
Will of Christopher Duggleby 1703 Yorkshire

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Date: 1703
Location: Driffield, Yorkshire, Englandmap
Surnames/tags: Duggleby Wills
This page has been accessed 45 times.

Will of Christopher Duggleby

Will of Christopher Duggleby of Great Driffield

The probate bundle for Christopher Duggleby (or Dugleby) consists of a bond. a handwritten will and an inventory.

Conventions used in the transcript Text in italics has been translated from Latin. Text in square brackets fills out abbreviations used in the original documents. The spelling and grammar has been slightly modernised, but the capitalisation is as in the original.
The inventory and will were hand-written. The main body of the bond. however, was a printed standard formula, with gaps left for the individual's details to be filled in; this information is shown in bold type. I have mainly followed the layout of the originals, for ease of comparing the transcript with the photocopies.

~ Ellen (Duggleby) Reid


Let all men in the present know that we, John Duggleby of Great Driffield in the County of Yorkshire Yeo[man] and Christopher Hudson of the same place, gent. are held and firmly obliged by the sale of this brief from Jacob/James Foill S: G: P:, Prebendary of the aforesaid Prebend of Driffield an paid for the said brief in Thirty pounds of good and legal English money to he paid to the same venerable man or to his certain Attorneys, Executors or Administrators, for making which payment well and faithfully we bind ourselves and our heir, Executors and Administrators. Given by' our seals the Second day of the month of December in year of the Lord 1703.

The Condition of this Obligation is such. that if [th]e above bounden Jo[hn] Duggleby do well & hereby Administer all [th]e goods & Chattells of Christopher Duggleby late of Driffeild dec[eas]ed

And do pay his Debts and Legacies so far as his goods will extend and Law shall bind h [im], if also h[e] do exhibit into the s[ai]d Prebends Office a true and perfect Inventory of all and singular the Goods, Rights. Credits, and Cattels Chattels of the said Deceased, and do make a true and just Account of the same when he shall be thereunto lawfully called. And. moreover, if need require, enter into further Bond with more sufficient sureties for performance of the premises as the Judge of the said Court for the time being shall think requisite and needful. And. lastly, do save and defend and harmless keep the above named Prebendary and all his Officers and Ministers, against all persons by reason of the premises. Then this present Obligation to be void and of none Effect, or else to remain in full force and virtue.

Signed & Delivered in the presence of: [signed] Jacob Costobady [signed] John Duglebey [signed] Chr[istopher] Hudson

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