Location: England

The Will of Christopher Osborne was written 4 April 1599 and proved on 21 April 1600 Administration to Joanne Osborne the relict. Death location unknown, probably London.[1]
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the register copy. Capital F is rendered as F rather than ff. Abbreviations are expanded and additions noted in [square brackets]. Paragraph breaks (where added) and bold text for names are my own for ease of reading. Difficult to read in places.
People mentioned in the Will.
- Christopher Osborne (testator)
- Peter Osborne (father, deceased)
- Anne Osborne (mother)
- John Osborne (eldest brother)
- Henrie Osborne (brother)
- Mres Bell (sister)
- Mrs Cheke (sister)
- Mrs Rowse (sister)
- Mrs Duncombe (sister)
- Mrs Smith (sister)
- Susan Osborne (sister)
- Dorothy Osborne (sister)
- Humfrey Connisbie esquire (subject of lawsuit)
- Richard Osborne (brother, deceased)
- Robert Grannger (debtor)
- John Osborne (son)
- John Kinge (servant)
- William Harwood/Harward of Windsor, Canon
- Robert Harward his son
- William Harwarde his son
- Anne Umbervile his daughter (cousin)
- James Osborne
- Witnesses: Henry Osborne, Jerom Thuker, Margarett Bourmann, Georg Osborne, John Kinge, John Osborne, He. Spiller
- Christofer Osborne (godson, nephew)
- Joanne (wife, named in probate)
In the name of god amen I Christopher
Osborne sonne of Peter Osborne late of London esquire deceased being of perfect remembrannce
thanks be given to god Do make and ordaine my laste will and Testament in manner and forme
followinge First being of a stronge hope in Jhesus Christ of a ioyfull resurrection I will there be
no ceremoniall morninge in black at my buriall savinge for my owne Fammlie Item I give to
my deere mother Mrs Anne Osborne one peece of gilte plate in fashion like a cluster of grapes
for a remembrannce. Allso ^to my eldest brother ^Mr John Osborne I give a Seale Ringe with his Armes
in Collers and my best paire of piscolle gilte and graven with bone. Allso to my brother Henrie
Osborne I give a three corner[e]d trencher salte gilte and my night gowne furred thorough w[i]th
graie [Amis?] Allso to my seaven Sisters Mres Bell Mrs Cheke Mrs Rowse Mrs Duncombe
Mrs Smith Susan Osborne and Dorothy Osborne I give Fortie shillings a peece to
bestowe in some token of remembrannce of me Item I give to my saide brother Henrie Osborne
all the advanntage comoditie and proffitt which I or my executors have or maie have against
Humfrey Connisbie esquire uppon an outlawrie Judgment and execution concerninge an An=
nuitie of five poundes a yeare due to my brother Richard Osborne deceased. Allso I give unto
the said Henrie Osborne all the proffitt advanntage and com[m]oditie w[hi]ch I or my exec[utors] have or
maie have by one obligac[i]on wherein Robert Grannger standeth bounde to the saide Richard
Osborne for the paiment of seaventie and odd poundes the saide Henrie followinge the sute att
his owne chardges. And yf mine executo[rs] shall not suffer or shall hinder the saide Henrie that
he may not enioy the saide Advanntages proffittes and com[m]odities from the saide Humfrey
Conisbie and Robert Grannger . then I give to the saide Henrie Fiftie six poundes in monie
Item I give to my sonne John Osborne one hundred poundes in monie to be paide him at his age
of twentie yeares And two hundred poundes more to be paide him at his age of one and twentie
yeares. And the great Bible in the Languages printed at Antwerpe at the Kinge of Spaines
chardge and all my book[es] besides. Item I give to John Kinge my old servannt twentie poundes
which twentie poundes I will be pr[esen]tlie paide him after my decease. Item I give to my other
servannt[es] Fortie shilling[es] a peece. Item I praie my clark[es] to have great care to perfect up
my Exchequer business and I will they be doble paide the ordinarie Fees for such thing[es] they
shall doe item whereas William Harwood of Windsor Cannon deceased did seale twoe
Feofm[en]tes unto me amongst others bearing date the Fifteenth of Maie in the one and thirteth
yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Ladie Queene Elizabeth the one of the Mannor
of Winckell[es] in Braie to the use of Robert Harward sonne of the saide William in taile and
[Page 2]
and the other of Landes called Thomas Thomasis and Westes to the use of William Harwarde[s]
sonne allso of the saide William the Cannon as maie appere by the Feofmentes which were fullie
executed accordinge to the purporte and possession delivered me to the uses therein contained and
were read and inrowled in Bray Courte accordinge to the custome I will theise feoffment[es] be
delivered and to the kepinge of my saide Brother Henrie Osborne w[i]th a little chest of evidence
concerninge them whome I praie to take care they maie be delivered to the children they conc[er]ne
when they come of age Item I give to my Cosen Anne Umbervile Daughter of the saide Wm
Harward the Cannon twentie poundes to be paide her in fower yeares after my decease by five
poundes a yeare. Allso whereas I and my wife have made to James Osborne one Lease of
the Capitall messuage of Northfambridge in Essex w[i]th diverse Landes therein contained
and one lease allso iointlie w[i]th my saide mother Anne Osborne and my saide Brother
Henrie Osborne of the Mannor of Southfambridg in Essex as by those lease[s] now in
beinge maie appeare. I chardge my saide wife before god that the saide James paieinge
and doinge as by those leas[es] he ought to doe that she suffer the saide James to ennoie those
Leas[es] accordinge to theire purporte. And yf the saide Leas[e] of Northfambridge shallbe
evicted from the said James and his Assignes so that they einoie it not by reason of my
wives title then I give to the saide James five hundred poundes so as allso the saide James
paie and do as he ought by his lease. And yf the lease of Southfambridge be lykewise
evicted the saide James likewise paienge and doinge as he ought by that lease by my wives
title then I give him allso two hundred poundes Item I do ordaine my dere beloved wife my
Executor to whome allso I give the yssues and proffitt[es] of all my lande in England for Tenn
yeares after my decease. And the residue of my goodes before unbequeathed. In witnes where
of I have sette my hande and seale the fourthe daie of Aprill in the one and Forteth yeare
of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Ladie Elizabeth by the grace of god of England France
and Ireland Queene Defender of the Faith &c one thousand five hundred nintie nine
The premiss[es] written in this sheete paper on two sides and one peece of another side before I
Christopher Osborne aforesaide one of the sonnes of Peter Osborne above written of London
esquier deceased Do testifie to be the last will and Testament of me the said Christopher
Osborne, and that it was written everie worde by my owne hande And I fullie acknowledg
my Friends and Folk underwritten to setto theire handes the daie and yeare above written
Per me Chr; Osborne Henry Osborne Jerom Thuker Margarett Bourmann Georg
Osborne John Kinge A codicil annexed to my saide will the Fifteenth of Aprill one thou
sande six hundred Item I give to my saide sonne John one hundred poundes more to be be paid
him at his age of twentie one yeares. And yf he dye before twentie one yeare of his age I
quit my wife of all his leagacies of Fower hundred poundes And I will my godson [Christ]ofer
Osborne my saide brother John sonne shall have all my book[es] and Fortie poundes in monie
yf John my sonne die before xxltie yeare of his age Chr: Osborne, Witness[es] John Osborne
He: Spiller
- ↑
"England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858"
The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 11; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 95
Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry uk Record 5111 #943802 (accessed 19 October 2023)
Will of Xpoferi Osborne, granted probate on 21 Apr 1600. Died about 1600.
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