayde s[er]mons to be preached in the p[ar]rishe of St Dunstanes in theaste, and thother half
to be preached in the parrishe Churche of Kinges Langleye, and I doe geve vnto theme for theire paines to be taken in thee
same twentie markes in monneye.

Item I bequeathe vnto everie one of my apprentises and coven[ie]nte? women servanntes
wch shalbe dwellinge wth me at the tyme of my deceasse coates and
cassockes of blacke clothe at the discretion of my executors

And I doe geve vnto Johan Robarte my servannte fortie shillinges in monneye.

And also my will and mynde is that
all my servanntes as well menne as women wch shalbe dwellinge with me at the tyme of deceasse shalbe kept together
in my howse for the space of one monnethe nexte after my deceasse, and I will that duringe that tyme theie shall
haue sufficiente meate, drinkes, lodgeinge and other necessaries to be borne and paide by my executors and thee?
resydence of my childrenne equallie amonnges theme, And I desire my saide executors and the resydence of mym
childrenne to deale charitablie withe Richarde Welles my s[er]vannte accordinge to theire good discretions to bestowe some
thinge on him.

Item I pardon and forgeve Robart Smethwicke and his wief all suche som[m]e of monneye as theie
or either of theme doe owe vnto me by accompte or otherwise so that the same Robert Smethwicke and his wief
doe vppon requeaste vnto theme made by my executors make vnto my saide executors a sufficiente generall acquitannce
in the lawe of all actions and demandes wch theie or either of theme maie haue or clayme againste me the saide S[ir]
Chr[ist]ofer Draper.

Item I geve and bequeathe vnto the Maister, keepers or wardenes and Communaltie of the
arte or misterie of the Iremongers of London one hundreth poundes of lawfull monneye of Englande to be
paide vnto theme by my executors within the space of twoe yeares nexte after my deceasse, vppon this condicion
and to the intente and purpose hereafter specified, that is to saie, that theye the same maisters keepers or wardens
ymmediatlye after the receipte therof shall delyver and putte forthe the same hundreth poundes vnto fyve honest
younge menne free of the saide arte or misterie of Iremongers viz? to deale everie of theme twentie poundes
a peece, therwth to occupye for twoe whole yeares for theire owne beste profitte and advantage, and theie
and everie of theme puttinge in sufficient suretyes for the repaymente thereof at thende of the same twoe
yeares. And my will is that the saide fyve younge menne shall equallie amonnges among theme paye vnto thee
saide mrs and wardens for theire paines to be taken in the premisses the som[m]e of fortie shillinges, And also shall
paye for the makinge of the bondes of assurance for the repaymente therof, And at thende of the same twoe
yeares, then I will that the same hundrethe poundes shalbe putte forthe into the handes of other fyve younge
menne of the saide arte or misterye of the Irenmonngers of London for twoe other whole yeares by theme to bee
occupyed and vsed to theire beste proffytte in manner and forme aforesaide. And for the same mrs, keepers or
Wardens and theire Successors wch from tyme to tyme hereafter shalbe ^to putte owte the saide hundred poundes
into the handes of fyve honneste younge menne not beinge in the lyverye of the saide companye of Irenmongers
in manner and forme ^before declared from twoe yeares vnto twoe yeares duringe the contynewannce of this world
by the grace of god. The resydewe of all and singuler my goods, chatteles, plate, Jewelles, readye monnies, stuffe
of howsehold debtes and other thinges by me herein not bequeathed (after my debtes beinge paide my Fun[er]all
expenses wch my executors shall disbursse and thinke meete to be expended firste beinge deducted and allowed
and theise my Legacies herein bequeathed performed I geve and bequeathe vnto and amonnges my three
daughters Bennett Webbe, Bridgette Byllingsleye and Agnes Dixie equallye betweene theme, to bee devyded parte and parte lyke Provided allwayes and my verye will and mynde is that if any personne or persons
to whome I haue geven or bequeathed anye legacie or bequeaste be not contented therwithe but doe vexe or
trowble my executors for anye matter, that then my legacie or bequeaste vnto theme and everie of them made
in this my presente testamente shalbe vtterlie voyde and of none effecte vnto theme and any of theme.

Fynallie I make, name, and ordayne my sonne in lawe William Webbe my sole and onelie executor of this
my laste will and testamente. And I constitute and appointe to be overseers therof my twoe sonnes in lawe
Wolstan Dixie and Henrye Byllingsleye, And to either of the same my ou[er]seers for his paines & travell
in that behalf to be taken[ne], I bequeathe a blacke gowne, And I revoke ad...late, frustrate and vtterlie
adnulle all and everie other former testamente legacies executors and overseers by me at anye tyme hertofore
made named ordayned appointed and bequeathed, And I will that this my presente testamente withe

[Page three]
the legacies executors and ouerseers herein bequeathed named ordeyned and appointed shalbe and be acconpted for my verye?
laste will and testamente and none other or otherwise. In witness wherof I the saide Chr[ist]ofer Draper haue vnto this my
p[re]sente testamente and laste will sette my hande and seale, the daies and yeares abovewrittten[ne], Theise personnes hereafter named
beinge witnesses by me herevnto speciallie called and desyred (that is to saye) per me Chr[ist]ofer Draper) Sealed reade and
delyvered declared for the laste will of the same S[ir] Chr[ist]ofer the daie and yere abovesaied in the howse of the same S[ir] Chr[ist]ofer
in London, In the presence of us Jonas Fringe Scr[ivener], by me William Wyckyns, by me Ambrose Pytes, by me Will[ia]m

The Codicill to be annexed vnto my laste will and testamente, which I will shalbe reputed
and taken as p[ar]cell of my saide laste will, and the giftes legacies and bequeastes hereafter mentioned I will shalbe paide
by my executors in suche manner as is hereafter specified made and declared by me S[ir] Chr[ist]ofer Draper knight the xxviijth
daie of October 1580. Anno xxijth Elizabeth regine.
Item I geve and bequeathe vnto Agnes Dixie the wief of Wolstan
Dixie Aldermanne, and vnto Bridgette Billingsleye the wief of Henrie Billingsleye to either of theme the som[m]e of one
hundrethe poundes of lawfull monneye of Englande, to be paide vnto theme at thende of one yeare nexte ensuinge after
my deceasse, if theie be then lyvinge, Chr[ist]ofer Draper./

Probate in Latin
Probatum fuit suprascriptum testamentum apud London. Coram venerabili viro m[agist]ro will[i]mo
Drurye legum doctore curie prerogatiue Cantuarien[..] commissario etc. Octavo die mensis Junij Anno
Domini mill[es]imo quingentesimo octogesimo primo. Juramento John[..]ins Lewes notarij publici procuratoris Will[i]mi Webbe
executoris etc. Cui com[m]issa fuit administrat[i]o bonore? etx. et bene etc. Jurat/..?

Research Notes


  1. Will of Sir Christopher Draper, Alderman of London
    Reference: PROB 11/63/312
    Description: Will of Sir Christopher Draper, Alderman of London
    Date: 08 June 1581
    Held by: The National Archives, Kew

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